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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / We leave tomorrow

We leave tomorrow Çeviri Fransızca

408 parallel translation
Sleep easily. We leave tomorrow morning... and you and your family will have your home to yourselves again.
Nous parton demain, et votre paix ne sera plus troublée.
Like I said, we leave tomorrow.
On part demain, comme Je l'ai dit.
We leave tomorrow morning at 6 : 00.
On part demain matin à 6 h.
When'll we leave tomorrow morning?
Quand voulez-vous partir demain matin?
We leave tomorrow.
On part demain.
We leave tomorrow or the next day.
Nous partirons demain ou après
It's the 22nd today, We leave tomorrow, Tuesday the 23rd, the 24th, the 25th... the 26th, the 27th... the 31st... and the month of December is over.
Aujourd'hui, on est le 22, on part demain, mardi 23, le 24, le 25... le 26, le 27... le 31... et le mois de décembre est fini.
20. We leave tomorrow.
On part demain.
- What time can we leave tomorrow?
A quelle part-on demain?
Tomorrow we leave.
- Nous partons demain. Ça vaut- -
We'll leave tomorrow morning. That's it!
Nous partirons demain matin.
We shall leave tomorrow night.
Nous partirons demain soir.
We leave this charming paradise tomorrow.
Nous quittons ce charmant paradis demain.
We'll see you tomorrow before you leave.
- On vous verra demain avant le départ.
Tomorrow we will leave, in mourning for this delightful friend, this wonderful companion who made us forget that he was famous.
Demain, nous quitterons le château en pleurant cet ami exquis, ce compagnon de qualité qui avait su... si bien nous faire oublier qu'il était un homme célèbre.
You'll have to leave now. We've all got a long, hard day ahead of us tomorrow.
Demain, une dure journée vous attend.
Because we've got to leave this house tomorrow.
Nous devons quitter cette maison demain.
We leave for the Continent tomorrow on the boat train.
Nous partons... pour le continent demain.
Oh, look, honey cake, you hide me somewhere until the cops leave the building, and then tomorrow morning we'll hop on a plane and fly to Canada.
Je t'en prie, ma chérie, cache-moi le temps que la police parte, et demain matin, envolons-nous pour le Canada.
I see no reason why we shouldn't leave for home tomorrow.
Nous pouvons rentrer dès demain.
Is there any reason why we can not leave for the settlement at once instead of tomorrow?
Partons sans attendre demain.
Tomorrow morning, before we leave. These trucks won't be enough to take all the workers to the station.
Ces camions ne suffisent pas à transporter les mondines.
We will leave tomorrow. Now we are looking for a radio operator to hold the fort here. And you have nothing else to do at the moment, right?
Nous partons demain, et nous cherchons un télégraphiste, qui, ici en ville, tient la place pour nous Et vous ne voulez rien d'autre?
Do we have to leave tomorrow?
On doit partir demain?
I suppose we better clean up and not leave this mess for Delilah tomorrow.
Rangeons un peu, que Delilah ne trouve pas tout cela demain matin.
We're all fixed to leave tomorrow morning, passports in order and everything. And I'm leavin'you locked in here.
Tout est prêt pour notre départ demain matin... passeports en règle, tout le bataclan... et je vous laisse enfermé ici.
And these brief moments were what kept me happy. We leave for Munich tomorrow morning!
Et ces instants-là étaient mon bonheur... dès le matin!
Tomorrow we shall leave.
Suis prête à le suivre
Leave that alone. We're going to the dentist tomorrow.
Arrête, on ira chez Ie dentiste demain.
We can leave tomorrow, Ruth.
On peut partir demain, Ruth.
Don't you know we leave for Paris tomorrow morning? To be married there?
Vous n'avez pas compris que nous partons demain pour Paris, pour nous marier?
We'll leave tomorrow morning, I must be there on the 24th.
- Nous filerons demain matin, je dois être là-bas le 24.
I've advanced my trip to Venice, we'll leave tomorrow.
Je précipite mon voyage pour Venise.
Early tomorrow morning we will leave for Rome.
Demain matin très tôt nous partirons pour Rome.
Sorry, but we leave for Rotterdam tomorrow night.
Nous partons pour Rotterdam demain soir.
If our friends help us we could leave tomorrow.
S'ils nous aident, on peut partir demain.
We'll leave tomorrow.
Nous partirons demain.
Tell him you want to come over to the embassy right away, tonight,'cause we're going to leave London tomorrow. You see?
Demande à le voir immédiatement, dis que nous quittons Londres demain.
Tomorrow before we leave, you can count on it.
Demain, avant qu'on parte, vous pouvez y compter.
We are virtually unanimous that the gentleman in question be asked to leave before lunchtime tomorrow.
Nous sommes unanimes, l'homme en question doit recevoir l'ordre de partir demain, avant le déjeuner.
Then we'll go on through the night, unload, leave straight away and we'll be in Livorno by tomorrow.
On va d'une traite à Cimiliano. On sera à Livourne demain soir. - Encore une nuit en route.
Lazarus, the month ends today and tomorrow we will leave this house, but nevertheless I am not happy.
Lazare, le mois fini aujourd'hui et demain on quitte cette maison, mais néanmoins je suis pas heureux.
We think it's his jumping-off point to leave the country tomorrow night.
D'où il compte quitter le pays demain soir.
We'll leave first thing tomorrow.
On partira demain matin.
We'll find a place to sleep and leave tomorrow.
On passe la nuit ici et demain on repart.
We decided on tomorrow, but we leave today.
Nous avions décidé que ce serait demain, mais nous partons aujourd'hui.
Tomorrow we all leave for the mezcalera.
Demain, on va tous à la fabrique.
Why don't we leave this house? Tomorrow!
J'ai quitté cette maison déjà une fois et je ne veux pas recommencer.
We'll leave the island tomorrow.
Nous partirons demain.
We'll leave our car here till tomorrow.
On laisse la voiture ici jusqu'à demain.
Good, you're gonna explain it to the fellow in the truck when we both leave the same house tomorrow morning.
Vous expliquerez au type dans le camion pourquoi on est deux à sortir de la même maison.

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