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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / Spit it out

Spit it out Çeviri İspanyolca

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You know, you're not my therapist anymore, so if you, like, have an opinion, why don't you just spit it out?
Sabes, ya no eres mi terapeuta, si tienes una opinión ¿ por qué no me la dices?
Spit it out
Vamos, dilo.
Spit it out, what happened?
Di, ¿ qué ha pasado?
Come on, spit it out.
Vamos, escúpelo.
? You're hung up about something Just spit it out!
¿ Qué te ronda por la cabeza?
Spit it out.
Just spit it out.
Simplemente escúpalo.
Spit it out.
Habla de una vez.
You know, tell the truth. Spit it out.
Decir la verdad y todo lo que piensas.
Spit it out, boy! The whole town is talking... telling me to my face that Maria was too fresh. Where were you?
Habla, jovencito, el pueblo es un hervidero... me dijeron en mi cara que María andaba muy alebrestada... y tú, ¿ dónde andabas, tarugo, que no le pusiste freno?
Spit it out, boy...
Habla, muchacho.
What is it? Spit it out!
¡ Dime, cabrón!
Spit it out.
It's just when I put food in my mouth, I chew it, and then I spit it out.
Es sólo que cuando me pongo comida en la boca, la mastico y luego la escupo.
Spit it out.
Doesn't need to be anything between us, spit it out.
No tiene que haber nada entre nosotros, escúpelo.
You haven't seen one? Spit it out!
¿ No lo has visto?
Come on, John. Spit it out.
venga John, escúpelo.
Well, spit it out.
Vale, escúpelo.
Look, if we have a problem, man, just spit it out,'cause I don't speak "bitchy."
porque no entiendo la zorrería.
Hey, one day I chewed up Kenny's sandwich, spit it out and shoved it down his throat.
Oye, un día mastiqué un sándwich de Kenny, lo escupí y se lo metí por su garganta.
- Spit it out.
- Escupe.
- Come on, spit it out, spit it out.
- ¡ Vamos, Kyle! ¡ Escupe eso! ¡ Escúpelo!
If that vow gets stuck in my mouth I'll spit it out.
Si la promesa se me traba en la boca, la escupiré.
I'll spit it out.
.la escupiré.
Spit it out.
¡ Dilo!
I was gonna spit it out, but I think I'll just eat it.
Iba a escupirlo, pero creo que sólo lo comeré.
Spit it out.
¡ Dilo de una buena vez!
Come on, spit it out, man.
Vamos, escúpelo, hombre.
Spit it out, Campbell.
Dilo, Campbell.
Okay, spit it out, so Mussolini doesn't eat you alive.
Bien. Suéltaselo de entrada a Mussolini para que no te coma vivo.
- Spit it out!
- ¡ Escúpelo!
Right after the ceremony, he just spit it out.
Justo después de la ceremonia, él sólo lo dijo.
I don't know.It was just... spit it out so you don't choke on it.
No sé. Solo estaba... Escúpelo, no te ahogues.
I spit it out.
La escupí.
Look, you got something on your mind, just... spit it out.
Mira, tienes algo en tu cabeza, solo... suéltalo.
Spit it out!
¡ Escúpelo!
But he spit it out.
Pero él lo escupió.
Spit it out, now!
¡ Escúpelo, ahora!
Spit it out.
Dime de una vez.
Maybe you should spit it out now... so I don't have to explain to their parents... why they didn't graduate on time.
Quizá deberías hablar ahora... así no tengo que explicarle a los padres... por qué no se graduaron a tiempo.
'Cause if you do, I'd appreciate it if you'd spit it out.
Porque de ser así te agradecería que lo hicieras.
Seems to me, if you have something to confess in exchange it'd only be right that you'd spit it out now.
Me parece que si tienes algo que confesar a cambio sería lo correcto que lo dijeras ahora.
Spit it out.
Diga esto fuera.
Spit it out, Charles.
Dilo de una vez, Charles.
I'm all right... - Dad, just spit it out!
- Estoy bien.
Yeah, come on, spit it out.
- Vamos, continua.
Spit it out.
¡ Escúpelo!
He took a tampon out of Gabby's backpack and stuck it in his mouth and it go real big from his spit.
Tomó un tampón de la bolsa de Gabby, se lo metió en la boca y se puso enorme con la saliva.
Whatever it is, it looks like it's been chewed up and spit out.
Sea lo que sea, lo destrozaro a mordiscos.
Spit it out!
- ¡ Escúpelo! - Escúpelo.

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