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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / See what you think

See what you think Çeviri İspanyolca

1,237 parallel translation
Why don't I go over to Harry's office and pick you up a copy of the script, and you can read it yourself, see what you think?
Iré a la oficina de Harry y te traeré una copia el guión para que lo leas y opines, ¿ sí?
Let's see what you think.
Querría saber la opinión de alguien.
Come and see what you think.
Dime que te parece.
Well, we'll see what you think after we get our 100 bucks.
¿ Sí? Bueno, vamos a ver lo que piensas después de que consigamos nuestros 100 dólares.
I want to see what you think.
Quiero saber lo que piensa.
- What is it? I've found something I think you should see.
He encontrado algo que debe usted ver.
What makes you think I wanna see your bony ass?
¿ Por que crees que quiero ver tu culito?
You won't think so when you see what's inside this Ark.
No lo creerás cuando veas lo que hay dentro del Arca.
Listen, Goodwin, don't think I don't see what you're doin'.
Mira, Goodwin, no creas que no sé lo que estás haciendo.
What do you think, Press Secretary? I'll see if I can get it cleared.
- ¿ Qué me dices, secretaria de prensa?
I think I see what you mean, Alfred.
Entiendo lo que quieres decir.
You see an old man in the street with a young girl, what do you think?
Si ves a un viejo con una joven en la calle ¿ que piensas?
Well, what makes you think he'll even see you?
Bueno, ¿ Que le hace pensar que lo verá?
I think it's what you don't want to see that's keeping you out here.
Creo que lo que te retiene aquí es lo que no quieres ver.
I think you'll see what you want.
Creo que verás lo que quieres.
Maybe I want you to see that you are still needed here, no matter what some idiot Starfleet admiral might think.
Solo si no Io logra. Su plan parece que puede funcionar.
For instance, what do you think about when you see a bird?
Por ejemplo, ¿ qué te viene a la mente cuando ves un pájaro?
Think what you want, see what you want.
- Piense lo que quiera. Vea lo que quiera, pero haga lo que le digo.
Don't think I didn't see what you did!
¡ No pienses que no vi lo que hiciste!
What do they see? They think you're a mugger.
Te miran a ti y piensan que eres un atracador.
I am going to take you down and show you to workers on the line... see what they think of you.
Te llevare abajo, para que te vean los trabajadores y vamos a ver que piensan ellos.
So you think I'm going to get to see you again, or what?
¿ Entonces crees que podré volver a verte, o qué?
Big Eye, we think the Loach is down. What do you see?
Ojo Grande, creemos que el Loach se ha estrellado. ¿ Qué ven?
You see, I don ´ t think I could have done what you did.
Ves, yo no creo poder haber hecho lo mismo que tú.
I know what you think about the wire, but you gotta see it.
Sé lo que opinas, pero tienes que verlo.
What? I think you ought to see this.
Ven a ver esto.
No, Rachel, it isn't what you think, see?
No, Rachel, no es lo que piensas, ¿ sabes?
Think you're gonna be very pleased when you see what's inside.
Pienso que estarás muy contento cuando veas qué hay dentro.
What makes you think I'm going to see O'Brien?
¿ Qué le hace pensar que voy a ver a O'Brien?
You know what I think she would like even more... is to see you wear it.
¿ Sabes qué creo que le haría aún más ilusión? - Verte a ti con él puesto.
Why do you think I told you what oracle to go see if Prometheus was ever captured?
¿ Por qué crees que te dije que fueras a ese oráculo si Prometeo alguna vez era capturado?
You see, I... I think that people get on a train... and they don ´ t know what their destination is.
Verán, yo... yo creo que la gente se sube a un tren y no saben cuál será su destino.
You see what I mean? But don't get me wrong. I think that you your brother is a good goddamn chef.
No me malinterpretes, creo que tu hermano es un gran cocinero.
You know, when you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror I think you're probably happy pleased at what you see.
Cuando te levantas y te ves en el espejo yo creo que has de estar contento satisfecho de lo que ves.
What do you think she wants more... to get her house back or see you succeed?
¿ Qué crees que le interese más? ¿ La casa o verte triunfar?
What makes you think the kids want to see you, anyway?
¿ Qué te hace pensar que los niños quieren verte?
They wanna see what he has to say, don't you think so?
Quieren saber qué tiene que decir, ¿ no?
I think probably what you can also see is that Mick had the ability to tap some kind of power...
Seguramente también se observa la capacidad de Mick de ejercer una especie de influencia...
Oh, if you think these are tough, Mr. Hunter, wait till you see what I have in mind for you next year.
Oh, si crees que estos son difíciles, Sr. Hunter, espera a ver lo que tengo en mente para usted el próximo año.
I don't think she'd want you to see what's about to happen.
No creo que ella quisiera que vieras lo que está por pasar.
See, what I think is necessary for you,
Verás, lo que creo que es necesario para ti, supongo que para la mayoría de las personas,
Well, listen see, I know what it is you want from Clark and frankly, I think you've got a lot of nerve.
Bueno, escucha sé lo que quieren de Clark y francamente, creo que son muy descarados.
You mustn't let my father see that. If he catches you with it, there's no telling what he'll do. He'll think you brought the twisters on us.
No deben dejar que mi padre lo vea... si los atrapa con eso, no quiero decir lo que hara... pensara que ustedes trajeron los tornados aqui.
- What do you think about those people... who claim to see the future?
- ¿ Qué quiere de mi? - ¿ Qué piensa sobre esa gente que asegura ver el futuro?
What makes you think I would want to see that? !
¿ Qué te hace pensar que quería ver eso?
Besides, I don't know what you think... we're gonna see out there.
Además, no sé lo que crees que vamos a ver ahí afuera.
Don't you think Fred and Eva might come and see what's going on?
¿ No creen que Eva y Fred pueden venir a ver qué ocurre?
If you think that was amusing, wait till you see what I do next.
Si eso te pareció divertido, observa lo próximo que haré.
Phil, you don't think that... can't you see what he's trying to do?
Phil, no pensarás que... ¿ No ves lo que trata de hacer?
What did you think you'd document? What did you think you'd see?
¿ Qué esperabas ver?
What do you think if she see we put fennel into this?
¡ Si le gusta!

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