That guy Çeviri Fransızca
41,802 parallel translation
Hey, I'm not that guy anymore, okay? I got a lot of plans, I got goals to meet.
J'ai des projets, des objectifs à atteindre.
Look, that guy who had the gun to my head went flying.
Ce gars qui avait un flingue sur ma tête a été projeté.
Is that guy with the Fifth Street?
C'est le gars avec les Cinquième Avenue?
I'm really starting to get some definition on that guy.
Je sens qu'il se développe bien. Arrête!
Ajay, that guy from production...
Qui te la dit? - Ajay, de la prod.
To that guy?
- À ce type?
"Wow. That guy out-punted his coverage."
"Qu'est-ce qu'elle peut bien lui trouver?"
The Guardian didn't kill that guy.
Il ne l'a pas tué.
First and foremost, and most importantly, I didn't kill that guy.
Premièrement et le plus important, je n'ai pas tué ce gars.
That guy's not taking my job.
Ce mec ne va pas prendre ma place.
That guy just said I exceeded his expectations.
Il vient de dire que j'avais surpassé ses attentes.
All that guy did was get shot.
Tout ce qu'a fait ce type c'est se faire tirer dessus.
Oh! Oh, my God! Oh, my God, you just shot that guy, that's insane!
Oh mon dieu, vous avez tiré sur ce type, c'est dément!
Ever since that guy from the Air Force showed up, he's been a nervous wreck.
Depuis que ce type de l'Air Force est venu, il est tellement nerveux.
Ugh, there were plenty of people who could have helped that guy back into his wheelchair.
Plein de personnes auraient pu aider ce gars à se remettre dans sa chaise roulante.
Max, what's that guy doing behind you?
Max, que fais cet homme derrière toi?
If you need a free babysitter, that guy.
Si vous avez besoin d'un babysitteur gratuit, le voilà.
Like that guy who's on TV sometimes and he's always like,
Comme ce type à la télé qui fait toujours :
I wish I had that guy's frequent flyer miles.
J'aimerai avoir la carte grand voyageur de ce gars.
I'm the guy that hired him at ASM.
C'est moi qui l'ai recruté.
But I really wanted you to know that Spencer's not the same guy he was when he walked into my office.
Mais sache que Spence a beaucoup changé depuis qu'il bosse pour nous.
most importantly, that's a guy who's learned from his mistakes.
c'est qu'il a appris de ses erreurs.
Here was a guy who admitted that he'd lost the property because he couldn't pay a tax bill.
C'était l'homme qui avait admis avoir perdu la propriété parce qu'il ne pouvait pas payer une taxe.
How about that tough guy who's called Kuro or something?
Où est ce gros dur de Kuro-je-ne-sais-quoi?
Where's that other guy?
Où est l'autre homme?
You're gonna go to that party, and you're gonna march up to that network guy, and you're gonna tell him, "Manny out!"
tu vas aller à cette soirée, tu vas parler au président et lui dire : "Le Nounou, fini!"
She said that our guy was involved in some dustup with Morad's security.
Elle a dit que notre type a été impliqué dans un accrochage avec la sécurité de Morad.
That one expression of the girl checking out the passing guy says so much
Ce regard que la fille lance au garçon... C'est une pure merveille.
I know why, because it's that weird guy at the bar right'?
Je sais! C'est parceque c'est ce mec bizarre du bar?
She pretends to be a guy, end of the movie she has to take off her shirt to prove that she's a girl.
Elle prétend être un gars, à la fin, elle doit enlever son t-shirt pour prouver que c'est une fille.
Who's the guy that did The Rugrats Movie?
C'est qui ce mec qui a fait le film des Razmokets?
This guy, the last time he worked the plate, the strike zone was the size of a cocktail napkin, before that, it was as wide as my fat ass.
Ce mec, la dernière fois qu'il s'est mis au marbre, la zone de frappe était de la taille d'un dessous de verre, avant ça, c'était aussi large que mon gros cul.
And take it from a guy that knows, that doesn't just disappear.
Et prends ça d'un gars qui sait, que ça ne va pas juste disparaître.
That I... get together this boyfriend that I've had and this guy, who I don't even know his name, tell them to rape my roommate and then let me stab her to death?
Que j'aie... fait venir mon petit ami et ce type, dont je ne connais même pas le nom, que je leur aie demandé de violer ma coloc... ATTAQUE SEXUELLE SUR MEREDITH et que je l'aie poignardée?
Or... that a guy, who regularly committed burglaries, broke into my home... found Meredith... took advantage of her... killed her... and ran off?
Ou... qu'un type, un cambrioleur multirécidiviste, se soit introduit chez moi... y ait trouvé Meredith... l'ait violée... l'ait tuée... et se soit enfui?
On top of that, we got a guy in office who's number 11 in the line of succession.
Et en prime, on a un Président en 11e position dans la succession.
That poor guy is probably halfway to Dubuque by now.
Ce pauvre gars est sans doute en route pour Dubuque.
The truth is that Peter MacLeish is just a lucky guy.
Peter MacLeish est juste chanceux.
Or that Food Channel guy's new tapas place opened.
Ou alors le nouveau restaurant à tapas qu'un mec a ouvert.
I'm gonna continue to be that crazy guy with the baseball bat and the ski mask, with or without you.
Je continuerai à être cette personne avec sa batte de Baseball et son masque de ski, avec ou sans toi.
- So, the first guy that your evil twin shot, the stick-up guy you hung upside-down?
- Donc, Le 1er gars que ton jumeau maléfique a tué le voleur que tu as pendu par les pieds?
Out of everybody who could have found me in that pod, I'm the luckiest guy in the world that it was you.
Sur tous ceux qui auraient pu me trouver dans cette nacelle, je suis le gars le plus chanceux du monde que ce fut toi.
As soon as we get the guy that did this to me, they go home.
Dés qu'on aura celui qui m'a fait ça, ils partiront.
The only guy who can corroborate my story, and prove that Stan Moreno is dirty.
Le seul gars qui peut confirmer ma version, et prouver que Stan Moreno est corrompu.
That-that the guy?
C'est lui?
Well, my boss said he hadn't decided yet, so I gently reminded him that he's an old rich white guy, and I'm a sweet little pregnant lady who's not afraid to cry in front of a jury.
Mon patron dit ne pas s'être encore décidé, donc je lui ai gentiment rappelé qu'il est vieux et riche, et moi une gentille petite femme enceinte prête à pleurer devant un jury.
Hey, I learned a long time ago, when you're four feet eleven and eye level with every guy's crotch, that's where you punch.
J'ai appris il y a longtemps, qu'en mesurant 1 m 50 et avoir les yeux au niveau de l'entrejambe des hommes, que c'est là qu'il faut frapper.
And that's coming from a guy who burnt his nuts on a hand dryer earlier.
Et ça viens d'un gars qui c'est brûler les couilles avec un sèche-mains plus tôt.
Well, give me that book'cause I'm gonna nail this bartending exam like it's some guy I met at the grocery store.
Donne-moi ce livre car je vais cartonner avec cet examen comme si c'était avec un mec rencontré au supermarché.
A bottle of chardonnay and then a fat guy that makes her laugh.
Un bouteille de Chardonnay et après un homme gros que la fait rire.
I'm trying to block out the noise, but we both know with that new guy in the front office, anything is possible.
J'essaye de bloquer le bruit, mais on sait tous les 2 qu'il y a un nouveau gars en réception, tout est possible.
that guy right there 18
that guy over there 18
guys 27890
guys like you 17
guys like me 21
guys like us 29
guy stuff 23
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that guy over there 18
guys 27890
guys like you 17
guys like me 21
guys like us 29
guy stuff 23
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that was close 355
that is not fair 93
that sounds good 394
that sounds fun 130
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that was close 355
that is not fair 93
that sounds good 394
that sounds fun 130
that one over there 16
that sounds great 436
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that is not true 434
that is good 189
that was stupid 112
that way 1811
that is all 319
that sounds great 436
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that is not true 434
that is good 189
that was stupid 112
that way 1811
that is all 319
that is right 117
that was quick 252
that is an order 68
that is so cool 125
that is enough 189
that is ridiculous 146
that is a lie 69
that is great 150
that was quick 252
that is an order 68
that is so cool 125
that is enough 189
that is ridiculous 146
that is a lie 69
that is great 150