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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ T ] / They were here

They were here Çeviri Fransızca

2,376 parallel translation
They were here, Peter and Nathan.
Ils étaient là, Peter et Nathan.
They were here with my husband, Jin Kwon.
Ils étaient ici avec mon mari, Jin Kwon.
No one would have known they were here.
Personne n'aurait pu savoir qu'ils étaient là.
C'est vide.
Ask the coaches if they were here like they said they were.
Demandez aux entraîneurs s'ils étaient là comme ils l'ont dit.
We recorded hundreds of hours of security footage while they were here.
Nous avons enregistré des centaines d'heures pendant qu'ils étaient ici.
They were here, too. What you saw was wishful thinking.
Ce que tu as vu, c'était un fantasme.
But they were here, right?
Mais ils étaient là, juste?
They were here, weren't they?
Ils étaient là, non?
Yeah, yeah, they were here.
Oui, oui, ils étaient là.
It doesn't matter how good we are, we're gonna fail because they were here first and they rule the school and they hate us.
Peu importe qu'on soit si bons, on va échouer car ils étaient ici en premier et c'est les rois et ils nous détestent.
- They were here, chief.
- Ils étaient là.
They were here for three hours.
Pendant 3 heures.
Last time they were here, they painted my tie.
La dernière fois, ils ont peinturluré ma cravate.
They were here.
Elles étaient là.
- They were here, not so long ago
Ils sont passés ici. C'est tout frais.
They were here yesterday in his room, and they were playing that music.
Ils étaient là hier dans sa chambre, et ils écoutaient cette musique.
There are items around here, if you were to put it in there, they would generate a flash, but this will be a little spark.
Certains objets, si vous les mettiez là-dedans, feraient un éclair, lui ce sera une étincelle.
- A bomb lab. Figure they didn't snatch Dr. Ramanujan until they were finished with what they were finished with in here.
Ils n'ont pas enlevé le Dr Ramanujan avant d'avoir fini ce qu'ils faisaient.
Even here they were touched by war.
Même ici, on a souffert de la guerre.
If they only knew what we were doing here.
Si ils savaient ce qu'il se passe, ici.
Turtle m'a fait passer des rushes et ils étaient incroyables.
I have research here that indicates that each of these people knew exactly what they were doing. The thing is, they couldn't stop themselves from doing it for some reason.
Voilà des documents indiquant qu'ils savaient ce qu'ils faisaient, mais ils ignorent pourquoi ils pouvaient pas s'arrêter.
They were like any other family here.
Je les connaissais pas spécialement, c'était une famille comme les autres ici.
We leave now, they'll know we were here.
Si on part maintenant, ils sauront qu'on a été ici.
Why you're here and they're not, why you were spared and left to grieve.
Pourquoi tu es ici et qu'ils n'y sont pas, pourquoi tu as été épargnée et laissée ici pour pleurer.
They were here...
Ils étaient là.
If those aborigines were here, they'd smell a good man.
Ces aborigènes sentiraient que tu es un type bien.
They were out here for a minute.
Ils étaient là tout à l'heure. Pendant une minute.
They were still there when i got here.
Elles y étaient encore à mon arrivée.
I think they were onto me. Here.
- Je pense qu'ils ont eu des doutes sur moi.
Why are things different up here than they were down there?
Pourquoi les choses sont différentes ici de ce qu'elles étaient?
And besides, god knows what havoc they'd wreak here while you were gone.
Et en plus, Dieu sait quels dégâts il y aurait ici le temps que tu sois parti.
- Were they tenants here?
- Ils vivent ici?
There were men with guns, and they took me here, filled me with poison.
Il y avait des hommes armés. Ils m'ont emmenée ici et m'ont donné du poison.
Yeah, I was, until I realized That they were right here in pasadena,
Oui, jusqu'à ce que je réalise qu'ils étaient ici, à Pasadena.
They were in here playing some game they just made up.
Ils étaient là, à jouer à ce jeu.
It looks like they were about 100 feet tall when they were completed here in April of 1991.
Elles font une trentaine de mètres, une fois terminées, ici, en avril 1991.
Yes. We were in different ambulances, but they said she was coming here.
Elle est arrivée dans une autre ambulance.
And all these people here, they were on your sign-up sheet?
Et tous ces gens ont signé la feuille?
I'm sorry, they justtold me you were here.
On vient de me dire que tu étais là.
Last time I was here, they were out, so I had to have regular and got so wired, I didn't sleep all night.
La dernière fois, ils en avaient plus, j'ai dû prendre un normal et j'ai pas fermé l'oeil de la nuit.
- They were here first.
Ils étaient ici d'abord.
By the way, were they here today?
Ils étaient là, aujourd'hui?
They were looking over here a lot.
- Elles nous ont beaucoup regardés.
You were not here when they got divorced.
T'étais pas là au divorce.
They were only here three days.
Elles n'ont été là que trois jours.
They're checking if the same explosives were used here
Ça pourrait correspondre à ce qu'on a trouvé ici.
When I first got here he told me that they were coming over to water the plants.
- Quand je suis arrivé ici, il m'a dit qu'elles venaient arroser les plantes.
Well, if they were Indians from here, they would be called American Indians, you dork.
Si c'étaient des Indiens d'ici, on parlerait d'Indiens américains, idiot.
Was it here that they were killed?
- Ils se seraient fait abattre ici?

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