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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We'll go with you

We'll go with you Çeviri İspanyolca

522 parallel translation
We'll go sailing in the boat. Are you coming with us?
Vamos a navegar en una embarcación. ¿ Vienes con nosotros?
But beforeI go, I'll take this chance while we're alone to have a word with you.
Pero antes, aprovecharé que estamos solos para hablar con usted.
I'll go with you. Oh, no, we're gonna be quite a while.
No, vamos a tardar bastante
- We'll go with you.
La acompañamos.
Well, if you don't mind, I think we'll go on with our game.
Bueno, si no le molesta, creo que proseguiremos con nuestro juego.
I say, will you dine with me some time? We'll go to the theatre?
¿ Saldría a cenar conmigo y luego al teatro?
- Then we'll go with you.
- Entonces iremos contigo.
All right, Mr. Chan, you go ahead with the light... and we'll signal my men from down below... and then we'll run the boat around to the government dock.
Muy bien, Sr. Chan, vaya con la linterna... les avisaremos a mis hombres... y luego llevaremos el barco al muelle del gobierno.
We'll go with you.
Iremos contigo.
If you're gonna have dinner with me we're gonna go Dutch or you'll go hungry.
Si vas a cenar conmigo, pagaremos a escote o pasarás hambre.
I warn you, Mr. Brandon, if you question our business ethics, we'll force you to go through with the deal.
Le advierto, Sr. Brandon, si cuestiona nuestra ética comercial, lo obligaremos a cumplir el trato.
I'll run back with you... shall we go?
Regresaré contigo.... Nos vamos? Vamos?
- I'll go with you. - No. We live too far from here.
Ciudadanas, vámonos.
We'll go with you!
Y nosotros iremos con ustedes.
Highness, you may go with the ladies upstairs. We'll defend ourselves to the last man.
Alteza, id con las señoras al piso de arriba, nosotros os defenderemos hasta el último hombre.
So we'll go to California with Grat and Emmett, or anyplace else you want to go.
Entonces, iremos a California o a donde quieras ir.
long live Madame Principal with you we'll go to hell that trip's too far for me
¿ me cree ahora? Larga vida a la Señora Principal con usted iremos al infierno ese viaje es demasiado lejano para mí
it was because of you that we've lost the Duchess'favour you'll know why but that's terrible you ought to be ashamed come with my, my child go to bed now
fue debido a usted que hemos perdido el favor de la Duquesa usted sabrá por qué pero eso es terrible debería estar avergonzada venga conmigo acuéstese ahora
- We'll go along with you.
- Suéltame.
We can't go with the others... but we'll find some quiet place where you can rest and get fit.
No vamos con los otros... pero encontraremos algún lugar donde estarás tranquilo.
We'll go with you, Come along, Watson.
- Iré con usted.
I've got to think this out. Could you go ahead with Kitty, and we'll follow?
Tengo que meditarlo. ¿ Podría adelantarse con Kittyy los alcanzaremos?
But you've got to go home in the morning and we'll go along and have a nice long talk with that uncle of yours.
Pero mañana tendrás que regresar... te acompañaremos y tendremos una larga charla con tu tío.
George will go with me, and you'll go with Kay, but we'll be together.
Él irá conmigo. Uds. irán con Kay. Estaremos juntos.
I'll have you seated, and we'll go on with the show.
Los sentarán y la función continuará.
Come on, Mother, I'll go downstairs with you and tell those people what a really narrow escape we all had.
Vamos, madre, bajaré contigo y le diré a esa gente por qué poco nos libramos.
But if you don't think you can go through with it, we'll try and think out another plan.
Pero si crees que no puedes hacerlo, intentaremos pensar en otro plan.
Squire, wait, we'll go with you.
¡ Señor, espere, iremos con Ud.!
We'll go skiing together as you did with Edwardes.
Iremos a esquiar juntos.
If you don't go through with the high school, we'll be laughed at worse than ever.
Dicen cosas estupendas de nosotros por la radio... pero si no siguen con lo de la escuela se reirán de nosotros más.
We'll all go with you!
- ¡ Le acompañamos todos!
I'll go up with you, I have to serve the tea. No, we'll manage.
Señoras, subiré con ustedes, tengo que servir el té.
Before we go along with you, you'll have to tell us... what's the payoff?
No puede afrontar esto solo así que nos necesita. Si quiere que lo sigamos tendrá que decirnos.
Wait until we finish this. I'll go with you.
Te alcanzaré en cuanto termine.
Let's go. I'll settle up with you when we get home
¡ ya verás cuando lleguemos a casa!
- Now, we'll go along with you.
We'll be leaving something with you when we go.
Te dejaremos algo al irnos.
But Frank, of course we'll go with you!
Pero Frank, está bien... ¡ por supuesto que iremos contigo!
We'll go with you to Ourém.
Iremos con usted a Ourém.
We'll go with you to the cova tomorrow.
Iremos contigo a la cova mañana.
We'll have to go in with you, sir.
Tendremos que entrar con usted, señor.
- We'll all go to sea with you, Tom - Afraid, Ann?
¿ Tenéis miedo, Anna?
You don't want us to go out... so we won't. We'll stay here with you instead.
Obviamente no quieres que salgamos, así que no saldremos.
- No, we'll go out after the black knave as soon as this Viking learns that a sword isn't something you butter bread with.
- No, iremos tras ese pillo negro... en cuanto este vikingo aprenda que la espada... no es para untar mantequilla al pan.
Well Frank wants to go with me again. Why don't you join us and we'll eat together, later.
Frank quiere venir conmigo de nuevo.
And now if you'll excuse us, Lieutenant, we'd like to go on with our meeting.
Ahora, si nos disculpa, teniente, nos gustaría seguir con la reunión.
You'll have a date with another woman, and I with another man, and we won't go.
Tendrás una cita con otra mujer. Yo, con otro hombre. Pero no iremos, ¿ verdad?
You go and dig up the ground. I'll follow you with a bulldozer and we'll plow him under.
Pues prepara el camino, yo te seguiré más tarde.
- You will go back with him. We'll stay...
- Volverá con éI, nos quedaremos...
And if you go away, if you get mixed up with them again, we'll lose him and I don't think you and I can ever...
Y si te vas, si vuelves a liarte con ellos, lo perderemos. No creo que tú y yo jamás podamos...
Settle for Joan and me. We'll go with you. We'll go with you now, do anything you like.
Llévanos a los dos, iremos contigo adonde tú quieras.

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