With your Çeviri İspanyolca
159,384 parallel translation
Then, with your permission, Lord, I shall return to my estate and my wife at Devonshire.
Entonces, con su permiso, señor, regresaré a mi finca y con mi esposa en Devonshire.
You will get down from your horse and you will walk back to Winchester with your news.
Se bajará de su caballo y regresará a Winchester con las noticias.
You can preserve the integrity of the CIA and your relationship with your daughter, but you know to do that, you have to go after her.
Puedes preservar la integridad de la CIA y tu relación con tu hija, pero sabes que para hacer eso, tienes que ir tras ella.
What, with your lollypop and your kiddy face paint and your crazy novelty monster killing tool?
¿ Con qué? , ¿ con tu piruleta, tu pintura de caras para niños y con tu locura de herramienta mata-monstruos?
I spoke with your associate on the phone.
He hablado por teléfono con su socio.
I know that all you northerners are very poor, what with your Christmas clubs and your diddums...
Se que vosotros los norteños sois muy pobres, - de ahí la cuentas de ahorro y los avispados...
You know, the one with your wife's body in it.
¿ Sabes? , en la que está tu mujer dentro.
So you know, when we confirm your whereabouts with your husband, we'll have to let him know about your relationship with Jamie.
Para que lo sepa, cuando confirmemos su paradero con su marido, vamos a tener que contarle lo de su relación con Jamie.
We have to confirm that with your husband.
Tenemos que confirmarlo con su marido.
You mean... back to his land, the realm you created with your wish?
Quieres decir, ¿ de vuelta a su tierra? ¿ El reino que creaste con tu deseo?
Go on, I want a word with your dad.
Venga, quiero hablar con vuestro padre.
You get along with your coworkers?
¿ Se lleva bien con sus compañeros?
Sounds like he gets along well with your son...
Parece que se lleva muy bien con su hijo...
Oh, I'm sorry if you're bored with your miracle!
Lamento que te aburra ¡ tú milagro!
I had no idea you were so good with your hands.
No tenía ni idea de que eras tan bueno con las manos.
You come in here with your young shoulders, your ukulele.
Vienes aquí con tus hombros jóvenes, tu ukelele.
The second you're on Wi-Fi, it's like you're leaving her alone with your phone.
Al conectarte a Wi-Fi le estás entregando tu teléfono.
I don't want to interrupt your talking with Hoover... and talking and talking about things, but I have some concrete news.
No quiero interrumpir tu charla con Hoover sobre cosas, pero tengo noticias concretas.
I thought I'd have to buy you out, and I wanted to know what kind of CEO I'd be dealing with, so I had my comms people pull your press, like this interview you did with TechCrunch
Creí que iba a tener que pagarte y quería saber qué tipo de CEO eras, así que mi gente buscó información en los medios.
Just... What does your application have to do with octopus?
¿ Qué tiene que ver tu app con un pulpo?
With word of your capture, there will be more.
Al saber de vuestra captura, vendrán más.
You're a toad, a fool, an idiot with ambition far above your capability.
Sois un lerdo, un cretino y un necio con más ambición de la que podéis abarcar.
No, Beocca, your place is in Winchester with Thyra.
No, Beocca, tu lugar está en Winchester con Thyra.
Imagine what you could do with him on your side.
Imagina lo que podrías hacer con él de tu lado.
Are you sure your friend will be with them?
¿ Estás segura de que tu amigo estará con ellos?
[with heavy accent] Ah! I am your downstairs neighbor, Isabellica Delmonicos.
Soy tu vecina de abajo, Isabellica Delmonico.
Why don't you bring on your social engineer with you?
¿ Por qué no te llevas a tu ingeniera social?
I came by your house last night after I turned down a three-way with a puppet...
Fui a tu casa anoche tras rechazar un trío con un títere, de nada,
Get your pound notes out with Isaac Newton on the back!
¡ Saca los billetes con la figura de Isaac Newton!
Yeah, your secret's safe with me, man.
Sí, tu secreto está a salvo conmigo, tío.
Your source was messing with you.
Tu fuente te ha vacilado.
You've done nothing but fill your heart with hate since we saw each other.
No has hecho nada más que llenar tu corazón de odio desde que nos vimos.
I showed you your future with the pixie dust.
Te mostré tu futuro con el polvo de duende.
I wouldn't want you ruining my plans by writing me out of existence with a swoop of your authorial pen.
No quiero que arruines mis planes borrándome de la existencia con un golpe de tu pluma autoral.
- You know, the problem with you is you've formed your own fan club.
- ¿ Sabes? , tu problema es que has formado tu propio club de fans.
with getting the sack, I suggest you start showing your new boss some respect.
de ser despedido, te sugiero que empieces a mostrar un poco de respeto por tu nuevo jefe.
No, my morale boosting end of week parties are going to blow your grubby shenanigans out the water with their decadence, depravity and...
No, mis fiestas para levantar el ánimo el fin de semana van a dinamitar tus mugrientas travesuras con su decadencia, su depravación y...
Listen, I'll be completely straight with you, if your sales figures and your references back up what my gut tells me about you, then this interview is already two minutes too long.
Escucha, seré totalmente directo contigo, si tus cifras de ventas y tus referencias apoyan lo que mi instinto me dice sobre ti, esta entrevista ya ha durado dos minutos de más.
No, I do not want to be at your meeting with the Deputy AG, Agent Beeman.
No, no quiero estar en dicha reunión con el adjunto al fiscal general, agente Beeman.
Now, if you're with him and things start to get uncomfortable or go bad, you're feeling overwhelmed or emotional or uncertain, rub your thumb and your forefinger together and picture me and your father to help remind yourself of who you are and where you come from.
Bien, si estás con él y las cosas empiezan a ponerse incómodas o a ir mal, si te sientes abrumada o sensible o insegura, frótate el pulgar con el dedo índice y piensa en tu padre y en mí para que te ayude a recordar quién eres y de dónde vienes.
We wanted to talk with you about your work with Amtorg.
Queremos hablar con usted sobre su trabajo con Amtorg.
So, your mother and I met with Mr. Jeffries today.
Tu madre y yo nos hemos reunido hoy con el Sr. Jeffries.
Nothing wrong with running your own business.
No hay nada de malo en tener tu propio negocio.
Because even though you're in bed with a naked woman, I bet you there is some part of your brain that's just thinking about your super wheat, or whatever it is.
Porque aunque estás en la cama con una mujer desnuda, apuesto a que una parte de tu cerebro piensa únicamente en ese supertrigo o lo que sea.
You should probably keep this book on your shelf with other books of similar topics.
Lo mejor sería que guardaras ese libro en la estantería junto con otros libros del mismo tipo.
What's going on with the people who wanted to destroy your crops with the bugs and stuff?
¿ Qué pasa con la gente que quería destruir vuestras cosechas con insectos y todo eso?
You have a deal with Agent Christopher to get your sister back, if you come, that's out the window.
Tú tienes un trato con la agente Christopher para recuperar a tu hermana, si vienes, lo cancelarán. Lo sabes.
If there's any way we can win back your business, in fact, I'd love to get your e-mail address and your birthday and set you up with 20 free tickets to a comedy show!
Si nos disculpa y me permite compensarla, le pido que me dé su email y fecha de cumpleaños para regalarle ¡ 20 billetes para un show cómico! ".
Yeah, with an app on your phone.
Sí, con una aplicación de tu teléfono.
But, I mean, look, your shares are gonna be worth a whole lot more than they ever would, now with the patent and Gavin being involved, so...
Pero tus acciones valdrán muchísimo más ahora con la patente y con Gavin involucrado, así que...
That's what you do when you get funding, you upscale your workspace to help with recruiting.
Así usas el financiamiento. Abres más espacio y reclutas.
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with your mother 23
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with your dad 25
with your father 34
with your life 24
with your hands 23
your 1839
with your permission 239
with your mother 23
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with your dad 25
with your father 34
with your life 24
with your hands 23
your 1839
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
yours 1007
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your hat 64
your own 34
yours 1007
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your name 485
your majesty 3240
your mum 57
your mother 885
your sister 409
your point being 45
your mom 327
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your name 485
your majesty 3240
your mum 57
your mother 885
your sister 409
your point being 45
your mom 327
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your dad 423
your mind 60
your brother 593
your highness 1544
your father called 16
your heart 112
your face 246
your call 269
your friend 527
your voice 78
your mind 60
your brother 593
your highness 1544
your father called 16
your heart 112
your face 246
your call 269
your friend 527
your voice 78