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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ T ] / They were fighting

They were fighting Çeviri Fransızca

279 parallel translation
Carolina sort of- - she couldn't say much, but she said that she was- - they were fighting- - her and Johnny were fighting.
Carolina elle ne pouvait pas dire grand-chose, mais elle a dit qu'elle était - ils se battaient - elle et Johnny se battaient.
Captain Stafford, Neal Evans, they were fighting fools, too.
Le capitaine Stafford, Neal Evans, ils n'ont pas hésité à se battre.
I saw two tigers fighting each other. They were fighting over me. For my life.
J'ai eu la vision de deux tigres se battant pour moi.
They were fighting.
Ils se disputaient.
- They were fighting.
- Qu'est qu'il y a?
They were fighting.
J'ai dû le jeter à la mer. La belle histoire!
If they were fighting...
c'est depuis réparé ou ça le sera tantôt. Si c'était le cas...
The way they were fighting, there won't be many of them left.
Vu comme ils se battent, il en restera peu.
But now it's going to be different, man But now I'm not going to stay at home and do nothing like when they were fighting Batista.
Mais maintenant S'est différent, mon frère, je ne vais pas rester Shez-moi enSore une fois les bras Sroisés
The last thing I heard they were fighting in Mexico.
Ce que j'ai entendu dernièrement, c'est qu'ils se battent au Mexique.
All I can tell you for sure is that they were fighting in Bezanika.
Ce dont je suis sûr, c'est qu'ils ont récemment combattu à Bezanika.
"... how they were fighting the english ; Ohm Krüger versus Lord KiIchener... "... with concentration camps and great harshness
C'était Hess, encore jeune, qui eut pitié d'une guêpe et la sauva du piège.
They've been working on it since wwii when they were fighting the Japanese.
Ils y travaillent depuis la guerre de 39-45, contre le Japon.
Looks like they were fighting among themselves.
On dirait qu'ils se sont battus entre eux.
- They were fighting.
- Ils se sont battus.
They were fighting for their own salaries and own conditions of life.
Ils se battaient... pour leurs propres salaires et leurs propres conditions de vie.
They were fighting against us.
La prévenue est souffrante.
The men whose names are inscribed here knew what they were fighting for.
Ceux dont les noms sont gravés ici savaient pourquoi ils combattaient.
- Lars Lindquist, the man they were fighting over - he's dead.
Lars, le petit copain qu'elles se disputaient, est mort.
The captain in my army once said When they were fighting the Japanese When they were fighting the Japanese
À l'armée, mon chef m'a raconté aussi que, durant la guerre...
When they were fighting the Japanese A lot of people were killed
Durant la guerre, il y a eu beaucoup de morts.
They didn't know, what they were fighting.
Ils ignoraient ce qu'ils combattaient.
They were fighting around.
Ils se battaient autour.
They were fighting.
- Ils se battaient.
I don't know. They were fighting.
Je ne sais pas. ils se disputaient.
I told you, they were fighting all night.
Je te l'ai dit, ils s'engueulaient.
You don't understand. They were fighting over a parking space.
Tu comprends pas. lls se battaient pour une place de stationnement.
they'd been fighting this ridiculous war for generations and none of them had the slightest clue what they were fighting about.
c'est qu'ils se faisaient cette guerre ridicule depuis des générations et aucun d'entre eux n'avait la moindre idée de ce pour quoi ils se battaient.
What I want to know is who says they were drunk in my café and fighting.
Qui a dit qu'iIs se battaient soûIs?
But I met some fellows living there, on a city dump. They were people who were fighting it out and not complaining.
Et j'ai rencontré les gars de la décharge, qui continuaient à se battre, sans se plaindre.
They were going at it, hammer and tongs. Game as a pair of fighting cocks.
ils se battaient comme de beaux diables!
He said once they were the only causes worth fighting for.
Il a dit une fois, que c'était les seules valant de se battre.
They were just fighting sheep, like any cattleman.
Leur ennemi, c'étaient les moutons.
They were always fighting me.
Ils étaient tous contre moi.
- What were they fighting about?
- Que faisait Grand Daddy sous la pluie?
We merely showed them the meaning of what they were fighting for.
Nous n'avons fait que leur montrer le sens de ce pour quoi ils se battaient.
That was one of the reasons they were always fighting.
D'où leurs fréquentes querelles.
Seven weeks, Your Majesty. But they seemed like an eternity for those who were fighting.
Sept semaines, Majesté, mais qui nous ont paru une éternité.
Phillipe and Pepe don't know anything else. They've been fighting Charlie since they were 10.
Philippe et Pépé se battent depuis qu'ils ont dix ans.
They were always fighting, always screaming at each other.
Ils se disputaient tout le temps. Ils se criaient toujours dessus.
Why? They were the ones with the most fighting spirit.
Les plus bagarreurs.
My folks were always fighting, but they knew they loved each other.
Mes parents se disputaient sans arrêt, mais ils s'aimaient.
They were just fighting a little.
Ils se battaient juste un peu.
Well, what were they fighting about?
Pourquoi se sont-elles battues?
So were my father and my elder brother, they died fighting in China.
Tout comme mon père et mon grand frère, en Chine...
But you with you were one of them and they are fighting.
Mais tu étais l'un d'entre eux et ils combattent.
They figured you guys were too soft, not fighting up to your potential.
Ils trouvaient que vous étiez trop doux... Que vous ne combattiez pas à votre plein potentiel.
After all they were only fighting for their country like most of the world has been doing.
Après tout, ils ne faisaient que de se battre pour leur pays comme la plupart des gens le font dans le monde.
The Texas State Fighting ArmadiIIos were the greatest college team in history ; now, they're history.
Il y a six mois, les Texas State Fighting Armadillos entraient dans la légende. Aujourd'hui, tout est balayé.
There were some sporadic battles but, apparently, the spectre of fighting their countrymen proved too much for these rebel troops and they surrendered quickly.
Malgré quelques escarmouches, les dissidents n'ont pas osé affronter leurs compatriotes et se sont rendus.
They were always fighting.

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