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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ T ] / They were all there

They were all there Çeviri Fransızca

353 parallel translation
Farmers, cattlemen, lumbermen, business, labor, they were all there.
Des fermiers, des bûcherons, des patrons, des ouvriers.
They were all there even little Gordon, All your aunts and uncles.
Ils étaient tous là, de Gordon, le petit dernier, à l'aîné.
They were all there, man.
Ils étaient tous là.
They were all there.
Tous les plus grands.
Suddenly they were all there with their rifles.
Tout d'un coup, ils étaient tous là, avec leurs fusils!
They were all there before the police were there.
Avant l'arrivée de la police.
They were all there to be manipulated.
ils ont tous été manipulés.
The Spanish say that when they came down the Amazon, there were all these tribes that were ruled by women and only when they wanted children did they go and raid and get the men and have sex with them and get pregnant
Les espagnols disent que quand ils ont descendus l'Amazone, il y avait toutes ces tribus qui ont été dominées par des femmes et seulement quand elles voulaient des enfants elles allaient piller et prendre les hommes et pour faire du sexe avec eux et devenir enceinte
And every month in the dark of the moon, the drums would beat, and there "d be a rustle like a great wind and we" d hear them screaming and laughing, and we knew they were all meeting in the jungle.
Chaque mois, à la nouvelle lune, on entendait des tambours puis un bruissement, comme le vent puis des cris et des rires et on savait qu'ils se rencontraient dans la jungle.
Why, that barrel had wooden slats... nailed down on the top and the bottom... and there were steel bands all around it... and they left it in the middle of the desert.
On avait cloué des traverses de bois sur les deux côtés du tonneau. Il était cerclé de fer, et on l'avait laissé en plein désert.
Well, if they were all girls there wouldn't be any...
S'il n'y avait que des filles, il n'y aurait pas...
To give you an idea of how big a job they really do : in one year, 64 % of all prisoners in Federal penitentiaries... were sent there by this group.
Pour vous donner une idée de l'ampleur de sa tâche, en un an, 64 % des détenus des prisons fédérales ont été arrêtés par ces services.
When I attended a meeting right here in Greatwood. They were all my friends there. People who had known me for years and liked me.
Mais ce soir, en parlant devant tous mes amis, devant ceux qui me connaissent, mais qui ne m'aiment plus, j'ai réalisé qu'ils voyaient en moi un imposteur.
I went into my apartment, and there they were all inside.
Je suis rentrée chez moi, et ils étaient tous à l'intérieur.
Suppose there were a drug that would retard your heart action, slow up your pulse rate and your breathing until they were imperceptible — until, to all outward appearances, you were dead?
Supposez qu'il y ait une drogue qui ralentisse l'action du coeur... le pouls et la respiration, au point de les rendre imperceptibles — Jusqu'à ce que vous ayez l'apparence extérieure... de la mort?
And there were drawn upon a heap 100 ghastly women, transformed with their fear, who swore they saw men all in fire walk up and down the streets.
Agglutinées, une centaine de femmes folles de peur a juré avoir vu des hommes déambuler en feu.
And suddenly, there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were seated.
Et soudain, un son roula dans les cieux comme un vent puissant et il emplit la maison où ils se tenaient.
They were all running around, bullets flying through the air, so they reckon that he probably died there.
Ce soldat, il a couru au beau milieu des tirs croisés. Peut-être, on dit qu'il a dû mourir.
Well in this letter, he said that they was getting pushed around and bombed and all of a sudden our airplanes were there.
Eh bien, dans cette lettre, il m'a dit qu'ils étaient attaqués et bombardés, et que soudain, nos avions sont arrivés.
I bet you had to get there early before they were all gone.
Tu as dû y aller tôt avant qu'il n'y en ait plus.
Like in all the little towns, there was in Montreuil sur Mer a class of young men who were nibbling on their private income, being deeply bored while they thought they were having fun.
- Voilà la môme paillasson qui passe au service!
They were all hitting on her, and me too... but there was nothing to do, she refused all.
On lui courait tous après Mais avec elle, il n'y avait rien à faire.
They were there together, all night!
Mais il y ont passé la nuit, ensemble! Ne t'énerve pas.
Very tall buildings, and he told me all about them. How tall they were and everything, as if he'd been there.
Il m'en a parlé comme s'il y était allé.
They felt all the evil was coming from the Prague centre, though both the Czechs and Slovaks were there, both parties equally dogmatic.
Il sentait que tout le mal venait du centre pragois, Bien qu'il y eût des camarades tchèques et slovaques. Mais slovaques et tchèques étaient tout aussi dogmatiques.
You see, there were five little pigs... and they all lived together.
Tu vois, sur le petit chemin... passait un gros lapin.
If there's any chance at all, it's to continue to search in the area they were lost.
Nous devons reprendre les recherches dans le secteur où ils ont disparu.
And I proceeded on down the hall, gettin more injections, inspections, infections, neglections and all kinds of stuff they were doin'to me there, and I was there for two hours, three hours, four hours...
J'ai parcouru le couloir, pour être injecté, inspecté, infecté, négligé et bien d'autres choses encore, et je suis resté là-bas deux, trois, quatre heures...
If there were no obligation at all, People could do whatever they wanted.
Si c'est la volonté de tous, personne ne peut s'y soustraire.
If you were some cheap gunsel with a big name running out in front of ya, they'd all be buying you drinks, rubbing up against you, fixing up what they're gonna tell the kids and the ones who weren't there.
Si vous étiez un petit malfrat armé au nom connu, ils vous paieraient tous à boire, vous taperaient dans le dos, en préparant ce qu'ils vont raconter aux gosses et aux absents.
There's a room above the stacks... where they keep all of the actual notes... the professors took when they were law students here.
Il y a une salle au dessus des étagères... Où ils conservent toutes les notes originales... Des professeurs quand ceux ci étaient étudiants en droit ici.
I dropped by yesterday. They were all sitting there, arms crossed. They weren't allowed to speak.
Hier, j'entre, et je vois tous les enfants assis les bras croisés, et personne n'a le droit de parler.
They could barely feed themselves and all that, and so he decided to launch that struggle against exploitation and against those colonialists that were there just to exploit us and did nothing for the progress...
C'est alors qu'il a décidé de mener cette lutte contre l'exploitation et contre les colonialistes qui étaient là et ne faisaient rien pour...
I dreamt there were bats sitting along the shelf in my room. Then they flew down and sat on me until I was all covered with them - and no one could see me any more.
J'ai rêvé de chauves-souris, posées sur l'étagère de ma chambre, puis elles sont toutes venues sur moi et m'ont entièrement recouvert, on ne me voyait plus.
I mean, I just happened to look up there I mean, it was just because the... All the lab boys, you know, they were vacuuming the rug and they said that there was powder carbon around.
J'ai juste regardé parce que les gars du labo m'ont dit qu'il y avait de la suie.
No one knows who they were or what became of them, but one thing is certain, of all the SS units, there was only one that the Allies never captured a single member of.
Personne ne sait qui ils étaient et ce qu'ils sont devenus. Mais une chose est sûre : De toutes les unités S.S., il n'y en a qu'une que les Alliés n'ont jamais retrouvée.
The first time I met The Rutles, they came down to see us at Richmond and they... And we had just completed a number and all of a sudden they were standing there
La première fois qu'ils sont venus nous voir à Richmond, on finissait notre numéro dans une boîte... et voilà qu'ils débarquent avec leurs super costards.
The nature of beauty and the substance of the stars, the laws of space and time... they were there all along, but we never saw them... until we devised a more powerful way of seeing.
La nature de la beauté et la substance des étoiles, les lois de l'espace et du temps... elles ont toujours été là mais nous ne les avons jamais vues... jusqu'après avoir conçu un moyen plus efficace de voir
But he then went on to argue that they didn't look all that funny that extraterrestrial beings must have hands and feet and stand upright and have writing and geometry. Even that the four moons of Jupiter the Galilean satellites, were there in order to provide a navigational aid, a convenience for the sailors in the Jovian oceans.
Mais il affirme plus loin... que ces êtres ne sont pas si bizarres... que ces extraterrestres ont des mains, des pieds, se tiennent debout... savent écrire... et que les quatre satellites de Jupiter, appelés galiléens... sont là pour faciliter la navigation et aider... les navigateurs des océans joviens.
My first day in law school, I went to the library, you know? And there were all of those books, and they were tan and red... and they had gold writing, and they smelled so good.
Mon premierjour à la fac de droit, j'ai vu tous ces livres à la bibliothèque, rouges et bruns, avec des lettres d'or... ça sentait si bon!
There they were, 30 of them, all lined up to interview for my job.
Ils étaient là, environ 30 candidats, qui faisaient la queue pour mon job.
But there they were, standing in the middle of all these freaks.
Mais ils étaient là, debout au milieu de ces cinglés.
I heard "Breakfast with Irene and Roger"... this morning, and they said they were going... to the King Cole room tonight... and they said all their friends would be there.
Ce matin, à Petit-déjeuner avec Irene et Roger... ils ont dit qu'ils allaient à la salle King Cole ce soir... et que tous leurs amis y seraient.
They were yelling "Kurt, Kurt", and there was all this chanting.
Et ils criaient : "Kurt! Kurt! Kurt!"
The reason that they were talking to the police at all... was that there'd been a three-day running knife fight in their apartment.
Et s'ils parlaient à la police, c'est parce que ça faisait trois jours qu'ils jouaient du couteau chez eux.
And they were all booked... for disorderly and drunk behavior in there... including assault with knives, and all kinds of stuff.
Et ils s'étaient tous fait coffrer pour perturbation de l'ordre public, agression au couteau, etc.
See, these guys say they didn't notice a single other car on the road... all the time that they were up there, yesterday.
Ils n'ont remarqué aucune voiture sur la route pendant qu'ils travaillaient ici.
There were guys, that's all they did all day, was take care of Paulie's calls.
Y avait des mecs, toute la journée, ils passaient les coups de fil de Paulie.
There were three neighbours and any number of volleyball players. They all remembered seeing her car and a motorcycle in the driveway at the same time on several Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Des voisins et des joueurs de volley-ball se rappellent avoir vu sa voiture et une moto garées en même temps dans l'allée le lundi, le mercredi et le vendredi.
Instead, it was perfect and they were perfect and that's all there was to know about it.
C'était parfait, et eux, ils se sentent bien, et c'est tout ce qu'il y a à savoir.
All day they were there in the hot sun with smoke blowing on them.
Toute la journée, ils étaient au soleil et de la fumée leur soufflait dessus.

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