As well Çeviri Fransızca
62,716 parallel translation
I use it during the day as well to get some air.
Je l'utilise en journée aussi pour pouvoir respirer.
They get fungal infections, they get bacterial infections, you've got to feed them anti-fungals, antibiotics, and these substances accumulate in the fish flesh as well.
Ils attrapent des champignons, des infections bactériennes. On leur donne des antifongiques, des antibiotiques, et ces substances s'accumulent aussi dans le poisson.
All of these compounds can create hormonal, reproductive, developmental damage as well.
Tous ces composés peuvent créer aussi des dommages hormonaux, ou du développement.
Doing more research, I found that dairy was linked to many different types of cancer as well.
En cherchant encore, j'ai découvert que le lait était lié à différents types de cancer.
One of the very effective ways that the dairy industry promotes its products is to reach children because kids are impressionable, they're gonna be consumers for their entire lives, and you might as well get'em while they're young.
Une façon très efficace de l'industrie laitière pour promouvoir ses produits c'est d'atteindre les enfants parce qu'ils sont impressionnables, ils seront des consommateurs toute leur vie ou potentiellement déjà quand ils sont jeunes.
That's the beauty of it, when you're altruistic, when you make choices for the greater good of others, it's comes around benefits me as well.
Ça c'est beau, être altruiste, faire des choix pour le mieux des autres, ça me profite aussi.
You might as well have gut-shot him.
Tu aurais mieux fait de lui tirer dessus.
I hate to say it, Linc, but I think we might've just got pinned as well.
J'aime pas dire ça, mais je crois qu'on est coincés aussi.
- If ISIL controls the city, like they say, it will be a prison out there as well.
Si Daech a pris le contrôle de la ville, la prison sera partout.
Since Luke's DNA cleared him, we should collect samples from all of our friends to clear them as well.
L'ADN de Luke l'a innocenté. Prenons leur ADN pour les blanchir aussi.
I seem to remember you being there as well.
Je me souviens que tu étais présent aussi.
You may as well tell her.
Tu devrais lui dire.
And in return, I believe it can save you as well.
Et en retour, je crois qu'elle peut aussi te sauver.
I wanted to talk with you, as well. Ok.
Je voulais aussi vous parler.
This is personal for me, as well.
C'est aussi personnel pour moi.
Because you know as well as I do what he has done for this city.
Parce que vous savez aussi bien que moi ce qu'il a fait pour cette ville.
You know as well as I do once there is deal, it is forever.
Tu sais aussi bien que moi qu'une fois qu'il y a un accord, c'est pour toujours.
If you're just gonna stand there, you might as well say something.
Si tu comptes rester là, tu n'as qu'à dire quelque chose.
We should celebrate that tonight as well as your birthday.
On devrait fêter ça ce soir. De même que ton anniversaire.
My anonymity is for your protection as well as mine.
Je resterai anonyme pour nous protéger tous les deux.
Well, as she said it, I felt real clarity that that's what we need.
Mais quand elle a dit ça, j'ai compris qu'on en avait besoin.
Well, that would be the end of their funding, that would be the end of their jobs, there would be lawsuits that would bring the entire catastrophe down upon their heads, and they would essentially disappear as organizations.
Ça serait la fin de leurs subventions. La fin de leurs emplois, il y aurait des poursuites qui leur feraient porter le chapeau de toute cette catastrophe. Elles disparaîtraient comme organisations.
Wow. Well, sounds like you've exhausted all your options.
Tu as épuisé toutes tes options, on dirait.
Well, don't you have a ton of people here, friends?
T'as pas du monde à voir? Des amis?
Well... when you need me again, you know where to find me.
Si tu as encore besoin de moi, tu sais où me trouver.
Well, as we know, New Mexico is one-party consent, So chuck had a right to make the recording.
D'après la loi du Nouveau-Mexique, Chuck était dans son droit.
Well, as long as you promise to give me that coffee after, sure.
À condition que tu me serves mon café après.
Wow... Well, don't worry. You have time.
T'en fais pas, tu as le temps.
You know damn well I want to find Jace just as much as you do, but that's no excuse to treat me like...
Je veux retrouver Jace tout autant que toi, - c'est pas une raison pour me...
Well, I was mad because you stood up and tipped us over!
J'étais énervée car tu t'es levé et tu nous as fait basculer!
Did you sleep well?
Tu as bien dormi?
Well... you're welcome to stay as long as you need.
Tu peux rester aussi longtemps que tu as besoin.
Well, have you figured anything out?
Tu as trouvé quelque chose?
Well, you look pretty spry despite it.
Tu as l'air plutôt en forme.
Well, you're lucky. It only got, like, 37 retweets.
Tu as de la chance, il n'a eu que 37 retweets.
Soon as he's well enough to handle it.
Dès qu'il pourra l'encaisser.
Well, as long as he's on board, right?
Tant qu'il y est dévoué, c'est bon non?
Well, she's not stupid and she's really upset, so what did you say to her?
Elle n'est pas bête et elle est très énervée, qu'est-ce que tu lui as dit?
Well, you got a wife and kid.
Tu as une femme et un enfant.
Well, you did it.
Tu l'as fait.
Well, so long as she does Laurel proud.
Tant qu'elle rend Laurel fière.
Well, you undersold this.
Et bien, tu me l'as sous-vendue.
Yeah. Well, you gave them plenty to think about.
Tu leur as donné de quoi réfléchir.
Well, Oliver, it's pretty easy, you confronting him in public like that.
Oliver, tu lui as facilité la tâche en le confrontant en public.
Well, do you have a better idea?
Tu as une meilleure idée?
Well, you were the one who told me it was silly to think that a...
Tu as été le seul à me dire que c'était bête de penser qu'un...
Well, Mr. Chase's secret life came as a surprise to us all.
Eh bien, la vie secrète de M. Chase a été une surprise pour nous tous.
Yeah, well, you know, Rene may come across as an irresponsible idiot, but that's- - you know, it's just'cause that's what he wants people to think of him, you know?
Tu sais, Rene peut sembler être un idiot irresponsable, mais c'est... c'est juste ce qu'il veut que les gens pensent de lui, tu vois?
"you know damn well who!" You're right.
"tu sais très bien qui!" Tu as raison.
Yeah, well, I don't know about you, but I'm sure as hell not staying here, waiting.
Je ne sais pas pour vous, mais il est clair que je ne vais pas rester ici à attendre.
Quite well, I might add.
Tu as bonne mine, je devrais même ajouter.
as well as can be expected 32
as well as 27
as well you know 20
well 438053
wells 385
weller 130
wellington 57
welles 22
wellesley 18
well done 4465
as well as 27
as well you know 20
well 438053
wells 385
weller 130
wellington 57
welles 22
wellesley 18
well done 4465
well spotted 23
well hello 20
well thank you 29
well played 346
well then 1046
well i don't know 35
well said 253
well come on 26
well you know 47
well that's good 18
well hello 20
well thank you 29
well played 346
well then 1046
well i don't know 35
well said 253
well come on 26
well you know 47
well that's good 18
well no 77
well spoken 20
well in that case 21
well i'm sorry 20
well now 184
well i 89
well actually 36
well it's 16
well i never 20
well enough 63
well spoken 20
well in that case 21
well i'm sorry 20
well now 184
well i 89
well actually 36
well it's 16
well i never 20
well enough 63