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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We'll go out

We'll go out Çeviri İspanyolca

1,502 parallel translation
We'll go hang out, the four of us. Get to know each other. Maybe talk.
Vamos pasamos tiempo juntos, los cuatro nos conocemos un poco, hablamos quizá... intercambiamos saliva.
Go to bed and we'll sort it out tomorrow.
Vete a la cama, mañana lo arreglaremos.
We'll be back to eat before we go out.
Volveremos a comer antes de partir.
We're out of Collins, so I'll go to the store.
No queda mezcla de Collins, voy a la tienda.
We'll go out. We won't talk about wrestling.
No hablamremos de lucha.
Yeah. Frank and me, we'll go suss it out.
Frank y yo iremos a investigar.
Go on the tour and be cool, baby, we'll work it out.
Sigue el recorrido y se genial, bebe, vamos a solucionarlo.
- I don't go out a lot. We'll see.
- No salgo mucho.
- We'll go out and find some sweet.
- Vamos a por chuches.
"So if you go to work, remember, you're gonna play the Wailers, or we're gonna meet you comin'out of work and we'll make sure you don't go back to work unless you play the Wailers."
"Entonces si tu vas a trabajar, tienes que poner a los Wailers, o te iremos a buscar a la salida del trabajo y nos aseguraremos que no vuelvas a trabajar a no ser que pongas" The Wailers "
We'll go in and drive the holograms out.
Entraremos y dirigiremos a los hologramas hacia afuera.
We'll go home, forget this ever happened, we'll clean out the garage, and be done with it.
Vamos a casa, olvidamos que esto paso alguna vez, vamos a limpiar el garaje, y terminamos con ello.
We'll leave early, go check things out, be back by tomorrow night, okay?
Nos iremos pronto, veremos qué pasa y volveremos por la noche, ¿ vale?
Listen, we'll go out to dinner, and then we'll stop by the party.
Escucha, salimos a cenar y después pasamos por la fiesta.
- All right, we'll go out Thursday.
- Está bien, saldremos el jueves.
Let's go, we'll sneak out.
Vamos, nos escaparemos.
Iremos a almorzar, resultará que será un idiota perderé el interés y todo esto terminará.
And all of a sudden he'll wake up to go drink out of the toilet, And we'll be gone.
Y de repente se despertará para ir a mear... y nosotros desapareceremos.
All right, i'll meet you out front right after school, And we'll go to the mall.
Nos vemos en la puerta, después de clase.
You write out a list, and we'll go through it point by point.
Escribe una lista y la revisaré punto por punto.
We'll just have to go out, then.
Entonces, tendremos que salir.
We go after Cleary off this, he'll be out the door again.
Si vamos tras Cleary con tan pocas pruebas, lo absolverán otra vez.
We'll hang out for like 15 minutes, establish your presence, then we'll go over the fence like at Grandma's wedding.
Dejaremos pasar 1 5 minutos, haremos sentir tu presencia... luego saltaremos el cerco como en la boda de la abuela.
Saturday night, we'll go out for steaks - just you and me.
El sábado a la noche iremos a una parrilla tú y yo solos.
Now let me just give these to my wife. and then we'll go make out. - Okay.
Ahora déjame darle estos regalos a mi mujer y nos vamos juntitos.
You stay here, and we'll- - we'll go check it out.
Tú quédate aquí. Iremos a ver que pasa.
You drill me real good. We'll all go out In a blaze of glory.
Todos vamos a desaparecer... en una llamarada de gloria.
We'll all go out, In a blaze of glory.
Todos vamos a desaparecer... en una llamarada de gloria.
Tomorrow. We'll go over there... and we'll find out.
Mañana iremos allá e investigaremos.
Why don't you go home now... take the silverware out of your face... come back in, say, a week, look like a person... then we'll talk.
vuelves como una persona y hablamos?
Till then, meet me on Friday and we'll go out.
Hasta entonces, nos veremos los viernes y saldremos ".
He's right, we have to get outa here, before someone finds us. We'll go to the mall near my house, and we'll chill out, and get our stories straight, ok?
Tiene razón, vámonos a mi casa antes de que alguien venga ahí nos ponemos de acuerdo.
- Fine, we wont move it. We'll just go out there and see if the tyre tracks are gone.
De acuerdo, sólo iremos a ver que no estén las huellas de las llantas.
We'll go out and buy lots of new things.
Saldremos y compraremos un montón de cosas nuevas.
We'll get all of them out, and then we'll all go dancing.
Los sacaremos a todos, y luego iremos a bailar en grupo.
Let's go to your house and we'll talk this out.
Vamos a tu casa y hablamos.
We'll call you again to go out with me.
Te llamaremos para que salgas conmigo.
If we go through channels, we'll run out of time!
Si seguimos los canales de mando, ¡ nos quedaremos sin tiempo!
Gerry, don't go sticking your head out of window, they'll think we're in a bloody horsebox.
Gerry, no vayas sacando la cabeza por la ventana, pensarán que estamos en un maldito transporte de caballos.
We'll go out.
Salgamos fuera.
Go on We'll figure it out
Vamos, entiéndelo.
- We'll go out to sea together.
- Saldremos al mar juntos.
- I don't know. Maybe we'll watch the rest of the game or go out - something.
Veremos el resto del partido o saldremos.
We're the guys girls go out with until they grow up, meet the man they'll marry.
Tipos con los que las chicas salen hasta madurar y casarse con otro.
We'll hook up at base camp and go out together.
Nos reuniremos en el campamento base e iremos juntos.
Go up and put on something pretty, and we'll go out on the town.
Sube y ponte algo bonito, y saldremos a la ciudad.
We'll go by the house tomorrow, we'll check it out.
Iremos a casa mañana y la buscaremos.
Let's take our money out of the savings account, and we'll go to my cottage so richly. What do you think?
Vamos a sacar nuestro dinero de las cartillas..... y nos vamos a mi casa de pueblo tan ricamente. ¿ Qué le parece?
Go on out there, then we'll talk about food.
Sal a jugar, y luego hablaremos de comida.
Stark, if you have any other ideas we'll be thrilled to hear'em before we go out
Stark, si tienes otra idea estamos ansiosos por oírla antes de salir
I'll go get some help and we'll get you out.
Quédate donde estás. Voy a buscar alguna ayuda y te sacaremos de ahí

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