One would think Çeviri Fransızca
951 parallel translation
The way you talk, one would think we were living in my grandmother's day.
À t'entendre parler, on croirait qu'on vit à l'époque de ma grand-mère.
Won't you ever grow up? One would think you were still at medical school.
Vous n'êtes plus en faculté de médecine!
One would think that there's Russian influence at the back of Surat Khan.
Surat Khan doit être influencé par les Russes.
One would think you're still the wife of a common labourer!
On dirait que tu es encore femme de paysan.
Still, one would think it was yours.
Pourtant, tout porte à croire qu'il s'agit du vôtre.
The way you take on, one would think it was you they was going to hang.
A vous entendre, on dirait que c'est vous qu'on va pendre.
One would think I was starving.
Pour qui me prennent-ils?
It's not so hard for a man to rise for justice... but keeping it up is... much harder than one would think.
Il n'est pas trop dur pour un homme de se lever pour rendre justice... mais pour la perénniser c'est... plus difficile qu'on ne pense.
Why, Manuel, one would think His Excellency had never visited us before.
Mais, Manuel, on croirait que Son Excellence ne nous a jamais visités avant.
You know, watching you now, one would think you've done this all your life.
Est-ce que tu parles toujours à la banque allemande sur ce ton?
One would think if sentiment Wouldn't persuade him, money would.
Et impossible de le persuader.
One would think you'd predicted the sad end of the poor voyager.
C'est à croire que tu as connu le triste sort du pauvre voyageur.
One would think you'd never seen me before. Never like this.
- Vous ne m'aviez jamais regardé avant.
One would think so.
On dirait.
- One would think only death could keep her...
- Je pensais que seule la mort...
There are less than one would think.
Elles sont moins nombreuses qu'on peut l'imaginer.
One would think I had enough to do running the gulf stream cafe, but, no,
On pourrait penser que j'ai assez à faire à diriger mon café.
You act so well, Jacques Varennes, one would think you were in the Comédie-Française.
Vous jouez si bien, Jacques Varennes, on vous croirait de la Comédie-Française.
And you act so well, Debucourt, one would think you weren't.
Et vous, Debucourt, on croirait que vous n'y êtes pas.
One would think you were becoming engaged.
On croirait que c'est toi qui te fiances.
You're incredible. One would think it was I leaving you.
A vous entendre on dirait que c'est moi qui vous quitte.
I don't think he would have lived that long in a native society without having taken on a woman and I suspect it wasn't one that was just a short-term scenario either.
Je ne pense pas qu'il aurait vécu longtemps dans une société indigène sans avoir pris une femme et je suspecte que ce n'était pas un scénario à court terme.
You'd think one of them would have lifted their finger before Liz Taylor here.
Je croyais que quelqu'un lèverait son doigt avant Liz Taylor ici présente.
Is it really true that there's only one room left? Writer Lee isn't even Kim Tae Hee or Song Hae Gyo ( korean actresses ), do you think I would be crazy to joke about this?
C'est vrai qu'ils leur restent qu'une chambre? Pensez-vous que je peux plaisanter avec ça?
I don't think one would forget meeting you, Ardeth Bay.
Vous n'êtes pas le genre d'homme qu'on oublie, Ardath Bey.
You didn't think one goblet would do it, did you?
avec une seule coupe?
Something no one else would think of wearing.
Quelque chose que personne d'autre ne penserait à porter.
You know, my dear, if I ever decide to marry, I can think of no one who would make a more charming Baroness than you.
Si jamais je décidais de me marier, vous feriez la plus charmante des baronnes.
Ah for the moment this is investigated enough, but I think pruning a little, while passing one to two avenues, would be very nice.
Ah, pour l'instant c'est assez fouillis, mais je crois qu'en élaguant un peu! En traçant une ou deux allées, ça peut être très gentil hein?
I warn you it may involve considerable risk but I think the kind of woman I take you to be would rather risk everything on one venture than live the rest of her life in the shadow of doubt and death.
Je vous préviens, c'est très risqué, mais celle que vous me semblez être préférera tout risquer que de vivre sa vie dans l'ombre du doute et de la mort.
I think it not unlikely that he could say that only one charge is possible. And in that case, I'm afraid an application for bail would be useless.
Il y a des cas où le procureur refuse toute caution.
Well, Lady Lucas! Little did I think that Charlotte would one day take my place as mistress of this house!
Lady Lucas, je ne pensais pas qu'un jour Charlotte serait la maîtresse de cette maison.
I think another one would be a mistake.
Un de plus serait une erreur.
- You'd think one of them would offer a lady a ticket.
Vous croiriez que l'un d'eux offrirait un billet à une dame.
Do you think after knowing one real man like Jack Stuart, just one... that a girl would even look at a namby-pamby popinjay like you?
Croyez-vous qu'après avoir vu un seul homme vrai comme Jack Stuart, une fille s'intéresserait à un beau-parleur rasoir comme vous?
You mean you want this one too? Henry Van Cleve! Do you think I'm the kind of girl that would take a boy's last beetle?
Jamais je ne prendrais le dernier scarabée d'un garçon!
What would the neighbors think? People coming in here with one face and going out with another.
Que penseront les voisins... si les gens ont changé de tête en sortant de chez nous?
I think the one there would be better.
L'autre serait mieux.
You wouldn't think one woman could marry two insane men in one lifetime... now would you?
Il est difficile de croire, qu'une femme puisse épouser deux fous dans sa vie... n'est-ce pas?
And so if I could buy some new furniture and one or two other things, I think I would be quite at home at Barnards Inn.
Si je pouvais acheter quelques meubles et une ou deux choses, j'y serais plus à l'aise.
But I could think of one that would interest the cops even more.
Mais je pouvais penser à celui qui serait encore plus intéressant pour les flics...
This one is my favorite. Don't you think that one would be lovely on madame?
N'irait-elle pas bien à madame?
Well, why would you think it's the best part, my little one?
Qu'est-ce que tu y connais, mon petit?
Do you still think a battle with him would be one-sided, my dear?
Vous pensez toujours qu'une bataille avec lui serait inégale, ma chère?
To hear you talk, no one would ever think you were a comedian.
Jamais on ne vous prendrait pour un comique.
I'm sorry, I think one of us would have seen him.
Désolé, l'un d'entre nous l'aurait vu.
And to think that my brother treated him worse than a dog. Alejandro used to say that one day everything would be his.
Quand mon frère le traitait comme un chien... il disait qu'un jour il serait le maître.
I think it would fool anybody in the world, with one exception.
N'importe qui s'y méprendrait.
Do you really think the authorities would lend you one?
Pensez-vous vraiment que les autorités vous en prêteraient un?
That we killed one man while deceiving another, that we think only of ourselves. It would be a relief. - What can we do?
Qu'on a tué un homme, en avons déçu un autre, qu'on ne pense qu'à nous.
You'd think the world would be ashamed to name such a day as Christmas for one of them... and then go on in the same old way.
Le monde devrait avoir honte de célébrer Noël en pensant au Christ... et de reprendre son impitoyable vie quotidienne comme par le passé.
think 1581
thinking 451
thinks 21
think positive 41
thinking of you 30
think about it 2390
thinking about you 18
think fast 106
thinking about it 70
think it over 186
thinking 451
thinks 21
think positive 41
thinking of you 30
think about it 2390
thinking about you 18
think fast 106
thinking about it 70
think it over 186
think about this 117
think about that 140
think about something else 16
think it through 42
think of something 72
think nothing of it 57
think carefully 51
think about what 40
think about what i said 29
think of something else 28
think about that 140
think about something else 16
think it through 42
think of something 72
think nothing of it 57
think carefully 51
think about what 40
think about what i said 29
think of something else 28