And then suddenly Çeviri Fransızca
1,121 parallel translation
And then suddenly I saw the guitar player... who was playing really quite discreetly in the back row.
Soudain, j'ai vu le guitariste, il jouait discrètement derrière les autres.
As a matter of fact I was thinking how beautiful and peaceful everything was, and then suddenly this female started shouting, "Off with his head!"
En fait, je me disais que tout était si beau et si paisible, puis cette femme s'est mise à crier : "Coupez-lui la tête!"
The writer hears the tenant moving about, stirring, walking, and then suddenly he seems to vanish.
L'écrivain l'entend aller et venir, s'agiter... déambuler, puis tout à coup, il semble disparaître.
The flight was recording perfectly and then suddenly everything went blank for two minutes. like that
Le vol est enregistré à la perfection, quand tout devient noir pendant 2 mn.
Clouseau is sitting just like you with his back to me and..... and then suddenly my hands go around his throat and I begin to squeeze.
Clouseau est assis comme vous, dos à moi et..... et ensuite soudainement je place mes mains autour de son cou et je commence à presser.
And then suddenly...
Et soudainement...
I was walking along... and then suddenly I saw your winkie on the door - Um, I mean, suddenly I saw your shingle on the door... and I said to myself, " Why not?
Quand j'ai vu votre berlingot sur la porte... je veux dire... votre panonceau sur la porte.
But now and then suddenly.
Mais par à-coups. Douleurs lombaires.
And then suddenly there is change.
Et puis soudain... un changement.
And then suddenly he'll grab you, he'll throw you in a corner and he'll say,
Et soudain il t'agrippe et il dit :
The guy was 30 years old, never sick a day in his life, and then suddenly, out of left field, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Ce gars-là avait 30 ans, il n'avait jamais été malade... et tout d'un coup, il a eu une sclérose amyotrophique latérale.
And then you just suddenly appeared, as if by magic.
Puis vous êtes apparue comme par magie.
And he suddenly took leave and then he just disappeared.
Il a pris un congé et il a disparu.
Then when your uncle interfered, when he went to his desk and took out a gun, then when he was killed, during all that, then the thief suddenly got smart and he took two of the most valuable paintings in the house and ran.
Votre oncle est intervenu, il a sorti son pistolet, et après l'avoir tué, le voleur s'est ressaisi et a choisi deux des tableaux les plus chers de la collection.
Suddenly I heard the police sirens and then saw the police cars enter from the south gate of the park
Soudain j'ai entendu la police qui se dirigeait vers le portail principal. J'étais alors au portail sud du parc.
Then suddenly, he got naked and we were left to our instincts.
Alors soudain, il s'est mis tout nu et nous nous sommes laissés aller à nos instincts.
Then suddenly there was no co-producer, and I realised it would be made with our money.
Mais tout à coup, plus de coproducteur. On devait faire le film avec notre argent, mais il était trop tard, tous les contrats étaient signés.
And then, suddenly, about three years later the most amazing thing happened.
Et puis, soudain, trois ans plus tard... une chose étonnante arriva.
Yesterday I hit the road after a few drinks, then... suddenly it's dusk, and I couldn't find a shelter.
Hier, après plusieurs verres je taillais la route quand... Soudain le soleil se coucha et le crépuscule s ¹ installa, seul sur la route, j'étais sans abri.
How you thought high school romances were goofy and we started going together just because you thought I was kind of cute and funny, but then you suddenly realized you were in love with me, it was serious, and...
Tu trouves idiot l'amour entre ados et tu as commencé à sortir avec moi * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * puis tu as compris que tu étais amoureux de moi, que c'était sérieux et...
That's strange. He was booked for two days then just after 11 : 00, he suddenly asks for his bill and leaves.
C'est bizarre, il avait réservé pour deux jours et il demande la note et part brusquement après 11 h.
She's wonderful, she's talking to all the people but then... suddenly the captain's voice comes crackling through that loudspeaker... and it's Eichmann, and he's screaming :
Elle est super, elle parle à tout le monde mais soudain la voix du capitaine retentit dans les haut-parleurs. C'est Eichmann et il hurle
And then quite suddenly I met you and I dreamed of gay amours
Et puis je vous ai rencontrée et j'ai rêvé d'amours gaies
Then we try and get them into a position where they suddenly find that they're completing other people's sentences themselves!
Nous les plaçons en position de se rendre soudain compte qu'ils finissent les phrases des autres...
I tied myself to it and then suddenly a scary movie came on.
Soudain, il y a eu un film d'horreur.
And then there are suddenly five mouths to feed, and Father has to provide for them all.
Tout à coup, le père se retrouve avec 5 bouches à nourrir.
"then the vampire life shall give, and suddenly the toad shall live."
"alors l'essence du vampire devrait se transférer, et redonner vie au crapaud."
"Then the vampire life shall give, and suddenly the toad shall live."
"Alors l'essence du vampire devrait se transférer, et redonner vie au crapaud."
And then the next night when your wife was killed, and you had that terrific alibi, it suddenly hit me.
La nuit du meurtre de votre femme, vous aviez cet incroyable alibi.
A man his age... sitting around for years, getting fat and flabby... and then he suddenly realized how he's abused his body... tries to correct it just like that.
Un homme de son âge, qui s'était laissé aller si longtemps, et qui réalise comme il a négligé son corps. Il voulait rattraper le temps perdu.
A mother dies suddenly, then the man's wife and child...
La mort brutale d'une mère, d'une femme, d'un enfant...
Then one day, at the height of my sense of well-being, I suddenly and for no apparent reason was seized with an urge to commit suicide.
Et puis, un jour, au sommet de mon bien-être, soudainement, et sans raison apparente, je fus saisi de fortes envies suicidaires.
Then suddenly he would stop and start chanting.
Et puis soudain, il pouvait s'arrêter et chanter dans une langue inconnue.
Suddenly one night, he takes a gun and kills his two children and then commits suicide.
Et une nuit, il prend un pistolet et tue ses enfants puis se suicide.
And then there suddenly appeared before me
Puis est apparu tout à coup devant moi
Then it suddenly accelerates and nothing can stop it, or reverse it.
Soudain, elle s'accélère. Plus rien ne l'arrête.
Suddenly youre 6 years old, and then I ´ mm 15.
Tout d ´ un coup, on a six ans, et puis 15.
And then, suddenly, everybody started talking about how much everything cost.
C'est alors que les gens s'inquiètent du coût de l'entreprise.
And then, suddenly, you find them.
Et subitement, on le rencontre.
And then just as suddenly, we took him over for a checkup... to recheck the prior prognosis.
On l'a emmené faire un bilan pour vérifier le pronostic précédent.
And then, just as suddenly as the kiss... he seemed to go right down, and we kept phoning the vets... and they said not to worry... that they didn't like to eat when they were under medication... but to bring him in on Monday.
Et là, après le bisou, il est devenu très faible, on téléphonait aux vétérinaires, qui disaient de ne pas s'inquiéter, qu'ils n'aiment pas manger quand ils sont sous traitement, mais de l'amener lundi.
It was like a hand inside me, it was pulling on my kidneys... and my soul. Then as suddenly as it'd come, it stopped.
C'était comme une main en moi, qui... tripotait mes reins ou mon âme... et puis, c'est parti comme c'est venu.
Then someone comes along, and suddenly she is one.
Et puis un type arrive...
Then suddenly they didn't come to work and they started their strange rites.
Oui, jusqu'à hier.
You don't call me and then you suddenly appear.
Tu ne m'appelles plus et soudainement tu refais surface.
And in the Borgo pass the light suddenly divides and the land begins to rise towards the heavens and then it drops.
Une contrée se rapproche du ciel et l'autre va vers l'abîme. Jamais personne n'en est revenu.
Now, listen, you start fightin'right-handed and then you change suddenly, and that'll make history, but first you gotta get speed.
Écoute, tu commences en droitier et puis tu changes soudainement, et ça fera l'histoire. D'abord il te faut de la vitesse.
Was the universe devoid of all matter and then the matter suddenly somehow created?
L'univers était-il dépourvu de matière... et cette dernière a-t-elle soudain surgi?
And then, a new and alien and deadly creature suddenly appeared on the placid surface of the ocean.
Mais une nouvelle créature, un ennemi mortel... est apparu sur la surface tranquille des océans.
Then, suddenly silence total and absolute.
Soudain... c'est le silence. Le silence le plus complet.
And then, as if our triumph were but a child's toy a game with which Sauron was playing and taunting us the tide of battle suddenly changed.
Comme si notre triomphe n'était qu'un jouet d'enfant, que Sauron utilisait pour se moquer de nous, le cours de la bataille changea.
and then 7362
and then i met you 29
and then she said 33
and then what 920
and then i 152
and then some 118
and then we 52
and then finally 32
and then what happened 169
and then you 113
and then i met you 29
and then she said 33
and then what 920
and then i 152
and then some 118
and then we 52
and then finally 32
and then what happened 169
and then you 113