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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / We'll go now

We'll go now Çeviri Fransızca

542 parallel translation
Very well. We'll now go to your room.
Bien, nous allons passer dans ta chambre.
And, now, we'll have to go.
Et maintenant, il nous faut partir.
We'll go right on up and see the squire now.
Nous allons le voir tout de suite!
Well, we'll go now.
Bon c'est tout on s'en va.
We can't go to the Marberry now. They'll follow us.
Ils vont nous suivre au Marberry.
We'll go now. Get ready.
on part. prépare-toi.
Now we'll go on, here.
Reprenons, allez.
Now I'll go immadiatly to my office. And then, we shall see!
Je vais à mon bureau sur-le-champ et on va voir!
Now, Mrs. Ashenden... we'll go back to our lesson.
Mme Ashenden, reprenons notre leçon.
Now we'll go upstairs and we'll think about what should happen next in peace and comfort.
Maintenant, remontons. Et réfléchissons confortablement au calme à ce que nous allons faire ensuite.
Father, we'll have to go now if you're going to make that train.
Mon père, il faut y aller ou vous manquerez le train.
Thank you. - Now, Mr. Bone, we'll go for a walk.
Nous allons faire un tour.
- Uh-huh. Now we'll go to that commandant guy and tell him we're through.
Je lui dirai ma façon de penser.
I've thought about that, too. We'll go now while they're still asleep... and in the morning, when they find their guns... you and I and Boy will be gone.
On leur rendra leurs armes pendant qu'ils dorment, et au matin, quand ils les verront, on sera déjà loin.
- OK. - Now we'll go...
- Maintenant, nous allons...
You sign it and we'll go. Now listen, smart guy. I'll run my business my own way.
Dis donc le mariole, c'est moi qui commande.
We'll go aboard now and take everybody's statement Sergeant, get the coroner
On va à bord prendre les déclarations de tous. Sergent, le médecin légiste.
He'll never regain consciousness unless we go in now. I wish I wasn't so certain.
Il n'a de chance de reprendre conscience que si nous intervenons maintenant.
- That's great. Now we can go back East where we'll be safe.
On va pouvoir partir!
Now we'll have fun with Albert here. I'll go and fetch him a dressing gown. And I'll get him a towel.
Albert va enfin nous faire rire, je m'occupe de lui
There has been too much talk of killing. Come, Mahala. We'll go now.
Viens, partons, laisse ce trésor idiot.
We'll go back to town now.
Maintenant, en ville.
I know you'll go now, María, for both of us, because we love each other always.
Je t'accompagnerai. Je sais que tu vas partir. Pour nous deux, parce que nous nous aimerons toujours.
Today, tomorrow we'll find you, but now you may go.
Aujourd'hui, demain... Nous vous retrouverons. Partez.
Now, we'll all go to bed.
Allons tous nous coucher.
You run out and play, and we'll make up. Go on, now.
Va-t'en jouer et ça s'arrangera.
We'll go and get Alec now.
Allons chercher Alec.
It's nothing. We'll go now.
Rien d'important.
We'll go and see him now and get a bite to eat on the way.
On s'achètera une bouchée en chemin.
- We'll go down there now. - All right, all right.
Now you put your arms around me, and we'll go up and see that horse.
Mets tes bras autour de mon cou, je vais te porter pour que tu le voies.
You can go now. We'll call you when we want you.
Nous vous re-convoquerons plus tard.
We can't go back to the hotel. There'll have a million police there by now.
Nous ne pouvons pas retourner à l'hôtel.
Now go to sleep and tomorrow we'll have a long talk, especially about the gardens, because they're all planned three years ahead.
Maintenant dormez bien. Nous reparlerons demain. Surtout des jardins.
And we'll go now, right now.
Et on va partir tout de suite.
Now, we'll go over every step you took since you left the house.
Nous allons retracer tes pas depuis ton départ.
- Yes, sir? - We'll go down for the wine now.
Allons chercher le vin à présent.
I'm afraid we'll have to leave that up to Ann. Now, don't go leaving it up to her too long.
Ça regarde Ann.
Someday we'll go. Not now.
On ira un jour mais pas maintenant.
We'll now go from a navarre to a gaonera.
On passe d'une navarre à une gaonera.
If we go before the Pardon Board now... it'll just be hurting Frank's chances for a parole later on.
Si nous allons à la commission maintenant... on ruinerait la possibilité pour Frank d'obtenir la liberté conditionnelle.
- No. We'll go there now.
Allons-y maintenant.
Now, I'll get dressed, and we'll all go out and celebrate.
Allons fêter ça.
We'll go fishing now.
Allons-y maintenant.
We'll go away now.
Nous allons partir, maintenant.
Now we'll go after Yusa with everything we've got.
II ne reste qu'à trouver Yusa.
I think we can go now. We'll go out through the orchestra pit, and then I'll take you to my father's boat.
Filons maintenant par la fosse d'orchestre, et on ira au bateau.
Now we can go without any quarreling, come back, there'll be no trouble at all,
Maintenant on peut y aller sans discussion. Lorsque nous reviendrons, tout sera fini.
- Now, we'll go along with you.
Now, we'll go to Warsaw in the morning and get married.
Demain matin, on va à Warsaw et on se marie.
Now we'll go over to the Vickers'place and see what they have to say about him.
Allons chez les Vickers, qu'on voie ce qu'ils ont à dire.

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