Starting over Çeviri Fransızca
660 parallel translation
I'm starting over, all right, but alone.
Je recommence à neuf, mais sans toi.
How about starting over again from there?
Si on reprenait à partir de là?
- What about this business of starting over?
- Et notre nouveau départ?
We're starting over! Everything new.
Tout doit être neuf.
It's like I'm starting over already.
Je repars de zéro.
As you leave Brooklyn starting over to the city... cross on the Parkway.
En quittant BrookIyn, en direction de Ia ville, coupez Ia voie rapide.
I'm starting over.
Je repars à zéro.
As far as the human race is concerned... we're all starting over.
En ce qui concerne la race humaine... nous repartons tous à zéro.
I'm starting to take over the numbers game.
Je vais m'occuper des courses.
- I'm starting all over, Noah.
- Je repars à zéro.
How about cleaning up the whole mess of them... and starting all over again with some new kind of animal?
Détruisez-les, recommencez avec un autre animal.
Are you starting this all over again?
Vous recommencez ce manège?
Here's where we're starting all over again.
Alors on repart une nouvelle fois de zéro.
- Now I got to be starting all over.
- Maintenant, faut que je recommence.
Yes, but we're starting all over again, honey.
Oui, mais nous recommençons à zéro.
And what's to prevent that from starting all over again? !
Comment empêcher cela?
Why, it'll be like... like starting all over again.
Ce sera comme — Recommencer à zéro.
Well, I mighta known, starting out to take you apart, I'd wind up with you making me over.
Il s'agissait de toi... et c'est moi qui fais figure d'accusée.
Oh, Jim, you're starting all over again.
Jim, ne recommencez pas.
Bottom of stairs, symbolic of starting all over again.
Le bas des marches, le symbole du recommencement.
No, we're starting all over.
On va tout recommencer.
I think you can talk to old man Walter for a raise starting tomorrow, since you will have to take over some of my duties.
Tu peux demander une augmentation au vieux, dès demain, puisque tu vas assumer mes fonctions.
We're starting all over from scratch.
Je renonce.
On the walls of this rotunda... are eight historical paintings... which immediately catches the eye of the stranger. ... starting with the landing of the Pilgrims over the east door- -... four Revolutionary War paintings... depicting the start and the finish of that war... and its two greatest battles.
Aux murs, il y a huit tableaux historiques le débarquement des pèlerins les tableaux de la révolution représentant le début... et la fin de la guerre, et ses deux plus grandes batailles.
Either way, It's like the world was starting all over a Gain.
En tout cas, c'est comme si le monde a commencé à nouveau.
I can say the same to you, and the idea of starting my life over doesn't frighten me in the least.
* - Je me le demande. L'idée de refaire ma vie ne m'effraie pas.
Would you mind starting all over again?
Pourriez-vous reprendre du début?
The trouble is starting all over again.
Ce n'est que le début.
And you're not going to talk me into bringing them out here and starting the whole thing all over again, and that's final.
Et tu ne vas me demander de les faire venir ici et tout recommencer.
And if I go to Beverly, it would mean starting all over again.
Et aller à Beverly, ça voudrait dire tout recommencer.
She was crying this morning, and it looks like it's starting all over again.
Elle pleurait encore, ce matin.
Aren't you gentlemen starting in a bit early to tip over my canoe?
Vous commencez à faire basculer mon canoë un peu tôt, non?
Then there's only one man standin between me'n starting'life clean over.
Il n'y a qu'un homme entre moi et une nouvelle vie.
Now you're starting it all over again.
Et vous recommencez à présent.
Il a dit que je l'avais enregistrée, mais c'est faux.
That's what I'm starting to prefer over everything.
C'est meme ce que je commence a preferer a tout autre chose.
That would mean starting all over again.
Je reprendrais tout à zéro?
I feel as if we're starting all over again.
Comme si nous recommencions une nouvelle histoire.
" A low-pressure area over northern Europe, starting December 16th.
" Basses pressions sur l'Europe à partir du 16 décembre.
Cursor Five over the Pacific is starting to move.
L'indicateur 5 bouge au-dessus du Pacifique.
Here we are, starting afresh with two quite different people... in love all over again, aren't we?
Nous avons changé, mais nous nous aimons à nouveau. N'est-ce pas? Non.
It might be fun starting out all over again.
Ce serait amusant de tout recommencer.
Unless we stop planes taking off over their houses by midnight, he's starting a damage suit first thing in the morning for $ 10 million.
Si on n'arrête pas les décollages au-dessus des maisons d'ici minuit, il nous fait un procès pour 10 millions de dollars.
So it's starting all over again.
Alors çà recommence?
Like we were starting all over again in the Garden of Eden!
Nous recommencerons tout depuis le Jardin d'Eden!
Starting all over?
Je dois recommencer?
I was truly unhappy just twice, and I'm starting to get over this now.
Je n'ai vraiment été malheureux que deux fois, et cette fois-ci, je commence à prendre le dessus.
Ted, why not starting all over again?
Ted, pourquoi ne pas repartir de zéro?
Starting to break up over there?
Ça commence à s'effriter, là-bas?
It's starting all over again.
Ça recommence.
It's starting all over!
Ça va pas recommencer.
over 4462
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overwatch 37
override 23
overseas 32
overdose 32
overboard 24
overall 83
overtime 31
overnight 112
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overrated 36
overreacting 19
overload 17
over radio 116
over to you 62
over there 2200
over pa 22
over and over again 128
over here 3451