Turn that up Çeviri İspanyolca
1,010 parallel translation
Turn that up, Al, and get her rolled up.
Sube eso y tenlo listo, Al.
Turn that up a little brighter, Onstot.
Un poco más de luz, Onstot.
That all you do is stick a seed in the ground, and it pops up before you can turn around.
Y les dice que al sembrar una semilla... pueden verla crecer ante sus ojos.
I want to help turn those lights on again... not to be just a butcher up there, killing other men for some empty victory... for a peace that was only the first shot of a new war.
Quiero ayudar a encender esas luces de nuevo... no sólo ser un asesino y matar hombres por una victoria vacía... para una paz que sólo fue el primer tiro de una guerra nueva.
And I suppose it seems right to you to turn up like that, all 400 of you. What? !
¿ Os parece correcto presentaros los cuatrocientos?
I can't begin to describe how disrespectful it was to turn up at the house like that.
Te presentaste en casa de mi madre de un modo que no quiero definir.
- Look at that turn. Doesn't look like much, but up there, you feel it.
Desde abajo no parece gran cosa pero cuando se está dentro...
Said he was scared he might turn up one that ended up on the hot seat.
Temiendo que pudiera llevarse alguna sorpresa.
I've never been religious or anything like that but now there's only a few hours left and I've been thinking about what you said about standing out there alone tomorrow up against that wall, no priest to turn to.
Nunca he sido religioso ni nada de eso pero ahora solo quedan unas horas y estuve pensando en lo que dijiste acerca de estar parado ahí solo mañana frente al paredón, sin ningún sacerdote a quien acudir.
Stan, turn that card over and we'll see how it'll end up.
Stan, vuelve esa carta y veremos cómo terminará.
Bone, turn your back and get your hands up on that ladder.
Bone, date la vuelta y pon las manos en esa escalera.
But you said that if we wouldn't find it... That if you turn up this time again... I shut the door and that's it. Shut up!
Había dicho que si no lo encontrábamos...
Well, I don't like blinkers. I look in all directions and when I suspect dirt's been swept under a carpet, I turn up that carpet.
A mí no me gusta que me aturdan, miro en todas direcciones y cuando sospecho que se oculta basura bajo una alfombra, la levanto.
But the answer to that is persistence... and the hope that sooner or later something will turn up... some tiny lead that can grow into a warm trail... and point to the cracking of a tough case.
Pero la respuesta a eso es la persistencia... y la esperanza de que tarde o temprano se descubrirá algo... una pequeña pista que puede transformarse en una prueba... que lleve a resolver un caso difícil.
Go up that little hill, then turn right into the woods.
Trepe esa colina pequeña Luego dé vuelta a la derecha en el bosque.
As far as the American side if I had some illegal crossing permits that are numbered wherever they turn up, we've got a complete case.
En cuanto al americano si tuviera permisos ilegales numerados en donde aparezcan, tendremos el caso resuelto.
I wanna see that put-up race of yours turn around and smack you right in the pocket-books.
Quiero ver cómo esa carrera amañada se vuelve contra vosotros y os deja los bolsillos vacíos.
I'm sorry, but an opportunity's come up that's too good to turn down.
Como decía, muy mal, pero, no puedo rechazar una ocasión tan buena.
And, Jo, now that you turn up your hair, you should realize you're a young lady.
Y tú, Jo, ya te recoges el pelo. - Eres una mujer.
When you reach that turn, you crawl along and up to the grill.
Cuando llegues a la curva, te arrastrarás hasta las rejillas.
My dad says that man on the run might turn up here.
Mi papá dice que ese fugitivo puede aparecer aquí.
But is information of that nature likely to turn up at the British Embassy?
Pero información de tal naturaleza, ¿ va a llegar a la Embajada Británica?
Why'd that lousy indian have to turn up to plague me?
¿ Por qué ha tenido que venir ese indio a acosarme?
And when I made that close-up, I had no idea you were gonna turn out to be someone special,
Y cuando yo tomaba este plano, no sabía... que ibas a revelarte, a ser algo muy especial.
When I was a lad, a girl that cluttered up her head with education... was sure to turn out flat-chested and with a squint.
¿ De verdad? Cuando era muchacho, una chica que se complicara la vida estudiando era seguro que se volvía bizca y con el pecho plano.
Good drummer, that's somethin that don't turn up every day.
Alguien que toque la batería no se presenta todos los días.
You said that eggbeater you sold me would beat up eggs wring out dishrags, turn the ice cream freezer and I don't know what all.
Que la batidora batiría huevos... exprimiría trapos, haría helado... - y no sé qué más.
Yes, that. Rouge will turn the mouth up a bit.
El lápiz de labio le dará forma a la boca.
I shouldn't do that if I were you. He'll turn up.
No lo haría si fuera Ud. Él regresará.
If your daddy turned in his grave as often as you say he'd turn in his grave that old man would plow up the graveyard.
Si tu papá se revolcara en su tumba tan a menudo como dices que lo haría ese viejo araría el cementerio.
If we turn up at that address, it can only mean that we've been tipped off... and that the whole Martin story is a plant.
Si nos presentamos en esa dirección, eso sólo puede significar que nos avisaron... y que todo el asunto de Martin es un ardid.
- Every time I turn my back, you're at it again. - That's not true. - Shut up.
- Te doy la espalda y vuelves a empezar - ¡ No es verdad!
And the next thing, a thousand hysterical witnesses... turn up all over the world swearing that Martians are attacking us.
Y lo siguiente que ocurre es que un millar de testigos histéricos... dan la vuelta al mundo jurando que los marcianos nos atacan.
Son, it'd be good for you to turn up those muscles that's give you extra-- -
Profesor, olvídelo. Olvido que este chico pueda ganar.
You say that every time you stick a black pin in the map, people turn up dead?
¿ Dice que cada vez que coloca un alfiler negro, alguien muere?
Now, all we want before we break this up is a promise from you, Mr. chairman, that before you turn in tonight, you'll go out to the cemetery...
Todo lo que queremos, antes de terminar esta reunión, es que nos prometas que antes de irte a dormir esta noche, pasarás por el cementerio...
I hope that the missing boot will turn up very soon.
Espero que la bota extraviada aparezca pronto.
That lamp. Turn it up.
Esa lámpara.
But if ye turn away and forsake my statutes, then I will pluck them up by the roots out of my land which I have given them, and this house which is high shall be an astonishment to everyone that passeth by it, so that he shall say
Mas si os apartáis de mis preceptos y renunciáis a mis mandamientos, os arrancaré de las tierras que os he entregado. Y esta casa ahora tan imponente asombrará a todo el que pasare, y tal será su asombro que dirán :
Someone else will turn up soon, it's not that late.
Alguien vendrá. No es tarde.
All I know is that she'll turn up tomorrow as bright as a button.
Todo lo que sé es que ella se mostrará mañana tan brillante como un botón.
If that old car doesn't turn up, we can simply claim the insurance and buy another one. That'll fix Berger.
Si no aparece el coche, podemos reclamar al seguro y comprar otro.
Turn up that level, will you Georgie.
Sube el volumen, Georgie.
It's only two weeks and maybe by that time somethin'will turn up. Right?
Son dos semanas y tal vez entre tanto surja algo mejor. ¿ De acuerdo?
Wait a minute. You aren't seriously suggesting that if I get through the wire and case everything out there and don't get picked up, to turn myself in and get thrown back in the cooler so you can get the information you need?
Un momento. ¿ Están sugiriendo en serio que si me sale todo bien, cruzo el alambre y no me atrapan, que me entregue para que me encierren y así darles la información que necesitan?
Every time that your little thoughts turn to yum-yum, you push up.
Cada vez que te venga a la cabeza el ñam-ñam, tú aprieta.
I'll turn up the heat so that you'll melt down into little pools of wax.
Han asesinado al señor Ferguson.
So when one of the younger members doesn't turn up for any reason well, what kind of attitude is that towards the group as a whole?
Después del trabajo, de la fábrica. Y los jóvenes prefieren irse de paseo. ¿ Es ésa la actitud de trabajo en equipo?
You sit on a log and turn your back to the fish, or climb up a tree and fall on it or drag it up onshore until a bear tells you that's far enough.
Te sientas y le das la espalda al pez. O te subes a un árbol y te caes. O lo arrastras a la orilla hasta que un oso te para los pies.
Let's back up and see if you can turn that Mt. Everest of manure into a few facts. One :
A ver si de este montón de basura sacamos algo en claro.
They argue that I got no right to give up my singing and my playing and that I got a real talent and I ought not turn my back on it.
Dicen que no tengo derecho a dejar de cantar y tocar que tengo talento y no debo desperdiciarlo.
turn that shit off 26
turn that down 35
turn that off 141
turn that thing off 38
up here 454
update 59
upper 104
upon 29
upset 163
uptown 38
turn that down 35
turn that off 141
turn that thing off 38
up here 454
update 59
upper 104
upon 29
upset 163
uptown 38
upright 26
upstairs 739
upside 40
uptight 38
upstate 42
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
upstairs 739
upside 40
uptight 38
upstate 42
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
upside down 57
up next 81
up yours 130
up top 130
up to you 126
up against the wall 84
up guy 119
up call 187
up the stairs 74
up north 49
up next 81
up yours 130
up top 130
up to you 126
up against the wall 84
up guy 119
up call 187
up the stairs 74
up north 49