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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ I ] / I asked him to

I asked him to Çeviri Fransızca

2,159 parallel translation
Do you remember How resistant Detective hyde was When I asked him To bring in my father?
L'Inspecteur Hyde a résisté quand on lui a demandé d'arrêter mon père.
Then I asked him to leave.
Puis je lui ai demandé de partir.
I asked him to move in, But i made him pretend he was just Some roommate i met on the internet.
Je lui ai proposé d'emménager avec moi, mais j'ai voulu qu'il dise qu'il était juste un colocataire que j'avais rencontré sur le net.
I cheated on Cliff at your party, and that's why I asked him to marry me, because I felt so guilty.
A ta fête, j'ai trompé Cliff, et c'est pour ca que je lui ai demandé de m'épouser, parce que j'me sentais coupable.
I feel like I let him down. I asked him to be a good example and a good teammate.
j'ai l'impression de l'avoir laissé tomber je lui ai demandé d'etre un bon exemple et un von coéquipier
When i had jor-El bring back her memories, I asked him to leave out the ones about who i really am.
Quand Jor-El lui a rendu ses souvenirs, je lui ai demandé de ne pas remettre ceux qui concernaient ma vraie personnalité.
So I asked him to make a choice.
Alors, je lui ai demandé de faire un choix.
I asked him to tutor me. Why didn't he just say he had a girlfriend?
Pourquoi il a pas parlé de sa copine dès le départ?
I asked him to come and help me... Huh? ... pick up my Aunt Sally.
Je lui demandais de venir m'aider pour aller chercher ma tante Sally.
Waited for the perfect time and then I asked him to bring me in on the operation.
J'ai attendu l'instant parfait Pour lui demander de participer à l'opération.
I asked him to sleep on it, and he said he would.
Je lui ai demandé d'y réfléchir, et il a dit qu'il le ferait.
Relax. I asked him to come.
Je lui ai demandé de venir.
I asked him to come.
- Je lui ai demandé de venir.
And I asked him to take it down, but he said that it would ruin the balance of the collage.
Je lui ai dit de l'enlever, mais il a dit que ça gâcherait l'harmonie de l'œuvre.
I asked him to stand by until i could talk to you.
Je lui ai dit de ne pas bouger tant que je ne vous avais pas parlé.
I asked him to leave it here.
Je lui ai demandé de le laisser.
Walter came along with me today because I asked him to.
J'ai demandé à Walter de venir avec moi aujourd'hui.
I can't believe she asked him to walk her down the aisle.
J'arrive pas à croire qu'elle lui ait demandé de l'amener à l'autel.
Evan asked me to trust him and I did.
Evan m'a dit de lui faire confiance.
I haven't asked him to.
Je ne lui ai rien demandé.
So I asked him out to dinner, and the rest is history.
Je l'ai invité à dîner, et la suite, tout le monde la connaît.
I've asked him to be a part of these discussions.
Je lui ai demandé d'assister aux discussions.
If my father ever came to me and asked me to forgive him, I would forgive him.
Si mon père venait me voir un jour et me demandait de lui pardonner, je lui pardonnerai.
I asked him if he had intention to order his men to fire on the crowd.
Je lui ai demandé s'il avait l'intention de donner l'ordre à ses hommes de tirer sur la foule.
I asked him "And when did you hear the command to fire?"
À ma question, "Quand avez-vous entendu l'ordre de tirer?"
I did everything he asked from picking up his dry cleaning To keeping him sober before noon, which was, Believe me, the hardest thing i've ever done.
J'ai fait tout ce qu'il a demandé, de récupérer son nettoyage à sec à l'empêcher d'être bourré avant midi, ce qui était, crois-moi, le plus dur que j'aie jamais fait.
He didn't know what to do, so he left town and asked me if I'd help him give him a head start.
Il était terrorisé, il savait pas quoi faire. Il a quitté la ville et m'a demandé de l'aide.
in fact he even asked me to keep one of the videocassettes for multiple views... and then when I wasn't around, I saw him smashing one.
en fait, il m'a demandé de garder une des cassettes pour plusieurs visionnages... et quand je suis parti, je l'ai vu en défoncer une.
I asked him why'd he help me, even though I wouldn't talk to him.
Il est intervenu, alors qu'on se parlait pas.
Or better yet, why did you tell him when I specifically asked you not to?
Mieux encore, pourquoi tu le lui as dit alors que je t'ai demandé de pas le faire?
- I've asked him to say the prayer of exorcism at 5.17, that's when the bullet hit in'81.
- Je lui ai demandé de réciter les prières à 5 h 17, quand la balle fut tirée en 1981.
When it was my turn to speak, I asked him if he was the Father Lelong who had defended the TV station Al Manar and its broadcasting system when the station was banned in France.
À ce moment-là, j'ai pris la parole et je lui ai demandé si c'était bien le même père Lelong qui avait défendu la chaîne Al-Manar et ses facultés de diffusion au moment où cette chaîne a été interdite en France.
And then shortly after he was diagnosed, I was driving him to a swim meet, and he just turned to me, out of the blue and asked why I couldn't work on a cure.
Peu après le diagnostic, je l'emmenais à une course de natation, quand tout à coup, il s'est tourné et m'a demandé pourquoi je ne cherchais pas de remède.
I'm the one that asked him to come down.
C'est moi qui lui ai demandé de venir.
I asked you to take care of him, not to kill him.
Je vous ai demandé de prendre soin de lui, pas de le tuer.
I asked him not to accompany me. I wish to speak to you alone, and in confidence.
- je lui ai demandé de ne pas venir je souhaite vous parler seule, et confidentiellement
When I asked him about the 20 men he promised, he said, "Which men?" as if I had never talked to him.
Quand j'ai parlé des 20 hommes qu'il nous avait promis, il m'a dit : "Lesquels?" Comme si on n'en avait jamais parlé.
I remember when I first took office, I asked him if he wanted to stay on as Commissioner and...
Je me souviens, au début de mon mandat, je lui ai demandé s'il voulait rester avec moi en tant que Commissaire et...
I went to Seldom, explained to him, asked him to help me get into the theory of numbers group at Cambridge, and, do you know what he said about my idea?
J'ai expliqué ma théorie à Seldom, pour qu'il m'aide à entrer à Cambridge. Tu sais ce qu'il m'a dit?
I didn't see him, but Nan said, It was this He Le who asked him to take the twins to the audition.
Je ne l'ai pas vu mais Nan a dit que He Le avait besoin de jumeaux.
Virgil asked me on the spot if I'd care to partner up with him and his peacekeeping business.
Virgil me demanda de but en blanc si j'avais envie de m'associer avec lui et son affaire de "maintien de la paix".
I had heard about, people's homes that went into June. Mathew seemed not to want to talk and I have not asked him.
J'ai entendu dire que June entrait dans des maisons, mais Mathew ne semblait pas vouloir en parler et je ne l'ai pas questionné.
I had asked him not to eat, June but I wanted not to upset.
Quand June l'a invité à manger, je n'étais pas particulièrement bouleversé.
When I went to see him at Saint-Paul's, he asked me to wear several jumpers so I'd look more sturdy.
Quand j'ai été le voir à Saint.Paul, il m'avait dit d'enfiler des pulls pour paraître costaud.
My first assignment was contacted, with my local source, Mohammed Aban. He asked me to come, so I hope that he is there, if we are to knock him.
Ma première commande a été de contacter mon source locale, Mohammed Aban inviter rencontrer ici tant attendu qui marchait par ici, et ne pas avoir à aller frapper à la porte
I asked him if he wanted $ 100 to go someplace for dinner and talk
Je lui ai demandé s'il voulait 100 $ pour aller souper et jaser,
Katie, when I was an intern, this oncologist asked me to assist him with his research and I was too intimidated and so I said no.
Quand j'étais interne, l'oncologiste m'a demandé d'être son assistante, mais j'étais intimidée et j'ai refusé.
He asked me to marry him. And it's weird, but I instantly knew that I didn't want to.
Il m'a demandé de l'épouser et j'ai su instantanément que je ne voulais pas.
The only thing I asked him not to take from me- - He took it anyway.
La seule chose que je lui demandais de ne pas m'enlever, il me l'a enlevée quand même.
I've already spoken to him and asked him to take a calling in Canada.
Je lui ai déjà parlé. Je lui ai demandé d'accepter un appel du Canada.
- I'm sorry, Mom, but Ben asked me to ride with him so I could help him navigate.
- Désolée, maman. Ben m'a demandé de l'aider à se diriger.

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