A few drinks Çeviri Fransızca
602 parallel translation
While we slave over this mud, he goes off to have a few drinks!
Pendant qu'on se décrotte, il va prendre un verre.
Let's go have a few drinks.
Viens avec moi te balader. On va faire la fête.
I was only showing him how to mix a few drinks.
Je lui montrais comment faire quelques cocktails.
So I had a few drinks and laughs. Anybody get hurt?
J'ai fait un peu la foire, et alors?
Nothing the matter with me that a few drinks won't cure.
Après deux ou trois verres, ça ira mieux.
A joint where you could have a sandwich and a few drinks and run interference for your girl on the dance floor.
Ca grignotait, ça sirotait, des filles dansaient sur la piste.
And he wouldn't have said it, only he's had a few drinks.
Lui non plus, mais il a trop bu.
By this time, I'd had a few drinks. Which resulted in a real blackout for me.
J'avais bien bu, et après, ça a été le trou noir.
After a few drinks, well.. Non compos mentis.
Après quelques verres, je n'avais plus toute ma tête.
I guess I had a few drinks too many.
Voilà comment. J'ai bu quelques verres de trop Sénateur.
I shouldn't have thought it worth your while just for a few drinks.
Et juste pour le prix de quelques verres...
Now, Mr. Bannister is gonna buy us all a few drinks while I entertain myself by refusing to go to work for him.
M. Bannister va nous payer à boire... pendant que je m'amuse à refuser son offre.
Particularly after a few drinks.
Surtout après quelques verres.
We'll cool off at the ranch with a few drinks.
Allons-y. On se détendra au ranch avec quelques verres.
I played with dice, I had a few drinks...
J'ai joué aux dés, J'ai bu quelques verres...
He likes a few drinks after we finish, so he sent it up.
Il aime boire un verre après le spectacle.
You know, the usual thing, a few drinks, and some laughs!
On boit quelques verres, on s'amuse...
A few drinks to loosen up the train ride, good talk, a beautiful girl.
Quelques verres pour se détendre. Une bonne conversation. Une belle fille.
I had a few drinks.
Où étais-tu? Je me suis amusée.
A few drinks, a dance, a hug. What's wrong with that? Or am I in the wrong pew?
Un ou deux verres, quelques pas de danse, où est le mal?
He'd like you to step below for a few words and a few drinks.
Il voudrait te parler et boire quelques verres avec toi en bas.
How about slipping into something comfortable like a few drinks and some Chinese food?
Si on allait souper ensemble au restaurant chinois?
- I stopped along the way for a few drinks.
- J'ai bu quelques verres.
- Naturally. I realize this is sudden, but there'll be dancing, a few drinks, and laughs.
Je comprends que mon invitation est un peu cavalière... mais on dansera, on boira, et on rira peut-être un peu.
I shouldn't put too much stock in what Billy says, particularly when he's had a few drinks.
N'accordez pas de crédit à ce que dit Billy, surtout après quelques verres.
We just did a day's work, we came in here for a few drinks and a little cards, like we do every Friday, isn't that so, Vienna?
Après le travail, on vient boire et jouer ici, comme tous les vendredis. Pas vrai, Vienna?
There's nothing to it. You buy her dinner, a few drinks, hand her some laughs.
Tu l'invites à dîner et tu la fais rire.
Had a few drinks with the guys from the bank
Je suis allé vider quelques verres avec les gars de la banque.
Everything you want this minute depends on a few drinks in a trollop's guts.
Tout ce que tu veux en cet instant dépend de quelques gouttes dans l'estomac d'une pute.
I wouldn't say you dream by day, but after a few drinks, isn't it possible?
Je ne dis pas que tu rêves éveillé, mais aprés quelques verres, possible, non?
That just because of a few drinks and a steak and your help with those ridiculous drapes that...
Qu'en remerciement pour les rideaux, je...
Oh, I had a few drinks.
J'ai pris quelques verres.
With a few drinks, and one thing leading to another, I - I suppose I could get some more information about the doctor.
Avec quelques verres, une chose en amenant une autre, je pourrais sans doute en savoir plus sur le docteur.
Loving sicked his dame on me and I had a few drinks with her, let her kiss me, told her no on Mark Loving and dropped her off in front of her hotel.
Loving a envoyé sa dame. Nous avons bu, je l'ai laissée m'embrasser, j'ai refusé d'aider Loving et je l'ai déposée à son hôtel.
Order up some booze so I can pour a few drinks for the crew.
Commande à boire pour l'équipe.
I had a few drinks all right but I know where to draw the line.
J'avais un peu bu mais je connais mes limites.
After a few drinks, it'll seem very sturdy!
Quand on aura bu un coup, ça n'y paraîtra plus du tout.
I had a few drinks, too.
Moi aussi j'ai bu hier.
After all, most women feel rather odd about a proposal of marriage, especially if they hear it once rather late at night and the man has had a few drinks.
La plupart des femmes se sentent bizarres après une proposition de mariage, surtout si ça se produit tard le soir et que l'homme a bu quelques verres.
You know, have a few drinks, talk.
Boire quelques verres, parler.
It was 3 : 00 am, it was foggy and I'd had a few drinks when I see a shadow approach.
il y avait du brouillard et j'avais bu quelques verres. Quand j'ai vu approcher une ombre. J'ai levé mon fusil et dit :
You know, having a few drinks. Maybe dance a little bit.
Prendre quelques verres, danser un peu.
I also had a few drinks.
J'avoue avoir même un peu bu.
A few drinks under his belt, he'll change his mind.
Quelques verres, et il changera d'avis.
Yeah, he'd had a few drinks, but nothing much more.
Rien de concret. - Et l'accident de voiture?
Few people have the advantage of meeting you in a shooting gallery as a pickup and then having drinks with you in a "10 Cents a Dance" palace.
Peu de gens vous rencontrent à un stand de tir et boivent avec vous dans un bal populaire.
In a few minutes, I will order three drinks in the dining car.
Je vais commander 3 verres, au wagon-restaurant.
Most dames, you're out for a few laughs, a couple of drinks.
Avec la plupart, on sort s'amuser, on boit un verre.
We all of us pay too much for drinks once we've had a few.
On paie tous nos verres trop cher, quand on en a bu quelques-uns.
We'll have a few more drinks and go somewhere for lunch?
On prend encore un verre, puis on va déjeuner, hein?
A few more drinks, and... I'd tell you how much I'm gonna miss you.
Encore quelques verres, et je vous dirai combien vous me manquerez.
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a few minutes later 20
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