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You have a wife Çeviri İspanyolca

2,683 parallel translation
She knows you have a wife and kids
Ella sabe que tienes esposa e hijos
You have a wife?
¿ Tiene una esposa?
Do you have a wife, Dr. Weston?
¿ Tiene esposa, Dr. Weston?
You have a wife.
Tienes una esposa.
A sentence you never think you're gonna have to say, You know, "I lost - I lost my wife."
Una frase que pensaste que nunca tendrías que decir ya sabes, "he perdido, he perdido a mi mujer"
All you have to do is email this picture to your wife and you can have the money back.
Todo lo que tienes que hacer es mandar por e-mail esta foto a tu mujer y podrás tener el dinero de vuelta.
What have you done to my wife?
¿ Qué le has hecho a mi mujer?
You have a beautiful wife...
Tienes una mujer preciosa...
Can you think of anybody else that would have a thing for your wife?
¿ Puedes pensar en alguien más que pudiera tener algo con tu mujer?
Okay, have you met my wife?
¿ Ya conoció a mi esposa?
Have you told your wife that?
¿ Le has dicho eso a tu esposa?
Have you informed the wife of his condition?
¿ Has informado a la esposa de su condición?
Do you mind if I have a word with your wife?
¿ Quieres decir que tenga unas palabras con tu mujer?
But, as my wife, you have the right to know the truth.. .. even though you are ill.
Pero, como mi esposa, tiene el derecho a saber la verdad a pesar de que este enferma.
So you don't have to talk to your wife.
Así que no tienes que hablarle a tu esposa.
Well Azeem, you will not need your wife's vagina, when you have 72 virgins in the afterlife!
Bien Azeem, no vas a necesitar la vagina de tu esposa, cuando tengas 72 vírgenes a tu disposición en el Cielo!
Uh, Lieutenant would you please, um, have Armand's wife brought back in here?
Teniente, ¿ podría, por favor, traer de vuelta a la mujer de Armand?
You don't have a wife.
No tienes esposa.
If you wish to question my wife again, please give notice so we can have a solicitor present.
Si desea volver a interrogar a mi esposa, por favor notifíquelo para que pueda haber un abogado presente.
That must have been a disappointment To you and your wife... That he changed his name, yeah?
Eso debe haber sido una desilusión para usted y su esposa que se cambiara el nombre, ¿ no es cierto?
Oh, so you have a girlfriend in addition to a wife, huh, Dale?
¿ Así que tienes una novia además de mujer, Dale?
You know, it took some convincing to get the wife to have him in the first place, but now that we do, she can't wait to have another one.
Ya sabes, costó algo convencer a la mujer de tenerlo en primer lugar. pero ahora que lo tenemos, no puede esperar a tener otro.
You'll make lots of money and have a nice life with your wife.
Tendrá mucho dinero y una buena vida junto a su mujer.
You have a pretty wife.
Tiene una bella esposa.
I have Djurdja, you saw her, she's my wife and I have Tirke.
Tengo a Djurdja, la viste, mi mujer, con perdón. Y a Tirke.
If you want war, think twice about it! When one is fortunate to have divorced to advantage, one doesn't choose as a mistress the wife of the Prime Minister. You want that I take out more teeth, fingers and bones of the Assyrian kings.
¿ Quieres que hable de los dientes, los dedos, los huesos de los reyes asirios, del saqueo del museo de Bagdad...?
You don't have a wife, a family?
No tienes una mujer, una familia?
Well, you haven't possibly convinced my wife of that, have you?
Bueno, probablemente no habrás podido convencer a mi mujer de eso.
Don't you think you should have called me or my wife?
¿ No cree que debería haberme llamado a mí o a mi mujer?
Uh, have you met Noah's wife Daphne and brother rafe?
¿ Has conocido a la mujer de Noah, Daphne, y a su hermano Rafe?
I mean, you do have a wife and a kid to support.
Quiero decir, tienes una esposa y un hijo que mantener.
You have a 14 million dollar oceanfront home in Florida, you have a summer vacation home in Sun Valley, Idaho... you and your wife have art collection filled with million dollar paintings.
Todo es relativo. Tiene una casa en Florida de 14 millones de dólares una casa en Sun Valley. Gerente General Lehman Brothers
I mean, you don't have a tape of- - that's my wife, man.
Quiero decir, tu no tienes un vídeo de- - Esa es mi esposa, amigo.
Oh, aren't you the real man who doesn't have to lie to his wife?
¿ Oh, no eres tú el verdadero hombre que no tiene que mentirle a su esposa?
It's much harder being a fake wife when you have a real husband.
Es mucho más difícil se una esposa falsa cuando tienes un marido real.
Two of the most important things a man can have, a loving wife and dear friends, and I've somehow managed to lose all of you.
Dos de las cosas más importantes que un hombre puede tener, una amada esposa y queridos amigos, y me las he arreglado de alguna manera a perderlos a todos.
His wife told us he was gonna have you arrested,
Su mujer nos contó que iba a hacer que le detuvieran.
Have you seen my wife?
¿ Has visto a mi mujer?
But if you really loved your wife and wanted it to be for ever, you would have made it work.
Pero si de verdad querías a tu mujer y querías que fuera para siempre, deberías haber hecho que funcionara.
- You know I have a wife.
Sabes que tengo una esposa, cierto?
My wife of 17 years and I have four children, and I depend on this job to support my family, and I am not interested... in you living at our house... or in continuing this conversation,
Mi esposa de 17 años y yo Tengo cuatro hijos, y yo dependo de este trabajo para mantener a mi familia y yo no estoy interesado en que tu vivas en nuestra casa o continuando esta conversación.
You don't have a wife.
Tú no tienes esposa.
Maybe you're too good to have a wife Who's got a crappy job like this.
Quizá tu eres demasiado bueno para tener una mujer que tiene un trabajo de mierda como este.
When he comes back from college with a wife, you must have been pretty upset.
Cuando el vuelve desde la universidad con una esposa, Debiste estar bastante molesta.
Now, while I'm sure you love your wife, might I suggest you have many reasons to distrust her judgment about... That tie.
Aunque estoy seguro de lo que quieres a tu esposa, sugeriría que debes tener algunas razones para desconfiar de su juicio sobre... esa corbata.
Have you ever cheated on your wife?
¿ Ha engañado alguna vez a su mujer?
Have you ever cheated on your wife, Mr. Test?
¿ Ha engañado a su esposa alguna vez, Sr. Test?
And wish that our wedding planner would have like saved that one for the end, because, you know, if she knows my wife-to-be, we need to exhaust everything prior.
Y deseo que nuestra organizadora de boda hubiera guardado esa para el final porque, ya sabes, si ella sabe que va a ser mi esposa, tenemos necesidad de agotar todo lo anterior.
But you have to thank my lovely wife madeline.
Pero tienes que agradecerselo a mi encantadora esposa Madeline.
And of course, if you had a car like this, you wouldn't have a wife or a girlfriend.
Aunque, evidentemente, si tuvieras un coche de estos, no tendrías mujer o novia.
I'm so lucky to have a wife like you.
Soy tan afortunado de tener una esposa como tú.

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