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Rachael ray Çeviri İspanyolca

75 parallel translation
Rachael Ray's 30-Minute Meals.
"Haga una comida en 30 minutos".
Annie saw it on Rachael Ray.
Annie lo vio en el programa de Rachel Ray.
Like nipple hair or rachael ray's face.
Los pelos en los pezones o las comedias baratas...
Inventing foreskins, salsa dancing and rachael ray's face Captain hero, narrating : people weren't happy that spanky and i were in control,
La gente no estaba contenta de que Spanky y yo tuviéramos el control...
Rachael Ray says that it adds a little crunch.
Rachael Ray dice que eso la hace un poco crujiente.
Boby Flay, Rachael Ray, look out... here comes Lana Lang.
Barby Flay, Rachael Ray, cuidado. Aquí viene Lana Lang.
I'm hoping that santa claus will give me rachael ray for christmas, and then maybe she can handle it.
Espero que Papa Noel me traiga Rachael Ray para Navidad, y entonces tal vez posso lidiar con eso.
I am recovering. Oprah told me that I need to take control of my life, and then Dr. Phil told me that I need to take on a challenge, and then Rachael Ray made a pie.
Oprah me dijo que necesito tomar control de mi vida, y entonces el Dr. Phil me dijo que necesito enfrentar un reto, y entonces Rachel Ray hizo un pastel.
Rachael Ray was on "Leno." We got hungry.
Rachael Ray estuvo en "Leno". Nos dio hambre.
And Rachael Ray.
Y Rachael Ray.
Shit, we'll fuck Rachael Ray, right after that shit.
y luego lo haría con Rachael Ray inmediatamente después.
They're munching me harder than Rachael Ray chowing down eggs Benedict on $ 40 a Day.
Me mastican más fuerte que Rachael Ray devorando huevos a la benedictina en 40 Dólares al Día.
Yeah, I got that, rachael ray.
Sí, tengo que, Rachael Ray.
Man, you're like the Rachael Ray of weed.
Hombre, eres como Rachael Ray de la hierba.
Rachael Ray!
Rachael Ray!
I can do anything! Diner is almost ready. I'm doing one of Rachael Ray's 30 minutes meals. But I'm saving 10 minutes by not being all fake and smiley.
¡ Puedo hacer cualquier cosa! Me ahorro 10 minutos por no ser falso y sonreír.
I made the pumpkin risotto that we saw on Rachael Ray's "Seasons of Summer" special.
Hice el risotto de calabaza que vi que hizo Rachel Ray en la televisión.
We don't need no spicing up, Rachael Ray, we're yummo as it is.
No necesitamos ninguna condimentación. Rachael Ray, estamos bien como estamos.
WOR, Rachael Ray, Howard Stern, Cutting Room.
WOR, Rachael Ray, Howard Stern, Cutting Room.
Let's watch Rachael Ray instead.
Mejor veamos Rachel Ray.
The loser got so excited, halfway up the stairs, he creams himself, and I get home in time to watch Rachael Ray.
El perdedor estaba tan excitado, que acabó el mismo a mitad de la escalera. Y yo llegué a casa a tiempo para ver a Rachael Ray.
Rachael Ray, because I've always wanted to know how to cook.
Rachael Ray, porque siempre he querido aprender a cocinar.
Is that the thing with, uh, Rachael Ray's face on it?
¿ Esa cosa con la cara de Rachel Ray?
It's good enough for rachael ray, But whatever, right?
Suficientemente bueno para Rachael Ray, pero lo que tú digas, ¿ no?
Rachael Ray?
Rachael Ray?
Rachael Ray's husband pays chicks to spit on him.
El marido de Rachel Ray paga a chicas para que le escupan.
You know I'd drop anything for you, even if what I was doing was photoshopping my HDD onto rachael Ray's body, then photoshopping that onto a "time" magazine that said "she-man of the year."
Ya sabes, yo dejaría cualquier cosa por ti, incluso si lo que estaba haciendo era photoshopear mi "disco duro" en el cuerpo de Rachel Ray, y luego photoshopear eso en una revista Time en la que pone "la transexual del año."
Rachael Ray's the devil.
Rachael Ray es el diablo.
Time for Rachael Ray.
Es hora de Rachael Ray.
What am I, Rachael Ray?
¿ Quién soy, Rachael Ray?
He's measuring for a new convection oven... the same one Rachael Ray uses.
Está midiendo para ponernos un nuevo horno de convección... el mismo que usa Rachael Ray.
Yesterday I caught him vacuuming and watching Rachael Ray.
Anoche lo encontré pasando la aspiradora y viendo Rachel Ray.
Bring down the enthusiasm, Rachael Ray.
Reduce el entusiasmo, Rachel Ray.
- Rachael Ray?
- ¿ Rachel Ray?
Hey, where's your enthusiasm now, Miss Rachael Ray?
Oye, ¿ dónde está tu entusiasmo ahora, Srta. Rachael Ray?
Is it Rachael Ray?
¿ Es Rachael Ray?
Martha Stewart and Rachael Ray.
Martha Stewart y Rachael Ray.
Saw it on Rachael Ray.
Lo vi en una serie de TV.
I saw the recipe on Rachael Ray.
Vi la receta en Rachael Ray.
Rachael Ray.
Rachael Ray.
- Rachael Ray could have a key.
- Rachael Ray podría tener una llave.
Got a Redbook with Rachael Ray on the cover.
Tengo una Redbook con Rachel Ray en la portada.
- Rachael Ray!
- Rachel Ray.
If Martha Stewart and Rachael Ray had an orgy at the craft store and posted photos online,
Si Martha Stewart y Rachel Ray tuvieran una orgía en una tienda de artesanía y colgaran fotos online,
[Sighs] But, you know, if you were, like, Rachael Ray, then he couldn't touch you.
Pero, ya sabes, si fueras como Rachael Ray, no podría tocarte.
I'm nothing like Rachael Ray. Well, you're both appealing in your own different ways.
Bueno, los dos sois atractivos a vuestra manera.
That's what Rachael Ray did.
Es lo que hace Rachael Ray.
[Chuckles] You're obsessed with Rachael Ray.
Estás obsesionado con Rachael Ray.
Rachael Ray.
- Rachel Ray.
Fucking Rachael Ray with her plump ass and shit.
Lo haría con Rachael Ray, y su trasero rechoncho.
What are you talking about?
¿ De qué estás hablando? No tengo nada que ver con Rachael Ray.

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