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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Who did you tell

Who did you tell Çeviri İspanyolca

829 parallel translation
And who did you tell them you were?
¿ Le habéis mentido acerca de quienes sois?
Who did you tell him Effie was, our fairy godmother?
¿ Y quién le dijiste que era Effie, nuestra hada madrina?
- Holly, exactly who did you tell about me, hmm?
- Holly, concretamente, ¿ a quién has hablado de mí?
Careful. Who did you tell him I was?
- ¿ Qué le has dicho que soy?
Who did you tell about the trap apart from Yves?
¿ A quién se lo dijo aparte de Ives?
Well I suppose you're going to tell him who did it, Miss.
Supongo vas a decirle quién lo hizo.
Did she tell you who did it. - Yes.
- ¿ Le dijo quién lo hizo?
And when anybody asks me who did it, I'll tell them you did it :
Y cuando me pregunten quién lo hizo, les diré que tú lo hiciste.
Mike, did I ever tell you that I had a grandmother who was a cook and her name was Sadie?
Mike, ¿ no te había dicho que tenía una abuela que era cocinera y se llamaba Sadie?
Did you tell them who was calling, and where to come to?
¿ Le dijiste quién llamaba y a dónde tiene que venir?
Come on, tell him who did it! Who helped you make that I am?
¿ Quién te ayudó a ordeñar la oveja?
No, but I'll tell you who did : your Scotland Yard friend from next door, Ted. Blame him.
No, ha sido culpa de tu amigo de Scotland Yard. ¡ Cúlpale a él!
We don't say that you did kill him, but we do say that you can tell us who did.
No decimos que lo mató, queremos que nos diga quién lo hizo.
Now, unless you tell me exactly what happened and who did it I'm going to indict you for murder.
Ahora, a menos que me diga exactamente qué pasó y quién lo hizo la voy a acusar de homicidio.
Well, Lil, looks like your friend has got over his jitters. Why didn't you tell Doc who did it?
Jock, supón que te acercas al hotel y le dices al Sr. Patrick que me gustaría verle.
Who did she tell besides you?
¿ A quién se lo dijo aparte de a ti?
Well, did you tell them who you are?
- ¿ Les has dicho quién eres?
Did the squirt tell you who I was?
- ¿ Le dijo Cupido quién soy?
Listen, Parada, tell us who did this to you.
- Debe estar delirando. - Díganos quién le hizo esto.
I forgot to tell you, there were three or four men, big men like you, who did make it through the jungle.
Por cierto, unos tres o cuatro tipos duros como tú pudieron con la selva.
By the way, did I ever tell you the story about the old darky who...?
A propósito, ¿ les he contado la historia de aquel viejo mandinga...? - ¿ Quién es?
It isn't enough to tell us what a man did you've got to tell us who he was.
No es suficiente informarnos lo que un hombre hizo tienes que decirnos quién era.
- Did you tell'em who you were?
- ¿ Les dijiste quién eras? - No.
You're gonna tell me you waylaid the fellows who did.
¿ No irás a decirme que lo habéis encontrado?
But did you tell her it was I who was asking her to come?
¿ Pero le dijo que fui yo quien le pidió que viniese?
Don't shout! You asked me to tell you who I am. I just did.
Usted me preguntó quien era y yo se lo he dicho.
I'm depending on you to tell me who did.
Estoy seguro de que me dirá quiénes hicieron esto.
Did I ever tell you about old Dad Butler... who killed the fly on his baby's head with a sledgehammer?
¿ Te conté lo de Dad Butler, que mató una mosca en la cabeza de su bebé con un martillo?
Did Marriott tell you who owned the jade he was buying back?
¿ Marriott le dijo de quién era el jade que iba a recuperar?
I suppose you're going to tell us just who did it?
Y nos dirá quién lo hizo.
Could you- -? - Would you tell me who-- -? - Who did it?
¿ Podría- ¿ Me diría quién- - - ¿ Quién fue?
Listen, boy... did you tell him who put the file in the mattress?
Escucha, chiquillo, ¿ le dijiste quién puso la lima en el catre?
What did he tell you when you asked who I was?
¿ Qué te dijo cuando le preguntaste quien era yo?
- Who else did you tell?
¿ A quién más le contaste?
All that cattle lost, maybe you'll tell us who did it.
Todo ese ganado perdido, tal vez nos dirás quién lo hizo.
I did not tell you this before, but one of these who pass here, not of the first, not of the very great, but one who was also brave, he was of mine.
No le he dicho esto antes, pero uno de los que pasaron por aquí, no de los primeros, ni de los importantes, pero sí de los valientes, era de los míos.
Why did you tell the judge that it was you who killed her?
- ¿ Por qué te autoinculpaste?
All right, you listen to this and tell me who did do it.
De acuerdo, escucha esto y dime quién lo hizo.
Did you wanted me to tell her that she's in love with a man who's unattainable?
¿ Quería que le dijera que se enamoró de un imposible y por su culpa?
Why did not you tell me who accuse my father of murder?
¿ Por qué no me dijo que acusan a mi padre de asesinato?
Oh. Did anyone who actually died ever tell you that?
Ah. ¿ Se lo dijo alguien que haya muerto de verdad?
Mr. Cortega, tell us, who did this to you?
Sr. Cortega, díganos, ¿ quién le ha hecho esto?
- Did you tell her who you were?
¿ Le dijo quién era? Sí.
I bought in before I knew who you were, but I'm glad I did, so's you can tell Tuck Ordway I'm back.
Me entrometí antes de saber quién era, pero me alegro de haberlo hecho. Puede decirle a Tuck Ordway que he vuelto.
Not until you tell me who the rat is that did the singing.
No lo haré hasta que no me digas quién nos delató.
And then, who did I tell you?
¿ Quién te lo ha dicho?
Either you go up there and tell him it was you who did it and chop it off clean so he never comes crying to you again or you hold his hand, wipe his poor, perspiring brow fan his smoldering, dampened ego so it can burst up into flames and burn...
Ve hasta allá y dile que fuiste tú y corta por lo sano para que nunca más venga a llorar a ti. O sostenle la mano, sécale la frente transpirada aliméntale el ego para que estalle en llamas y se queme.
Now then, I don't know who did this yet, but I'll tell you this. I'm going to find out.
Bien, aún no sé quién Io mató,... pero Ies aseguro que Io averiguaré.
Did they tell you who paid your bail?
¿ Y sabes quién ha pagado tu fianza?
Tell me something. Did you know the man who used to live here?
Dime. ¿ Conocías al hombre que vivía aquí?
Did he tell you who is?
¿ Quién es?

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