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Forgive him Çeviri Fransızca

1,361 parallel translation
When you see Tom, would you tell him that I forgive him?
Quand vous verrez Tom, dites-lui que je lui pardonne.
I could never forgive him for that.
Je lui en ai toujours voulu.
Wouldn't you rather forgive him?
Tu ne préfères pas le pardonner, lui?
You brought him into this life, but you're not willing to forgive him.
Tu ne lui as pas pardonné.
He put a dark place in me, and I can't forgive him for that.
Il a jeté une ombre sur mon cœur et je ne peux pas lui pardonner.
Well, I forgive him. It is a delicate business.
C'est délicat
He has used everybody ill, and they are all delighted to forgive him!
Il a utilisé tous les malades et ils sont tous ravis de lui pardonner!
"... and, having decided to forgive him, enfolds him in a tight embrace. "
"... et prête à lui pardonner, le serre fort ".
Jon said God would never forgive him... if he let this project continue.
Jon a dit : "Dieu ne me pardonnerait pas de laisser faire çà."
He starts crying and begging her to forgive him and she says a certain four-letter word more than a couple of times and storms out.
Il se met à pleurer, demande pardon, et elle crie des gros mots et sort comme un ouragan.
We go walking and talkir in macan'thur park, and I forgive him sometimes.
On va se promener et bavarder dans MacArthur Park... et parfois, je lui pardonne.
I won't forgive him.
Je ne lui pardonnerai pas.
So now I just forgive him?
Et je devrais lui pardonner?
I forgive him.
Je lui pardonne.
Soledad, he could not kill Eladio... because he knew I would never forgive him.
Mais Soledad ne pouvait pas tuer Eladio parce qu'il savait que je ne le pardonnerais jamais.
May you forgive me as you forgive him, as a man and a soldier, for restoring the honor and memory of the B-11.
Pardonnez-moi, en tant qu'homme et soldat, pour restaurer l'honneur et la mémoire du B-11.
To you I forgive him.
Pour vous je lui pardonne.
Otto promised silently that he would take care of her if she would forgive him.
Otto lui promis silencieusement que si elle le pardonnait, il prendrait toujours soin d'elle.
please forgive him
C'est entièrement ma faute
Please forgive him.
You can pay back or forgive him.
Tu peux te venger ou lui pardonner.
Can't you forgive him?
Peux-tu l'oublier?
- I still... Part of me just doesn't understand why she would forgive him.
- Malgré tout... je ne comprends pas vraiment pourquoi elle lui a pardonné.
Why would she need to forgive him?
Pourquoi aurait-elle besoin de lui pardonner?
Daddy, that's where he is. He wants to know why you won't forgive him.
Mais dans mon rêve, il m'a dit qu'il veut que tu lui pardonnes.
His death is staying with me because I can't forgive him for getting killed.
Et si je traîne sa mort ainsi, c'est parce que je n'arrive pas à le pardonner.
You have to forgive him.
Il faut lui pardonner.
All he wants you to do is to forgive him.
Il n'attend que votre pardon.
Forgive him?
Mon pardon?
In fact, I can never forgive him.
En fait, je ne lui ai jamais pardonné.
Forgive him, Lord.
Pardonnez-lui, Seigneur.
If my boyfriend... caused any trouble to you hope you would forgive him
Si mon fiancé vous a ennuyé, j'espère que vous le pardonnerez.
- I'm never gonna forgive him.
- Je m'en serais bien passée.
Can you forgive him?
Tu peux lui pardonner?
# But if you love him, you'll forgive him... #
"Mais si tu l'aimes, tu lui pardonneras"
Forgive me this my virtue for in the fatness of these pursy times virtue itself of vice must pardon beg yea, curb and woo for leave to do him good.
Pardonnez-moi ma vertu, puisqu en ces temps immoraux, la vertu elle-même doit demander pardon au vice, et implorer sa permission de lui faire du bien.
After listening to the bolero "Forgive Her," the great composer Günther Frager wrote indignantly to Mastropiero accusing him of having plagiarized a passage of his third symphony.
Après avoir écouté "Pardonne-lui" le compositeur Günther Frager indigné, écrivit à Mastropiero, l'accusant d'avoir plagié un passage de sa symphonie nº3
Look, I forgive him.
Je lui pardonne.
Why would I ask him to forgive me?
Pourquoi je lui demanderais ça?
Can't we forget? Can't we forgive? Console him.
Pourquoi ne pas pardonner, oublier, et le consoler... de la mort de son père...
I can forgive you liking him, Clarissa.
Je ne peux pas croire que tu l'aimes, Clarissa.
Or, are you afraid he wouldn't forgive you if he knew you'd been alive all these years without telling him?
Ou est-ce que vous avez peur qu'il ne puisse pas vous pardonner, s'il découvre que vous étiez vivant toutes ces années sans le lui avoir dit?
If you are indeed lost to me, it is my Lord's prayer that you are not lost to Him, dear Angel. That you walk in the light, that you forgive, and that you never have to know the truth.
Tu n'es certes plus à moi, mais je prie le Seigneur pour que tu sois à Lui, cher Angel, que tu marches dans la lumière, que tu saches pardonner et que tu ne connaisses jamais la vérité.
He thought you were wrong about the Maquis but he forgave you which is ironic considering you never forgave him. You can't forgive any of us.
Il pensait que vous aviez tort au sujet du Maquis, mais il vous avait pardonné, ce qui est ironique quand on songe que vous ne lui avez jamais pardonné.
But I forgave him. And here, in the end, I thought maybe just maybe, he could forgive me.
Et ici, au seuil de la mort, je pensais que peut-être, peut-être, il pourrait me pardonner.
If you tell him about the card he might forgive us. He might even be grateful for all the effort we've gone through just to make him happy.
Il pourrait nous pardonner et même se montrer reconnaissant.
Forgive me, Your Majesty, but I believe my troops can stop him.
Pardon, Majesté... Je crois que mes troupes peuvent l'arrêter.
Ordinarily their Kuan Ti code would keep him quiet, but Ho couldn't forgive his brother's death.
Selon le code Kuan Ti, il aurait dû se taire, mais Ho n'a pas avalé la mort de son frère.
Are you kidding? He'd never forgive me if I robbed him of the joy of getting out of that by himself.
Il serait vexé de pas s'être libéré tout seul.
I'm sorry, but I'm not good at dealing with that man. Forgive me for not seeing him off.
Désolée de ne pas l'avoir raccompagné à la porte, mais je ne peux pas...
If you defeat him they'll forgive my honey's stealing the Rolex
Si tu le bats, il passera l'éponge sur la Rolex que ma femme aurait volée.

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