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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ I ] / I asked around

I asked around Çeviri Fransızca

357 parallel translation
- I asked around, though.
- Mais je me suis renseigné.
I know, I asked around.
Je sais, je me suis renseignée.
So I asked around about this Sophie too.
Je la cherchai également.
- I asked around.
J'ai demandé autour de moi.
I saw him and you coming out of Jacobs'place... and then yesterday I asked around about you.
Je vous ai vus, lui et vous, sortir de chez Jacobs, et hier, je me suis renseignée sur vous.
I asked around.
J'ai fouillé les cendres.
I asked around.
J'ai fait mon enquête.
He never shows. I asked around, everybody's a clam.
Mais il n'est jamais venu, et personne ne sait rien.
I asked around and there was this guy...
J'ai demandé à des gens, et il y avait ce type.
I asked around.
J'ai demandé.
I thought I asked you to come around to my place tonight and start working for me.
Je croyais que je t'avais demandé de venir chez moi ce soir et de commencer à travailler pour moi.
I've asked all around. It's no use.
J'ai demandé partout, mais ça n'a pas marché.
Stop messing around! I didn't ask for his address, I asked where he is in Chapei!
- Je te demande pas son adresse, mais où il perche à Chanpei!
- I asked all around the neighborhood and nobody claims him, so Sailor wants to keep it.
- J'ai demandé partout, personne n'en veut, donc le matelot le garde.
I asked what is that strange costume you're parading around in?
J'ai demande quel est cet accoutrement bizarre?
Do not take me in around if I tell you the grace that I asked?
Tu ne me taquineras pas si je te dis quelle grâce?
I've asked George Woolf to stand by in case Ted doesn't come around.
J'ai demandé à George Woolf de le remplacer au cas oû.
Well, he asked downstairs about his brothers, and they sent him up. I let him stick around.
- Il demandait ses frères, on nous l'a envoyé.
Nobody asked me and I wasn't anybody's friend especially but I stuck around
Je n'étais pas invité et je n'étais l'ami de personne, mais je suis resté.
I would have asked, but I didn't see anybody around.
J'aurais demandé, mais je n'ai vu personne.
They asked me, if anybody come around... asking questions about Lee Kawolsky, what do I know?
Ils m'ont demandé : "Si quelqu'un vient " poser des questions sur Lee Kawolsky, tu sais quoi? "
Do you think that's why I asked you here, to be chased around the furniture?
Vous croyez que je tiens à être traquée?
Oh, I tried everything. Called people, asked around and suddenly thought of looking in the phone book.
J'ai téléphoné, j'ai posé des questions, puis j'ai pensé à l'annuaire.
Penny, darling, I've got to go out this morning and I've asked Robert to show you around.
Chérie, il faut que je sorte, ce matin. J'ai demandé à Robert de vous montrer les environs.
I asked myself who, of everybody around, fouled... fouled up his life the most?
Je me suis demandé qui, de tous, avait le plus gâché sa vie.
I phoned Marston and asked him if there was anywhere around there that they had horses for hire.
Je l'ai appelé et lui ai demandé si on pouvait louer des chevaux.
You know, when I called her up this morning... Just to touch base... She asked how the roads were around here
Quand je l'ai appelée ce matin - juste par politesse - elle voulait savoir s'il fallait une Jeep pour circuler par ici.
Me? - Yes, for the first time in my life I asked around.
Oui, pour la première fois dans ma vie...
When you didn't come back, I went in to Las Rinas and asked around.
Quand vous n'êtes pas rentré, je suis allée me renseigner à Las Rinas.
A lady went past. I asked her if there were other clubs around.
Une bonne femme traversait la place, je lui demande s'il n'y a pas d'autres boîtes ici.
I asked you to show the lieutenant around.
Vous deviez lui montrer nos installations.
Yes, I asked her what she was doing walking around at that hour...
la certitude que c'était elle? Je suis allé lui demander ce qu'elle faisait là... et elle m'a insulté. Absolument.
This better be a joke,'cause I'm not driving you around. But you asked me.
- Il est hors de question que tu restes là.
I've asked around, but nobody says he shot your wife.
Je me suis renseigné : personne ne dit qu'il a tué ta femme.
I've asked around.
Je suis allé chez elle et chez ses proches.
Actually, the reason I asked you to come up to this room was that I figured sooner or later you'd get around to asking me where I was on the night of the murder.
Je vous ai amené ici parce que tôt ou tard, vous me demanderez où j'étais le soir du crime.
Polly, I have asked you, please, not to leave your strange drawings lying around.
Je vous ai demandé de ne pas laisser vos gribouillis traîner.
I have asked you before not to come around here when I was shooting.
Je t'avais dit de ne pas venir pendant que je tournais.
He came up to me and asked how much I charged to go a few laps around the track.
Il s'est approché et m'a demandé combien je voulais pour aller avec lui.
They just showed me around the place, and they asked me if I wanted to join. And I said, yes, I did.
Ils m'ont juste fait visiter et m'ont demandé si je voulais m'inscrire.
Then, when I asked him... what I should do around the house, he replied that it wasn't my place.
Alors, je lui demandais ce que je devais faire à la maison, il me répondait que je n'étais pas à la maison.
So I went around to all our neighbors houses and asked for money for the needy.
Alors j'ai fait une quête auprès des voisins pour les nécessiteux.
Anyway, it took me forever to find the lilies you asked for. After I woke up, around noon or a Iittle later.
Il m'a fallu du temps pour trouver des lys, quand je me suis réveillé, un peu après midi.
Et sans faire la queue.
In my dream, Steve came in and asked me if I wanted to fool around.
Dans mon rêve, Steve rentre et me demande si je veux faire l'amour.
So I went to drive it around the back, just like he asked.
Je suis allé le garer derrière, comme il me l'a demandé.
I asked around the neighbours.
Il habite ici.
I asked Rug Daniels to follow her around.
J'ai demandé à Rug Daniels de la suivre partout.
She asked if I'd show you around. Yeah, but what are you doin'here?
Je vais te montrer les lieux.
When I asked him about Friday night, he said he was home alone... while his wife was out playing mahjong until around midnight.
Il m'a dit qu'il était seul chez lui vendredi soir car sa femme était allée jouer au mah-jong.
I asked him to come here and snoop around.
Je lui ai demandé de venir ici et fouiner.

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