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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ T ] / They were right here

They were right here Çeviri Fransızca

126 parallel translation
Well, they were right here.
- Oui, ils étaient là.
They were right here being honoured by Big Brother.
Ils étaient ici à recevoir les honneurs de Big Brother!
Well, they were right here.
Ils étaient ici.
- Damn, they Were right here.
elles étaient ici.
They were right here. I'm telling you.
Je les ai posées ici, je t'assure.
I don't understand. They were right here.
Je ne comprends pas, elles étaient là.
- They were right here.
- Juste ici.
They were here. They were right here.
Ils étaient là, ils étaient juste là.
They were right here -
Ils étaientjuste là -
Shit, they were right here yesterday.
Merde, ils étaient là, hier.
They were right here.
Ils étaient là.
- My vertigo notes. They were right here. - We need to leave in 10 minutes.
Ici Mark Greene, oui, le père de Rachel, c'est ça...
But most of the time, we never stop to think... they were right here in this room... you know, walking down these very halls, sleeping in these beds... dancing at parties.
Mais la plupart du temps, on ne pense jamais qu'ils ont été dans cette pièce, qu'ils ont marché dans ces couloirs, dormi dans ces lits, dansé à des soirées.
We've had lots of donors, and her results - they were right here.
Nous avons pleins de donneurs, et ses résultats... devraient être juste là.
Okay. So, two days ago, they were right here.
Donc, il y a deux jours, elle se trouvait ici.
They were right here.
Ils se trouvaient juste ici.
They were right here.
Ils étaient juste là.
They were right here!
Ils étaient juste là.
They were right here.
Ils étaient ici.
All right. Jim, they didn't tell me you were here.
" Jim, je ne savais pas que tu étais là.
That's right, but only the day they were here.
C'est exact, mais le jour où ils sont venus,
When I attended a meeting right here in Greatwood. They were all my friends there. People who had known me for years and liked me.
Mais ce soir, en parlant devant tous mes amis, devant ceux qui me connaissent, mais qui ne m'aiment plus, j'ai réalisé qu'ils voyaient en moi un imposteur.
They sent me up here to see if you were all right.
Ils m'ont envoyée pour voir si vous alliez bien.
Well, they were here all right. Not too long ago.
Ils étaient là il n'y a pas longtemps.
I wish Howard and Cathy were here to see it... because, believe me, they believed in you right from the start...
Si seulement Howard et Cathy étaient là! Ils ont cru en vous dés le début.
As far as I'm concerned, they were people who were here... who tried to help in their own way. - Right? You know?
À mon avis, ils ont essayé d'aider à leur façon.
I was giving them water all along the road here, right up on the bridge, and they were not on pot.
Je leur ai donné de l'eau et je n'en ai pas vu fumer.
I'm in this place right now... because my people, my forebears were violently brought here, like this, in chains, from Africa where they were violently made to work
Si je suis aux Etats-Unis maintenant c'est que mon peuple, mes ancêtres, furent violemment amenés, enchaînés, d'Afrique, et forcés à travailler par la violence.
It don't seem right, turning'em loose to do the very things they were put in here for doing in the first place.
Ça ne paraît pas juste. Les libérer pour qu'ils refassent exactement... ce qui les a envoyés en prison!
For anyone who's ever seen an Andy Hardy movie well, this is where they were all shot, right here.
Quiconque a vu une des 16 aventures d'Andy Hardy la reconnaîtra.
Well, we were right here and they were right over there across the river.
Nous étions là et ils étaient de l'autre côté de la rivière.
That's the way most people thought of him around here And they were right You know, he's given me an allowance ever since I was 14 and my folks died
Mais la Californie fonctionne sur la communauté des biens.
You're right, that's why I wanted to come. But they were in here.
En effet, c'était ma seule motivation, elles se trouvaient ici.
Sam, Sam, they were just right here.
Sam, ils étaient juste là.
Yeah. Every calculator, every electronic kids'game... They were all born right here.
Toutes les calculatrices et les jeux électroniques sont nés ici.
You were right They were here
Tu avais raison, ils sont venus.
They were here for the Esperanza story, so they got it right on the news, bloodstains and all.
Ils étaient déjà là pour Esperanza. C'est passé aux infos... flaques de sang et tout!
They were right here.
Right here on Earth, for instance we have the cargo cult, which saw airplanes during the 20th century and assumed they and their pilots were gods.
Ici même sur Terre, par exemple... nous avons le culte de l'espace. Avec les avions du 20ème siècle... les gens pensaient que les pilotes étaient des dieux.
We're gonna pick up the trail right here where they were abducted... and hope we all get lucky.
On va partir de l'endroit de l'enlèvement, et compter sur la chance.
- Right. If you were to talk directly to the kids at Columbine and the people in that community, what would you say to them, if they here right now?
Si vous pouviez parler aux lycéens de Columbine, qu'est-ce que vous leur diriez?
That's right They were scheduled for Wonju but I got them to come here
C'est exact! Ils devaient aller à Wonju mais j'ai pu les faire venir ici.
They were here, right?
Ils étaient là, pas vrai?
Chief found out they were here and took care of business, right?
Le commissaire les a trouvés et s'en est chargé, c'est ça?
And they were made right here in Canada.
Et elles ont été faites ici, au Canada.
If they were here right now... what would they think about their father...
S'ils étaient ici maintenant, que diraient-ils en voyant leur père
No matter how bad things were in the world, how many Mansons there were how many Kennedys they killed we knew on Sundays, we'd come in here for an hour and everything was gonna be all right.
Peu importe les horreurs de ce monde, les Manson en liberté ou les Kennedy assassinés. On savait que le dimanche, on serait ici et que tout irait bien.
I mean, they wouldn't have come out here... they wouldn't have gone through all this... exposed themselves like this... unless they were dead certain they had the right man.
Je veux dire, ils n'auraient pas traversé tout ça, ils ne seraient pas venus jusqu'ici... Ils ne se seraient pas exposés à ce point s'ils n'avaient pas été sûrs de tenir le bon bonhomme.
I have a few friends here I was concerned about I wanted to see if they were right.
- J'ai quelques amis qui comptent pour moi. Je voulais voir s'ils allaient bien.
About two sisters who died right here. Yeah, they were twins.
A propos de deux soeurs... qui sont mortes juste ici.
and what we have right here in the last year- - these are the photos of 112 men from the special forces community who have died because somebody knew they were coming.
Et ce que nous avons maintenant, ce sont les photos de 112 hommes, de l'année denière, de l'Unité Spéciale qui sont morts, parce que quelqu'un savait qu'ils arrivaient.

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