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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ T ] / They were friends

They were friends Çeviri Fransızca

796 parallel translation
They were friends before the mutiny. They remained friends after the mutiny.
Ils étaient amis avant la mutinerie et le sont restés après.
If they were friends, why did they kill him?
S'ils étaient mes amis, pourquoi ils l'ont tué?
You fired them when you found out they were friends of Jericho Howard.
Vous les avez virés en apprenant qu'ils étaient amis avec Jericho.
Who would've thought that they were friends?
Qui aurait dit que c'était des amis...
They were friends of your parents.
C'étaient des amis de tes parents.
Their way of talking made me believe they were friends.
Mais j'ai eu l'impression qu'ils étaient amis. C'est pour cela qu'il lui payait à boire. C'est ce qu'il disait.
They were friends.
Ils étaient amis.
But they were friends because he went looking for him.
Ce sont des amis, quand l'un a disparu l'autre s'est mis á le chercher.
- Your uncle had loaned money... to Gwen's mother and father, from when they were friends.
- Ton oncle avait prêté de l'argent... au père et à la mère de Gwen, du temps où ils étaient amis.
Plus, they were great friends after their breakup, and you know, it's... it's just like us!
De plus, ils étaient grands amis après leur rupture, et tu sais... C'est juste comme nous!
Dick? Apple woman? - They were particular friends of mine.
- Brigitte, Dick, la marchande?
They were my friends Moray and Ruthven.
Moray et Ruthven étaient mes amis.
And they were only friends
Ils n'étaient que des amis
They were her friends, and you did all the talking!
Tu n'arrêtais pas de leur parler.
- I thought they were your friends.
Je croyais que c'étaient vos amies. Moi aussi.
They went to school together and were very good friends.
Ils sont allés à l'école ensemble, et étaient de bons amis.
His friends came... I thought they were my friends, too.
Soudain, il partit.
Your sister had many friends, but they were not my friends.
Les nombreux amis de votre soeur n'étaient pas les miens.
We had friends in for cocktails. Who were they?
- On a pris l'apéro avec des amis.
They were all friends of mine.
Ils étaient tous mes amis.
They were always Nick's friends first.
Ils etaient avant tout ceux de Nick.
In all other respects, they were the best of friends.
Dans la vie, ils étaient bons amis.
They were such good friends.
Ils étaient bons amis.
They were no friends, John.
Ils n'ont rien d'amical.
When I attended a meeting right here in Greatwood. They were all my friends there. People who had known me for years and liked me.
Mais ce soir, en parlant devant tous mes amis, devant ceux qui me connaissent, mais qui ne m'aiment plus, j'ai réalisé qu'ils voyaient en moi un imposteur.
Tomorrow they were going to divide this rice among my friends.
Ce riz devrait être distribué demain à mes camarades. Il n'y en a même pas assez.
They were old friends of ours.
C'étaient de vieux amis.
They were sailors, same as me, slaughtered by that monster you're trying to make friends with.
De simples marins, tout comme moi, massacrés par ce monstre avec lequel vous essayez d'être ami.
Yes, they were two friends.
Oui, c'était deux amis.
If we showed we were the men our friends figured we was when they sent us here, a bill like this would never live long enough to even get on our desks, let alone come to a vote.
Si nous étions les hommes que nos amis ont cru élire, cette loi ne serait pas sur nos bureaux, encore moins en instance de vote,
My friends always said Timmer'd either come home a general or a corpse, and I guess they were right.
Mes amis ont toujours dit que je rentrerais général ou mort. Faut croire qu'ils ont raison.
They were darn good friends from that day on
Ses fourrures vendues Pour un bon prix
They were talking like they were very dear friends.
Ils bavardaient comme de vieux amis.
Your father and my father werert very good friends, were they?
Votre père et le mien rétaient pas très amis, hein?
They were angry with the station man because he wasted their time. But then they wished good luck to me and everybody friends.
Ils étaient fâchés contre le chef de gare, car il leur a fait perdre leur temps, mais ils m'ont souhaité bonne chance, et tout le monde était heureux.
Young, good-looking and pure... they were the best of friends
Ils étaient jeunes, ils étaient beaux et purs. C'étaient les meilleurs amis du monde.
Your two friends, before they were buried.
Voici vos deux amis avant leur enterrement.
He was very fond of flying fish as they were his principal friends on the ocean.
Il aimait beaucoup les poissons volants car c'était ses plus grands amis sur l'océan.
They were your friends, when they were taking the suitcase with 80 millions.
C'est tes amis, quand ils lui ont pris la valise avec les 80 millions.
I'd like to ask about friends and see if they were arrested
Je veux savoir si des amis ont été arrêtés
He and Mr. Freeman were monstrous good friends, weren't they?
M. Freeman et lui étaient d'extrêmement bons amis, non?
They were our friends, weren't they?
Ils étaient nos amis, non?
Were they your friends?
C'était vos amis?
His friends were so anxious, that they launched a search for him four days ago.
Mais comme ses amis étaient inquiets, il y a quatre jours, j'ai demandé qu'on lance un avis de recherche.
They were very good friends.
Elles étaient très proches l'une de l'autre.
They were dear friends and neighbours of the O'Brians.
C'était de bons amis et voisins des O'Brian.
We have some friends. They hide away because a few of us were caught.
Depuis notre capture, nos autres frères se cachent.
- I do not know who they were. - You talk to your friends?
- J'ignorais qui étaient mes amis.
I had no idea they were such good friends.
Je ne savais pas que M. Graydon et Miss Dorothy étaient si bons amis.
They're my friends. You never wanted to enjoy the trip. You were jealous of Cathy before we left.
Mais dès le départ, tu étais verte de jalousie.
The men these rustlers killed, they were my friends.
Les hommes que ces voleurs ont tués, c'étaient mes amis.

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