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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ I ] / It took a while

It took a while Çeviri Fransızca

592 parallel translation
It took a while for all to find their seats.
Chacun se casa comme il put.
It took a while before they believed us and released us.
Et avant qu'on s'expliqué, ça a demandé un bout de temps.
It took a while, but you got there
Ben, tu y es arrivée.
It took a while to sign the papers and get the cash.
Je l'ai pas retrouvé tout de suite.
It took a while to train him, but now he's about ready for his debut.
Le dressage a été difficile, mais il est prêt.
It needed a clean up. - it took a while for you to notice.
ça en avait besoin, pas vrai?
It needed a clean up. - it took a while for you to notice.
Il vous en a fallu du temps.
It took a while, but it was worth it!
Ça a pris du temps mais ça valait le coup!
We would have been here sooner, but it took a while to get those people out.
On arrive tard parce qu'on a dû virer les clients.
It took a while, but the whisky caught up with me, I guess.
Ca a pris du temps, mais le whisky a fini par m'avoir.
Yeah, it took a while, but I think so.
Oui, je crois bien.
It took you a while to come up with that!
Vous en avez mis, du temps, pour trouver ça! Alors, vous l'aimez, votre femme?
Looks like it took a long while to get started.
Il semble avoir été long à allumer.
Well, Roger wanted to sit next to you for a while, and I thought it would be nice if the children took turns. - I never...
Roger voulait s'asseoir un peu à côté de toi... et j'ai pensé que ce serait bien qu'ils alternent.
And it took me a while to discover just how insidious Amthor is... - because he did me a lot of good.
Et je me trompais sur Amthor, parce qu'il m'avait fait du bien.
I sat him in the kitchen with me while I prepared dinner. I took crisp lettuce, romaine and crinkly endive from my own garden for my husband's favorite salad. And what a dinner it was.
Hier, il m'a regardée préparer le dîner.
It took us a little while to find her.
Ça nous a pris du temps :
It took us a while to realize what it was.
Ça nous a pris un moment pour réaliser ce que c'était.
I guess it was just a coincidence that the mission was open and empty all night while everybody suddenly took off on an all-night crusade.
Etait-ce une coïncidence que la mission... soit restée ouverte et vide toute la nuit... et que tout le monde soit parti en croisade nocturne?
It took me quite a while to decide.
J'ai mis du temps à me décider.
He thought it'd be a good idea if I took a trip while he consummated this big deal, because I have no head for business.
Il a pensé que ce serait bien que je voyage pendant qu'il concluait le marché, car je ne comprends rien aux affaires.
I kind of got used to being a commander so when I arrived here at the hospital I took a look at the enlisted men's ward and then the officer's ward and I said to myself, "Let's let it ride along for a while."
Je me suis habitué à être un commandant... et quand je suis arrivé à l'hôpital... j'ai comparé le service des simples soldats et celui des officiers... et je me suis dit : "Profitons-en tant que ça dure."
If I were you, I'd live with that a while before I took it in anyplace.
Si j'étais toi, je m'y habituerais avant de l'emmener.
It's wrong, all wrong. It took me a while to straighten him out.
J'ai eu du mal à tout rectifier.
While you're standing there thinking about it, this man just took your life.
Pendant que vous réfléchissiez, il vous a tué.
Would it be all right if I took a few notes while you're talking?
Pourrais-je prendre quelques notes?
It was Mundt who took one crucial precaution while the British, with Fiedler's aid, planned his murder.
Mundt a été très vigilant alors que les Britanniques, et Fiedler, préparaient son meurtre.
He took my place and waited while I did it. Then he locked me in.
il a attendu que je l'achève, puis il m'a renfermé.
He took it while we were sleeping.
Il l'a pris pendant qu'on dormait.
It took me quite a while to settle down, at first I thought there was too much papal bul.
Au début, il a fallu s'habituer, il y a trop de messes basses.
While you're waiting for Bombay, maybe it might be a good idea if you went upstairs and took a nap or something.
En attendant Bombay, tu pourrais peut-être monter faire une sieste.
It took you a while, you were losing your head.
Il était temps. Tu commençais à perdre la tête.
You're right, it took me a while.
T'as raison, il était grand temps.
It took Trapper and me a while to figure out what he was up to... until we did a fluoroscope of one of his packages... and found out he was mailing a jeep home, piece by piece.
Vous êtes en train de vous transformer en pantin militaire sous nos yeux. D'accord. Gardez-le tant que vous voudrez.
He took one of the best and- - all right, I'll say it- - noblest ideas to come along in quite a while.
Il a pris une des meilleures, et... Très bien, je vais le dire : une des plus nobles idées à être apparue depuis longtemps, et il l'a prostituée.
But I'll tell you, it took every bit of strength I had... to hold it while the guy took the picture.
Il m'a fallu toute ma vigueur pour le tenir en l'air, le temps de la photo.
- It took me a while, but I traced you.
Ça m'a pris du temps.
It took me a while before I understood what Delphine wanted.
J'avais mis un certain temps à comprendre ce que voulait Delphine.
It took them a while to catch a suspect.
Ils tiennent enfin leur coupable.
It'll be a while yet, my first took 20 hours
Ça peut durer! Avec mon premier, ça m'a pris 20 heures.
It took me a while to convince him... he forgives you... you're hired again
Il m'a fallu un certain temps pour le convaincre... il te pardonne... tu es embauché, à nouveau
It took us a while to find that out because Col. Renken had put him away.
J'ai pu le faire sortir de l'asile dans lequel il était enfermé.
It took a little while for me and grandpa to get acquainted. But we are fine friends now.
On a dû s'habituer, moi et grand-père, maintenant on est bons amis.
All it took was to have my wife murdered while my employers watched on closed-circuit TV.
Il a fallu que ma femme se fasse tuer, pendant que mes employeurs regardaient cela à la télé.
It took me a while to figure out where you were and what you were doing.
J'ai mis du temps à trouver où vous pouviez être allée.
It took me a little while to figure out Visitorese... but now it's like second nature handling their symbols and codes.
Au début, j'ai eu des difficultés à comprendre leur langage mais maintenant, je connais par coeur leurs symboles, tu sais.
You know, it took me a while to perfect the basket trick.
Tu sais, Il m'a fallu des années pour perfectionner le coup du panier.
I'm sorry to re- - tell you, but they took my money this afternoon while I was collecting it.
Je suis vraiment désolé, mais on m'a piqué l'argent que je ramassais.
Tell her it took me a while to figure out... what a jerk I've been, but, um —
Dis-lui que j'ai mis longtemps à comprendre que j'avais été idiot
Took you a while, didn't it?
T'en as mis, du temps.
"It took me a while to work it out."
"J'ai fini par comprendre."

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