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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ L ] / Let them out

Let them out Çeviri Fransızca

1,288 parallel translation
Better yet, let them out.
Mieux encore, les laisser sortir.
Let them out of the building.
Laissez-les sortir.
- Never let them out the door!
- Faut pas les laisser partir.
- and we won't let them out of China!
- elles ne quitteront pas la Chine!
Don't let them out.
Qu'elles n'en bougent pas.
Hey, let them out!
Hé, sors-les de là!
I let them out!
Je les ai convoqués!
You got to let them out, Dad, or you're gonna explode.
Il faut t'exprimer sinon tu vas exploser.
Gotta let them dogs out.
Faut que je sorte les chiens.
Je ne les ai pas laissés me chasser.
Don't let them drag me out there! - I don't want to kill!
Je ne veux pas tuer, dis-leur de me laisser tranquille!
Don't let them drag me out there! - It's our only chance, Fai!
C'est notre dernier espoir!
Well, let's have them, and we'll find out.
Let's keep them quiet out there, huh, George?
- Restez dehors, George.
Let's kill all the assholes! Shoot the shit out of all of them.
Tuons-les tous, ces trous du cul!
Let God sort them out. " Tough guy.
Dieu fera le tri. " Le connard.
Let them climb well out on the branch.
Qu'ils avancent sur la branche
- Get them out of here! - All right, let's go.
Let's pay them and get out.
Payons-les et allons-y.
Let's smoke them out.
Il faut les débusquer.
Why don't you let them in so we can check them out?
Pourquoi vous les faites pas venir qu'on y jette un oeil?
Let them stay, man. What are you chasing my friends out for?
Pourquoi tu fous mes amis dehors?
- Put them on and let's get out of here.
- Enfilez-les et allons-y.
Let God sort them out.
Dieu reconnaîtra les siens.
Let's run it out of them.
Faisons les galoper pour oublier.
- Let's check them out.
- Vérifions-les.
They can't see where they're going anyway, let them have fun out there.
S'ils ne voient pas où ils vont, autant qu'ils s'amusent.
Let them bring their people out of hiding first.
Qu'il fasse sortir en premier sa tribu de sa cachette.
I cannot believe you just let them walk out of our lives. - At least I can walk around the house in my underwear again.
Je peux pas croire que tu les aies laissés sortir de notre vie.
Let them fight it out.
Laissez-les se battre.
We didn ´ t, till I let them out.
Je les ai lâchés.
Hey, get somebody over here. Let's get them out of here!
Ils sont là. Sortons-les de là.
We must let them play this thing out.
Laissons-les jouer leur jeu.
Got my windshield busted out... ... because I wouldn't let one of them make a machete in metal work.
On m'a fracassé mon pare-brise... parce que je refusais que l'un d'eux fabrique une machette.
They said that they'd let it out unless I helped them too.
Ils ont menacé de le dénoncer si je ne les aidais pas à mon tour.
I can get us out of this if you let me talk to them.
Je peux nous sortir de là, mais je dois lui parler.
Let me live them out on Bajor.
Laissez-moi finir ma vie sur Bajor.
Starfleet let me out about three years ago because I agreed to do some work for them... mostly having to do with Bajor.
Starfleet m'a libérée il y a trois ans car j'ai accepté de faire un travail en rapport avec Bajor.
If you don't trust me, just go out and let them kill you!
Si vous n'avez pas confiance en moi, alors sortez et laissez-les vous tuer!
It is better to let out anger, Than to bury them in the subconscious. Displacement is very dangerous
Il vaut mieux qu'ils extériorisent leur colére plutôt que de la réprimer des années.
I can force them to let you out so you can testify in San Francisco in a court of law.
Je peux vous faire sortir pour témoigner au tribunal.
Anything like this ever happens again I will personally turn you in and let them hang you out to dry.
Si cela se reproduit... je vous dénoncerai et vous laisserai entre leurs mains!
Nothing jumped out about them in a cursory autopsy, so I let it go.
L'autopsie préliminaire n'a rien révélé.
Let's just hope that nobody finds out about them until -
Espérons que personne ne va découvrir qu'ils existent...
You gotta let them know you're out there.
Il faut assurer, c'est la finale!
He's trying to break out. Don't let them hurt him.
- Il essaie de s'échapper.
Just let them come out.
Laissez-les seulement sortir.
Get them out, now! Let's go.
Faites-les sortir!
Let's start by putting that body down and getting your hands out where l can see them.
Posez-le et levez les bras.
I'm just going to haul those bodies out... take them out in the desert... and let the coyotes chew on them for a while.
Je vais simplement tirer ces corps... les emmener dans le désert... et laisser les coyotes s'occuper d'eux pour un moment.
The clinic can't let them all out together.
La clinique ne pouvait pas en garder certaines.

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