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Throw them away Çeviri Fransızca

295 parallel translation
No need to throw them away, give them to the customers.
Ça nettoie la cuisine, ça détruit les restes. On les jette dans les clients.
Throw them away. Do anything you please.
Jetez-les, faites-en ce que vous voulez.
Once Doc baked some biscuit And throw them away
Doc t'a fait un gâteau Et les a chassés
I can't throw them away.
Je ne peux pas les sacrifier.
When she was a little girl, she used to tire of all her toys... and throw them away while they were still new.
Elle se lasse de tous ses jouets. Si je peux te donner un conseil...
- You merely throw them away.
- Vous les jetez.
But our plans... We can't throw them away like that.
Mais nos plans — On ne peut pas les oublier comme ça.
They get dirty, I throw them away.
Elles se salissent, je les jette.
Now, to throw them away just Like they're another bunch of rocks.
Les jeter comme de vulgaires pierres!
Isn't it nice that... that I didn't throw them away?
Heureusement, je ne les ai pas jetées.
Throw them away!
I can't help noticing you go over and over your drawings... and often as not, you throw them away.
Je ne peux m'empêcher de remarquer que tu reprends tes tableaux et que très souvent, tu les jettes.
Throw them away because of an old wives'tale about men who died 60 years ago but aren't dead?
Les jeter à cause de ces vieilles histoires, d'hommes morts il y a 60 ans et qui finalement ne le seraient plus?
Well, I can't throw them away.
Mais je ne peux tout de même pas les jeter.
Now throw them away as far as you can.
Maintenant, jetez-les aussi loin que vous pourrez.
Oh, Mama, throw them away. I'm 20 years old.
Jette-les donc, maman, j'ai 20 ans.
Why did he pack the heads so carefully, and then, throw them away?
Pourquoi est-ce qu'il emballait si bien les têtes, avant de les jeter?
Throw them away.
Exactly. When things are old we throw them away, right?
Les vieilleries, ça se jette.
Just throw them away!
That's right, throw them away.
-... don't throw them away.
- ne les jetez pas.
Now I don't want to say that his songs were bad but we had to re-write them before he could throw them away.
Je ne veux pas dire qu'elles étaient mauvaises mais il fallait les ré-écrire avant de les jeter au panier!
I'll see you there in an hour Why can't I just throw them away?
On s'y retrouve dans une heure. - Pourquoi ne pas les jeter?
we can throw them away soon.
Dès qu'ils sont secs, on peut les jeter.
I made him throw them away.
Je lui ai fait jeter.
Unbreakable, indestructible... and once you've used them, you just throw them away!
Elles sont incassables. Et quand elles ont servi, on les jette.
Suppose I'll have to throw them away now.
J'imagine que je vais devoir les jeter maintenant.
What, don't you want to throw them away?
Ben alors? Tu veux pas la jeter?
Didn't you throw them away?
Vous ne les avez pas jétées?
And you just throw them away like that?
Vous les jetez, comme ça?
But not throw them away.
Mais pas la jeter par la fenêtre.
Throw them away, you stupid boy!
Bazarde-les, nigaud!
I didn't want to throw them away and didn't want them.
Je ne voulais ni les garder ni les jeter.
You never wanted to throw them away.
Tu n'as jamais voulu les jeter.
Throw them away, they're dangerous.
Ne les ramassez jamais! Ils sont mortels.
Stupid question. Throw them away
Jette tout ça!
Do you want any of these,'cause I'm going to throw them away.
Est-ce que vous les voulez? Parce que sinon je les jette.
Otherwise we'll have to throw them away.
On en a assez. Sinon, on doit la jeter.
I need you to... chop up 400 onions and then, uh, throw half of them away.
I need you to... Couper 400 ognons et, uh, en jeter la moitier....
Yes, sir. The scripts in that closet, throw all of them away.
monsieur. Jetez-les tous.
To throw away money on them.
Gaspiller leur argent.
Shall I keep them or throw away?
- Je dois les garder ou les jeter?
I know what you want to do... put them behind bars and throw away the key.
Je sais ce que tu rêves de faire : Les enfermer dans une cellule et jeter la clé.
Why throw away their lives by supplying them with bargain - basement guns or none at all?
Pourquoi leur fournir du matériel bas de gamme, voire rien du tout?
Throw them away.
If there were many more of them, I could throw away my shingle.
A cette allure, autant jeter mon insigne de médecin.
Why not throw them away?
- On peut les jeter, non?
You should explain to them it's useless to dirt my car or to throw away tomatoes.
Ça ne ressemble à rien, de salir ma voiture, de jeter des tomates.
Don't throw all them young years away.
Ne gaspille pas tes jeunes années.
If you try to tough it out with them, they'll lock you in a room somewhere and throw away the room!
Si tu leur tiens tête, ils t'enfermeront pour toujours.

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