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Throw it out Çeviri Fransızca

936 parallel translation
Don't throw it out!
Jette pas, jette pas.
I'll throw it out. Don't move!
Je vais la jeter dehors.
Didn't I tell you to throw it out?
Je vous avais dit de la jeter.
Throw it out the window or the fire escape... and unpacking.
Jette-la par la fenêtre ou la sortie de secours, et défais les valises.
Throw it out.
Well, throw it out, but you gotta be pretty darn smart to land on it.
Mais t'as intérêt à être malin pour atterrir dessus.
- Open the escape hatch. I'll throw it out.
- Ouvre le sas, je la jette.
Throw it out there, you guys.
- Faites un effort, les gars.
I've been meaning to throw it out.
Je voulais la jeter.
Never throw it out : it's a very useful dress.
Gardons cette robe, ça peut servir.
I gave it to the janitor, as you asked me, so that she can throw it out.
Je l'ai donné à la concierge. Elle le jettera.
Dismiss it. - Throw it out.
Ma foi, classez-la.
This is the only song I got in the show... and out of town, some head-shrinker wants to throw it out.
C'est ma seule chanson dans le spectacle... et sorti de nulle part, un coupeur de tête veut l'éliminer.
Want me to throw it out?
- Je le balance?
Throw it out, Lord, and let us live in Your company for the good of our souls.
Chasse-le, Seigneur... protège-nous... pour le salut de notre âme.
All right, throw it out of the window.
Très bien, jette-le par la fenêtre.
I was gonna take his body, throw it out of a car like he did my girl.
Je voulais jeter son corps d'une voiture, comme ils l'ont fait.
Now understand, it took six of them to throw me out.
Il en a fallu 6 pour me jeter dehors, compris?
- Beat it, or I'll throw you out!
- Dégagez ou je vous vire!
Well, think of it next time before you throw somebody out.
Pensez-y la prochaine fois que vous voudrez mettre quelqu'un dehors.
See? You notice it doesn't throw my shoulder out like it used to?
Tu vois, mon épaule n'est plus déformée comme avant.
Rita took out the acid, and that woman saw she was going to throw it down on'em.
Rita a sorti l'acide, et la femme a vu qu'elle allait le verser sur eux.
I have to throw half of it out.
A la pelle! Obligé d'en refuser.
You drink out of it and throw it away.
On l'utilise dans les lieux publics et on le jette.
And Toto's eyes weren't nice to look at when he held out his heart to me and I had to throw it back in his face!
Les yeux de Toto non plus, quand il m'a ouvert son cœur et que j'ai dû le lui jeter au visage!
If you go through with this case... it's going to throw 500 people out of employment.
Mlle Allenbury, si vous persistez à attaquer, 500 personnes seront au chômage.
If you're going to claim you didn't do it, throw our case out the window, then -
Si tu plaides ton innocence, on est fichus.
It's terrific. Anyway, no one can throw us out at four o'clock in the morning.
Au moins, personne ne pourra nous jeter dehors.
He was here once before, and I told the boss about it, and the boss said if he comes back, to throw him out.
Il est déjà passé, je l'ai dit au patron qui m'a dit de le virer s'il revenait.
Here's what you want. It will give me great pleasure... to see you make a fool of yourself before I throw you out of the house.
J'aurai le plaisir de vous ridiculiser avant de vous jeter dehors.
I'm in this for what I can get out of it, and I don't think I'm getting half enough, and we can really make Lorenz pay off plenty if we throw in together.
Je cherche à gagner et je ne gagne pas assez. On peut faire cracher Lorenz, à nous deux.
Bring out those fire buckets, throw out the sand, fill them with gas and oil, spread them in the forward deck and light it.
Jetez des seaux d'essence sur le pont avant et allumez.
It's 11 : 00. At this hour, I could throw you out.
Il est 23 h. À cette heure-ci, je peux vous mettre à la porte.
I don't know what you'll do about it, but I'm going to throw her right out on her ear.
Je ne sais pas ce que vous allez faire, mais moi, je vais la virer d'ici illico.
Well, we had the apartment vacant, and it seemed a shame to throw her out.
L'appartement était disponible et je ne voulais pas la mettre dehors.
As I was saying, it was a shame to throw her out.
Ça aurait été dommage de la mettre dehors.
I merely throw out the suggestion. It might simplify matters if you were to discontinue your theatre duties pending...
Ce serait plus simple si vous interrompiez vos activités...
If you do it again, I'll throw you out
Si tu recommences, je te chasse. Souviens-t'en!
And yesterday you managed to keep it very well hidden all day When you were trying to throw me out.
Et hier, quand tu as tout fait pour me mettre dehors.
That makes it so hard to throw him out.
Voilà pourquoi c'est si dur de l'expulser.
You open that window again, I'll throw you out of it.
Si tu ouvres la fenêtre, je te jette à travers.
I see You concluded that when I tear papers up into small bits and throw the bits into a wastebasket and kick the wastebasket out of the door it's because I wish to keep the papers that go to make up the document, correct?
Quand je déchire un document, que je le jette à la poubelle et que je mets la poubelle dehors, c'est pour récupérer le tout?
I ought to throw you out of here right now before it's too late.
Je devrais vous renvoyer avant qu'il ne soit trop tard.
All right, so I'm gonna disgrace the fair name of Finney. Wait till it snows and throw me out in the street.
Je vais jeter l'opprobre sur le noble nom des Finney.
Well, just throw it and find out.
Lance et tu verras bien.
The more I think about it, the more I think that you didn't have a right to throw Leon - Out of his home.
Tu n'avais pas le droit de mettre Léon dehors.
I'd throw him out in a minute if it wasn't for Patou.
Sans Patou, je le jetterais dehors!
I knew a guy used to take the nail out of a flat and throw it into the street.
Un mec prenait le clou du pneu crevé, - le jetait par terre et attendait le prochain.
I don't regret it. But when you throw me out, it upsets me, Cricri.
Je ne regrette rien, mais quand tu me flanques à la porte, j'ai du chagrin, Cricri.
But now I want you to take this horn out and lose it. Throw it away.
À présent, je veux que tu ailles jeter cette corne.
Throw it out here.
 Bien, on y va.

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