Anything at all Çeviri Fransızca
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I was just afraid that if I didn't take at least some of my stuff, and it doesn't work out here, I wouldn't have anything at all.
J'avais peur que si je ne prenais pas certaines de mes affaires, et que ça ne marchait pas ici, je n'aurais rien.
Jane, if you need anything at all, you let me know.
Jane, si vous avez besoin de quoi que ce soit, faites-le-moi savoir.
If you owe him anything at all, it's truth.
Si tu lui dois bien quelque chose, c'est la vérité.
now, If you need anything, anything at all, you just call me. Will do.
- Appelle-moi pour n'importe quoi.
Sykes have any warrants, anything at all?
Sykes a commis des infractions?
You will reconsider what you're saying if that badge means anything at all to you.
Faites attention à ce que vous dites, si vous tenez à votre badge.
I'll read a commercial, just a call letter, something, just anything at all.
J'entre, je lis une pub, Juste dire 2 mots, quelque chose, n'importe quoi.
Yes, you can go. But if anything happens that makes you feel uncomfortable, Anything at all, you call me.
Tu peux y aller, mais si quelque chose arrive, quoi que ce soit, tu m'appelles.
Maybe we never really had anything at all. Somebody help!
Peut-être qu'il n'y a jamais rien eu.
Do you recall anything at all about him?
Rien qui vous revienne à son sujet?
I haven't heard anything at all.
Plus aucune nouvelle.
Anything at all.
N'importe quoi.
I hear anything at all, you'll be the first to know.
Je vous tiens au courant.
If you're worth anything at all, you'll find a way to make it right.
Si tu vaux quelque chose, tu arrangeras cette affaire.
For you kid, anything, anything at all!
Pour toi, tout ce que tu veux.
As far as that means anything at all... yeah.
Autant que ça ne veuille rien dire... ouais.
Anything at all.
En tout.
Is there anything, anything at all that these people had in common?
Est-ce qu'il y a quelque chose, n'importe quoi Que ces personnes avaient en commun?
- Anything at all.
- N'importe quoi.
Have you seen anything unusual, anything at all?
Avez-vous vu quoi que ce soit d'inhabituel?
Has she said anything at all today?
- Elle a dit quelque chose?
Anything at all?
Rien du tout?
Anything at all.
Rien du tout
Does that not count for anything at all?
Ça ne compte pas?
Anything you need, anything at all, you come see me.
Si tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit, viens me voir.
Medicine or anything at all?
Un médicament?
Anything at all.
N'hésitez pas.
If you need anything at all, just raise your hand, and one of our attendants will assist you.
S'il vous faut quoi que ce soit, levez la main, et un serveur vous assistera.
It "s an open question, whether it" s a possibility that anyone will interpret anything at all in this time scale.
C'est une question ouverte, qu'il y ait ou non une possibilité que quelqu'un interprète quoi que ce soit à cette échelle de temps.
I have to say that the quick answer is nobody knows anything at all.
Je dois dire que la réponse rapide est que personne ne sait rien du tout.
The Count is in no position to demand anything at all.
Le comte n'est pas en situation d'exiger quoi que ce soit.
If there is anything we can do, anything at all, will you call?
Si on peut faire quelque chose, appelle-nous.
Sally, I trust you, and you can tell me anything at all.
Moi, je te crois. Tu peux tout me dire. Tout.
If you can think of anything, anything at all, even if it doesn't seem important, you have my number, Mr. Jackson.
S'il vous revient quelque chose, n'importe quoi, même si ça ne parait pas important, vous avez mon numéro, Mr. Jackson.
No, but... Well, then maybe you didn't do anything at all. As I mentioned in my letter, my wife died two years ago.
Non mais... donc peut etre que tu n'as rien fait comme je vous l'ai dit dans ma lettre, ma femme est morte il y a 2 ans un cancer, elle était bien traiter, nous pensions que son cancer allait guerir
But if you do want to talk about it, anything at all, just call me, okay? Anytime.
Si tu as besoin de parler, tu peux m'appeler quand tu veux.
Anything at all!
Personne dit rien.
It's a wonder that anything can survive here at all.
C'est un miracle que quoi que ce soit survive dans le parc.
Okay, all of the things are important to remember, but the most important thing is that no one say anything about my pregnancy at the wedding.
Tout ça est important, mais l'instruction principale est qu'au mariage, personne n'évoque ma grossesse.
If you guys aren't gonna charge him, with anything, and I can tell by the dumbfounded expressions on your faces that you're not at all.
Si vous voulez accuser mon client et je peux dire d'après vos expressions, que ce n'est pas le cas.
Listen, if we had anything to go on at all here, any real-life lead whatsoever, believe me, I'd be the first guy talking to ballistics or forensics or whatever, all right?
Si on avait quelque chose sur quoi s'appuyer, une vraie piste, je parlerais à la balistique, aux légistes, à qui tu veux.
♪ does 50 feet or less mean anything to you at all?
Tu comprends pas : "pas à moins de 15 m"?
It's a wonder you get anything done at all.
La VP, on se demande ce qu'ils branlent.
That married man was not going to do anything for you at all, Edie.
Cet homme marié n'allait rien faire pour toi, Edie.
Look, if there's anything you need at all...
Si je peux faire quelque chose...
Kristin... if you need anything... if you need to talk or you have any questions at all... just call that number.
Kristin... Si vous avez besoin de quelque chose... de parler ou pour toute question... appelez ce numéro.
We bought this land, and the cops here told us who you are, and we mean no disrespect at all, but we're about to start construction, and we can't do anything if you're still up there.
Nous avons acheté ce terrain. La police nous a dit qui vous êtes et, sauf votre respect, ça bloque tout le chantier si vous restez là-haut.
- Okay. You need to tell them you don't remember anything. And you need to avoid getting in any vehicle with them at all costs.
Que vous ne vous souvenez de rien et ne montez jamais en voiture avec eux.
Can you tell me anything about him at all?
Vous ne pouvez rien me dire sur lui?
From now on, mate, you don't say anything, and that means nothing at all.
À partir de maintenant, tu ne dis plus rien, et "plus rien", ça veut dire "plus rien du tout".
- No. Do you remember doing anything to the animals at all?
tu te souviens avoir fait quoi que ce soit a ces animaux?
at all 631
at all costs 35
at all times 43
all right 154529
alla 16
allo 105
allons 38
allah 58
allez 130
allen 543
at all costs 35
at all times 43
all right 154529
alla 16
allo 105
allons 38
allah 58
allez 130
allen 543
all you need is love 37
all the world's a stage 17
allanon 32
allahu akbar 114
all alone 307
all done 358
all rise 341
allergic 17
all right then 461
all the way up 39
all the world's a stage 17
allanon 32
allahu akbar 114
all alone 307
all done 358
all rise 341
allergic 17
all right then 461
all the way up 39