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You really think that Çeviri İspanyolca

5,801 parallel translation
Did you really think that you could take me? Unh! Meg died because of what you did to her.
¿ De verdad piensas que podrías cogerme? Meg murió por culpa de lo que le hiciste.
Castle, you really think that I could stand between you and your boyhood dream?
Yo... ¿ Crees que me interpondría entre tú y tu sueño de adolescente?
Did you really think that we'd get in our boats and go out into the ocean so you and your friends could have a little target practice?
¿ De verdad crees que tomaremos nuestros botes y saldremos al océano para que tus amigos y tú puedan hacer unas pequeñas prácticas de tiro?
Do you really think that you are so different?
¿ Realmente crees que eres tan diferente?
You really think that they care about us?
¿ En serio crees que les importamos?
BEN : Do you really think that can fuck someone up, though?
BEN : ¿ Realmente crees que puede joder a alguien, sin embargo?
You really think that all he wants is to keep Ben alive?
¿ De verdad crees que lo único que quiere es mantener Ben vivo?
Yeah, Professor Jensen, do you really think that old people...
Profesor, Jensen, ¿ cree que los ancianos...?
Do you really think that our blood could do something like that?
¿ De verdad crees que nuestra sangre podría hacer algo así?
Good heavens, man, do you really think that you can have a life...
¡ Dios mío, hombre, ¿ de verdad crees que puedes tener una vida! ...?
Two bikes derailing a train engine. Do you really think that's possible?
Dos bicicletas, descarrilando un tren. ¿ Crees que eso es posible?
Do you really think That the Navy Paranormal Investigations led in 1940?
¿ Realmente crees que la Marina conducía investigaciones paranormales en 1940?
Do you really think that Vaxxilon are gonna risk sending another crew to rescue us?
¿ De verdad crees que Vaxxilon va a arriesgar...? ¿ a enviar otra tripulación a rescatarnos?
Do you really think that piece of metal can protect us?
¿ En serio crees que ese pedazo de metal nos protegerá?
So you really think the proof of who killed Lance is sitting in that little blue Shelby Cobra?
¿ Cree que la prueba está en el Shelby Cobra azul?
And then there's a misunderstanding where you think that he's cheating on you but really he's reading to the blind, and then you chase him through an airport, and then you live happily ever after.
Y luego hay un malentendido... donde piensas que él te está engañando... pero él está leyéndole al ciego... y luego lo persigues a través de un aeropuerto... y luego viven felices para siempre.
See, that's what I think this is really about for you, like having a big public ceremony will fix everything.
Sabes qué pienso que es realmente para ti... como si tener una gran y pública ceremonia arreglara todo.
and there's still a long way to go it does seem to be fairly inevitable that someday we'll be able to put on hold ourselves into a robot the name it. that's so sad because we want to get humans on those plans well one if you really wanna think science fiction why not
% Uh máquina en última instancia pic humano adulto juntos y plantas de casa difundir sus genes mediante la venta de gran número de pequeño semillas móviles en el capricho muchos asientos se perderán a los elementos pero los que la hallan caliente
Then do you really think... that you can get revenge on her?
¿ Serías capaz de buscar venganza?
From the moment they think that they aren't being filmed on camera... they'll tell you what they really think.
En el momento en que ella piense que la cámara está apagada, va a decir lo que realmente piensa.
Is that really what you think?
¿ Es eso lo que piensa realmente?
Did you really think, that I was gonna claim you?
De verdad pensaste que te iba a reconocer?
You really think I'd do that to you?
¿ De verdad crees que les haría eso?
I just want you to know that this is me really liking you, not the nail, and that I think that the involuntary sex thing turned off when my head hit that light.
Sólo quiero que sepas que este soy yo realmente gusto que, no la uña, y que yo creo que la cosa sexual involuntaria apagado cuando mi cabeza golpeó esa luz.
Really, like, how long do you think that shit you doing out there gonna last?
En serio. ¿ Cuanto crees que va a durar lo que haces ahí afuera?
I think this is the first time that you and I have ever really talked.
Creo que esta es la primera vez que tú y yo hemos hablado alguna vez realmente
Is that really the problem, do you think? That you have believed that no woman could approve of your body? Or your prick?
¿ De verdad crees que el problema es que ninguna mujer aceptaría tu cuerpo o tu pájaro?
And there's father-son NASA, which I think that you would really like.
Hay una padre-hijo de NASA, que creo que te gustará.
I really did think that, like, uh, that I'd seen you somewhere before, but I guess not.
Realmente pensé que, como, que te he visto en alguna parte antes, pero supongo que no.
I'm telling you, I really don't think that story is for us.
Te digo, que en serio no creo que esa historia sea para nosotros.
I think that if you really want to understand the crisis... you need to start with the celibacy requirement.
Creo que si realmente quieren entender la crisis... necesitan comenzar con el requisito del celibato.
Bitter and floral notes that tie really well, but I think the tricky thing when you torch a sabayon, because it's so heavy on the eggs, it ends up tasting like scrambled eggs or cooked eggs.
Notas amargas y florales esa corbata muy bien, pero creo que la cosa difícil cuando la antorcha un sabayón, porque es tan pesada sobre los huevos, termina degustación huevos revueltos como o huevos cocidos.
I think that you did a really great job of honing in on those Asian flavors but also sort of leaving your own fingerprints, the creativity, the wild man with the wild mind.
Creo que hiciste un gran trabajo de perfeccionar en en esos sabores asiáticos sino también una especie de dejar tus propias huellas, la creatividad, hombre salvaje con la mente salvaje.
- Do you really think he's like that?
- ¿ Crees que sea así?
'I really don't think you could call my life a failure,'look at that, I've got a sleeping bag AND a duvet.'
'Realmente no creo que mi vida sea un fracaso'mira lo que tengo, una bolsa de dormir y una funda
But I think it's really important that you and I, are able to talk to each other.
Pero es importante que podemos hablar unos con otros.
I mean, I don't think you could admit to the ones you do have, but I really try to imagine you going anywhere and saying that you're a normal human being that makes a normal human fucking being mistake, and I just know that's not gonna happen.
Digo, no creo que pudieras admitir tener las que sí tienes, pero intento imaginarte en algún lado presentándote como alguien normal que comete errores de un puto ser humano normal y sé que simplemente no es factible.
I still miss you and Mother and think about you every day, but I think I can say that for the first time since I've been in America I'm really happy.
Aún os echo de menos y pienso en vosotras todos los días, pero por primera vez desde que llegué a América, me siento muy feliz.
You really think a painting that ends up as a fridge magnet will ever leave Austria?
¿ Realmente crees que una pintura tan famosa dejará Austria?
Yeah, but you know what? I think she just said that she's really busy or something.
Creo que dijo que estaba muy ocupada o algo.
Sky, you don't really think that thing sees ghosts, right?
No crees que esa cosa vea fantasmas, ¿ verdad?
Do you really think any of that lot are talented?
¿ Realmente crees que algunos de esos tiene talento?
If you really looked that hideous, I don't think I could hang out with you.
Si te vieras tan espantoso, no podría ser tu amigo.
- I was really just thinking of you, and you know, I just want to respect you and shit, and I don't think I'm doing a good job at that.
- Yo estaba muy sólo pensando en usted, y sabes, sólo quiero respetarte y la mierda, y yo no creo que yo soy haciendo un buen trabajo en eso.
You can't really think that.
No puedes pensar eso.
Did you really think you could hide something like that?
¿ En serio crees que podías esconder algo así?
We did a lot of testing with that, and I think, you know, for the time, the guys came up with some really great stuff.
Hicimos muchas pruebas con eso, y creo que, ya sabes, para aquel entonces, los chicos hicieron cosas geniales.
You know, from that perspective, it was a big disappointment, because I think he would've really stretched in a way he hadn't yet, and maybe hasn't since.
Desde esa perspectiva, fue una gran decepción, porque pienso él hubiera sido tan bueno, de una manera que no había sido, ni ha sido desde entonces.
Do you really think if a whole horde came, that this will hold them off for one second?
Fíjate. ¿ De veras crees que, si llegara toda una horda, esto los detendría siquiera un momento?
Do you really think I would be willing to be Dragged back to that?
¿ realmente piensas que yo estaría dispuesta a ser arrastrada de nuevo a eso?
And everybody in this little fleabag town they think that they love you, but I really love you.
Y todos en este pulgoso pueblo creen que te aman, pero yo si te amo de verdad.

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