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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / He's doing well

He's doing well Çeviri Fransızca

673 parallel translation
Well, he must know what he's doing.
Il doit savoir ce qu'il fait.
He's doing well in school.
- J'ai reçu son bulletin, il a de bonnes notes.
Well, if he's so famous, what's he doing hanging around here all the time?
Dans ce cas-là, pourquoi passe-t-il tout son temps ici?
He's doing well, but he had a very narrow escape from pneumonia.
Il se remet à peine d'une pneumonie.
- He's doing as well as can be expected.
- Il va aussi bien que possible.
Lloyd's been doing pretty well. He's with the district attorney's office.
Lloyd travaille au bureau du procureur.
He's doing ever so well.
- Tout se passe bien.
Well, he cleared her. But he bust his leg snap in two doing it.
Il a franchi le buisson mais s'est cassé la jambe en retombant.
I just hope he's doing well.
On se fait toujours du souci pour eux.
- Well, what's he doing?
- Eh bien, que fait-il?
Then he's doing very well.
Alors il est parfait.
I love Danny as much as he does, and I'm just as happy as he is that Danny's doing so well.
J'aime Danny autant que lui. Et je partage sa joie de voir Danny récupérer.
He's doing very well.
Il s'en sort très bien.
He's doing very well, Frank.
Il va très bien, Frank.
Well, Porter Hollingsway knows what he's doing too.
M. Hollingsway aussi est malin.
Well don't pass by when your father is... When it looks like he's doing something bad.
T'as pas à passer par là quand je suis en plein euh... quand ton père a l'air de faire quelque chose de mal.
Yes. Well, there's a doctor down there and he's doing research on tropical diseases.
Oui, il y a un médecin là-bas qui fait des recherches sur les maladies tropicales.
Well, if he wants to know so badly, let him come and ask me. I'm... What are you doing here?
S'il y tient, qu'il me les demande...
All the doctor says is he's doing as well as can be expected.
le docteur dit qu'il se porte aussi bien que possible.
Ha-ha. Well, stop worrying. He's doing it for nothing.
Pas de bile, il fait ça pour rien.
The word is he's doing very well.
Les nouvelles sont excellentes.
He's not doing well.
Il ne va vraiment pas bien.
Well, tell me, what's he doing here?
- Dites-moi, que fait-il ici?
With the rest of them, he's been doing a tough job well.
Avec tous les autres, il fait un travail remarquable.
Well, we're all worked up, Miss Alice... and master will play old Harry if he comes in and finds us doing nowt in workroom.
On a tout fini, Melle Alice. Le patron nous enguirlandera s'il vient et qu'on fait rien.
He's doing pretty well.
Il a beaucoup de succès.
Well, what's he doing down there?
Que fait-il là-dedans?
Well, he's been doing fine.
On avance beaucoup...
It is finished here in New York, but he is doing very well on tour.
Il est fini ici à New York, mais il s'en sort très bien en tournée.
Glad to hear he's doing so well.
Content d'apprendre qu'il s'en sort bien.
Well, I suppose Winston knows what he's doing.
J'imagine que Winston sait ce qu'il fait.
You have to admit he's doing that well.
Avoue qu'il est fortiche.
Well, what's he doing way out here?
Que fait-il ici?
You'll see him in coarsegold. He's a miner at the strike, doing real well.
Il est mineur à Coarse Gold, il gagne bien.
He's doing extremely well, and he needs a loan to extend his plant.
Pas de temps à perdre.
Oh, well, don't worry. Oliver knows what he's doing.
Oliver sait ce qu'il fait.
He's doing well!
Ça marche bien pour lui!
- Well, what's he doing in the service?
- Que faisait-il à l'armée?
He's doing well now too.
Il va bien.
- Alors, que fait-il là?
If even you know him, he must be doing real well for himself.
Si vous le connaissez, c'est qu'il doit bien s'en sortir.
- Well, what's he doing here?
- Que fait-il ici?
Well, if you know him perhaps you can tell us what he's doing in a police box?
Vous allez pouvoir nous dire ce qu'il fait - dans une cabine de police.
- He's doing well.
- Il se débrouille bien.
Just as my father was doing well at his job, he'd arrive home and say : "Come on, we've left."
Dès que son travail marchait bien, mon père nous disait : "On s'en va!"
Well what's he doing with it?
He's not doing very well, is he?
- Il ne s'en sort pas très bien.
Well, thankfully, he's doing okay. The doctor told me that if he stays rested, he'll heal completely soon.
Heureusement, le médecin dit qu'il est hors de danger s'il continue à bien se reposer.
He's kind of a friend of mine, and he told my supervisor, Joe McMann, he told Joe about my style and how well I sold the policy, and he said that Joe seemed a little nervous, as if I was doing too well, you know.
C'est un de mes amis, et il a dit à mon supérieur, Joe McMann, à quel point il appréciait ma façon de vendre, et selon lui, ça a fait peur à Joe, comme si je travaillais trop bien.
He's doing well.
Il se débrouille bien.
- He's doing well.
- Il s'en sort bien.

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