Sergeant major Çeviri Fransızca
551 parallel translation
- I was Troop Sergeant Major at the time...
- J'étais l'adjudant de la troupe...
- Excuse me... but I was Troop Sergeant Major at the time.
- Pardon, mais c'était moi qui l'étais à l'époque.
You were Troop Sergeant Major... but you had been broken for being drunk and disorderly... setting fire to your tent... and appearing on the parade ground with nothing on... but your drawers and your topi.
Tu étais l'adjudant de la troupe, mais on t'a rétrogradé parce qu'alors que tu avais bu, tu avais mis le feu à ta tente et t'étais venu en zone de manoeuvres seulement vêtu de ton caleçon et de ton casque.
Here, buy a copy for the sergeant major.
Achetez une copie pour le sergent major.
Sergeant Major Tambul.
Sergent Tambul.
Instead of putting out a gentle, comradely hand to guide me... you shouted staccato orders at me like a sergeant major.
Au lieu de me tendre la main, tu as fait l'adjudant!
Sergeant Major O'Rourke has permission.
Oui, sergent-major!
Mary, this is Colonel Thursday's daughter and this is Mrs. O'Rourke, the wife of our sergeant major and the mother of a very fine young officer.
C'est la fille du colonel Thursday. Voici Mme O'Rourke, la femme du sergent-major.
Sergeant major, assemble a platoon from A Troop. A platoon?
Rassemblez un peloton...
Carry out your orders, sergeant major.
Je refuse. Exécutez vos ordres.
Isn't it proper, Sergeant Major O'Rourke for an officer to call after he's left his card? It would be, except that -
Un officier ne doit-il pas rendre visite à son supérieur?
Sergeant Major O'Rourke, you will pardon me for speaking bluntly. But as a noncommissioned officer, you are aware of the barrier... -... between your class and mine.
Pardonnez ma franchise mais nous n'appartenons pas à la même classe.
It makes a difference in the Army, Phil. The sergeant major knows that, and his son should know it.
Il y a pourtant une différence et ils devraient le savoir.
- That won't be necessary, sergeant major.
Ce n'est pas nécessaire.
Sergeant major, I beg your pardon for entering your quarters without invitation.
Je m'excuse d'être entré sans y avoir été invité...
Oh, sergeant major, you have no idea how I've been looking forward to tonight.
Si vous saviez comme j'attendais cette soirée...
- And, sergeant major... -... will you please claim me for a dance?
Vous me ferez bien danser une fois, j'espère?
And so, as is customary at Fort Apache the commanding officer, Colonel Owen Thursday will lead out the wife of our sergeant major the charming Mrs. Michael O'Rourke.
Comme le veut la coutume à Fort Apache, le commandant de place, le colonel Owen Thursday va offrir le bras à la charmante femme du sergent-major!
And now, Sergeant Major O'Rourke will lead out the colonel's lady in this case, his lovely daughter, Miss Philadelphia Thursday.
Le sergent-major va offrir le bras à la dame du colonel, en l'occurrence, sa charmante fille!
Sergeant major, you'll stop the dance.
Arrêtez le bal!
You have your instructions, sergeant major.
Exécutez vos ordres, sergent-major.
Sergeant Major O'Rourke, my apologies, sir.
Sergent-major, mes excuses.
- Sergeant Major.
- Sergent-major.
If you mean Quincannon, he is a sergeant major in the US Army.
Si tu parles de Quincannon, il est sergent-major dans l'armée US.
- Sergeant Major Quincannon, ma'am.
- Le sergent-major Quincannon.
And promoting arsonists to be sergeant majors!
Et promouvoir les pyromanes au rang de sergent-major!
I give you the listed prisoners, sergeant major.
Je vous rends aux prisonniers, monsieur.
Oh, Sergeant Major, in your good time, please.
Sergent-Major... à votre bon plaisir.
Tell the sergeant major to order the camp struck.
Que Ie sergent-chef fasse lever Ie camp,
You're Sergeant Major, you'll retire with good pay...
Vous êtes un sergent-major, les réformes en place avec un bon salaire..
Sergeant Major!
Sergeant Major Bullet writes in a perfect hand.
Le sergent-chef Kula. Il a une belle écriture.
Sergeant major!
Mon adjudant!
" To the Sergeant Major.
" À l'attention du sergent major.
What's the sergeant major's name, sarge?
Quel est le nom du major, sergent?
- What's the idea, sergeant major?
Pour quoi faire, major?
He was a sergeant major in the Scots Guards.
Il était major dans la garde écossaise.
That was a good rumour to spread, with the help of the Sergeant Major.
Je pensais que c'était la bonne rumeur à semer... avec l'aide du Major.
- Sergeant Major Mitchell's in the hospital.
Le Sergent-Major Mitchell est à l'hôpital, mon Colonel.
How much longer, Sergeant? Sergeant Major.
Encore combien de temps, Sergent-major?
Well, I don't know what a sergeant major will do with That lot.
Un sergent-chef ne s'en sortirait pas!
Or what that lot would do with a sergeant major.
Il n'en sortirait pas vivant, en tout cas.
He says that the major's scruttleesnith and the squads... are fittlestepping all over the sergeant.
Il dit que les "scruttesmites" du major... et les escadrilles "frittemarche" sur le sergent.
Private, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, major, colonel general. Hmm.
Soldat, sergent, lieutenant, capitaine, major, colonel, gênêraI.
- Sergeant Major.
Sergeant, take these to Major Anderson.
Portez ça au commandant Anderson, et dites-lui que c'est correct.
Sergeant, tell the Commander Cartwright!
Sergent, appelez le Major Cartwright!
You know, if it hadn't been for that man in there, it would have been sergeant, Staff Sergeant Bohun.
Caporal, s'il n'y avait pas ce type, là-dedans, je serais peut-être sergent d'État-major Bohun.
Make it "staff sergeant."
Disons : "Sergent d'État-major".
- Thank you, sergeant major.
Merci, major.
And a sergeant major.
Et d'un sergent-chef.
major 2386
major crimes 71
major carter 112
major kira 17
major sharpe 103
serge 214
sergei 161
sergeant 3164
sergey 60
sergeant gabriel 38
major crimes 71
major carter 112
major kira 17
major sharpe 103
serge 214
sergei 161
sergeant 3164
sergey 60
sergeant gabriel 38