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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / Singsong voice

Singsong voice Çeviri İspanyolca

83 parallel translation
Because I have a very good feeling about some outstanding [SINGSONG VOICE] warrants.
Porque tengo el presentimiento que se busca a este hombre
( with singsong voice ) : SOMEBODY'S AWAKE. ( Fitz's laughter echoing )
Hay alguien despierto.
¡ Hola!
[Singsong Voice] BETTY.
¡ Betty!
( Singsong Voice ) Okay, get ready to run!
Bueno, prepárate para correr!
( singsong voice ) WE'RE HERE.
Estamos aquí.
( Singsong Voice ) Come On.
( Singsong Voice ) I Don'knknow...
No lo sé...
i mean, what am i supposed to think every time i want to tape an "oprah" that... ( singsong voice ) " oh, sam might get amnesia.
Me refiero a que... que se supone debo pensar. cada vez que quiero grabar un show de "Oprah" que..
( singsong voice ) Here it is!
¡ Aquí está!
[singsong voice] ro-sari... o.
ro-sari... o
[Man in singsong voice ] Everybody clap your hands. [ all whooping]
Todo el mundo aplauda.
It's--it's always been my desire to make a difference, whether onstage or off, and... ( singsong voice ) I... ( normal voice ) have had cards made. ( laughs )
Siempre... siempre fue mi deseo marcar la diferencia. Fuera o dentro de la escena, y... Yo...
( singsong voice ) I have a surprise for you.
Tengo una sorpresa para ti.
( singsong voice ) Be sure.
( voz cantarina ) Estate segura.
Serena, we need to reestablish Alpha Base... ( singsong voice ) :
Serena, tenemos que restablecer la Base Alpha,
( singsong voice ) filter, mom.
Tacto, mamá.
( singsong voice ) more, please!
¡ Más, por favor!
Well, technically, my hoochie was walked in on... [singsong voice] but, uh, yeah, he still saw it.
Bueno, técnicamente, mi hoochie fue sorprendida... Pero, sí, aún así la vio.
[singsong voice] God, I miss you guys.
Dios, las extrañé.
Gene... [chuckles ] Uh, he, uh, he came over to play with my kids, and he let himself in... [ singsong voice] and kind of saw me coming out of the shower.
Gene... él vino a jugar con mis chicos, y él se metió en... y como que me vio saliendo de la ducha.
( Singsong voice ) Gay trap!
- ¡ Trampa gay!
Te vas a meter en problemas.
Phew. - Thanks. [singsong voice]
Cut loose, ready to get... ( singsong voice ) crunked.
Corte flojo, listo para conseguir... crunked.
( Denise, singsong voice ) All right, monkey.
Muy bien monito.
[Singsong voice] Whitney!
[singsong voice] I can't hear you!
¡ No los puedo escuchar!
[Singsong voice] He looks good.
Está bien.
TAYLOR : ( EN VOZ cantarina ) William!
[Singsong voice] B-b-b-b-blam! Victory dance!
¡ ¿ Esto del sillón es pis de gato?
[Singsong voice] Not yet.
Todavía no.
[Singsong voice] Someone's eating his feelings.
Alguien se está comiendo sus sentimientos.
[Singsong voice] I am dropping it on hos.
Lo estoy soltando en las zorras.
[Singsong voice] You're gonna get better.
Va a mejorar.
Go get your prize, Bert! [singsong voice] So we can get out of here.
Estoy de regreso, y me siento increíble.
[Singsong voice] It's present time!
¡ Es hora de regalos!
Oh-ho-ho! [Singsong voice] There's my homecoming king.
Ahí está mi rey del baile.
Well, it's a good thing I thought ahead and booked us [Singsong voice] a spa day!
Bueno, ¡ menos mal que me adelanté y reservé un día de spa para nosotras!
[singsong voice] All the voices in my head... will be quiet when I'm... dead.
Todas las voces en mi cabeza... estarán tranquilas cuando...
[singsong voice] Nova.
That's all. [Singsong voice] Uh-oh. Did somebody just say "too close too fast"?
Eso es todo. ¿ Alguien acaba de decir "demasiado rápido"?
You've been dating her a month, and as a guy who knows how to treat a woman, [singsong voice] this is how we do it.
Has estado saliendo con ella un mes, y como un tío que sabe cómo tratar a una mujer, así es cómo nosotros lo hacemos.
Oh, kettle corn, candy corn, and last but not least [Singsong voice] bit-o-honey.
Palomitas acarameladas, dulce de maíz, y finalmente, pero no el final, chiclosos de almendra.
[Singsong voice] I got to get this to school!
¡ Tengo que llevar esto a la escuela!
[Singsong voice] Okay, great.
[Singsong voice] Okay, great!
"¡ Genial!"
( singsong voice ) have fun!
¡ Diviértanse!
( singsong voice ) Okay.
[singsong voice] The two of us.
Las dos.
Honey, you know my voice gets all singsong-y when I get nervous.
Cariño, sabes que mi voz se pone rara... cuando me pongo nervioso.

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