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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / What time was that

What time was that Çeviri Fransızca

890 parallel translation
- What time was that?
- C'était quand?
- What time was that?
- Quand?
- What time was that?
- À quelle heure?
- It reminds me of that other time. - What time was that?
- Ça me rappelle cette autre fois.
What time was that?
- A quelle heure?
About what time was that, you remember?
Quelle heure était-il?
- What time was that? - Quarter past 7.
- Quelle heure était-il?
- No. I see. Well, what time was that, did you say?
Quelle heure était-il?
What time was that?
Il était quelle heure?
- What time was that?
- Vers quelle heure?
What time was that? Around 7 : 30.
- Environ 1 9 h 30.
And what time was that?
Et quelle heure était-il?
Turn it back to another time in this valley that I knew before. What time was that, Luke?
- Remonter â l'époque de la vieille vallée.
At what time was that?
- À quelle heure?
- What time was that?
- A quelle heure?
What time was that?
Oui, c'est elle.
What in the name of time was that curtain speech all about?
De quoi a-t-elle parlé?
You remember that day in Sherwood Forest? I realized then for the first time that what you were doing was right and that we were wrong.
Dans la forêt de Sherwood, j'ai enfin compris que vous aviez raison et nous, tort...
Last time we used battleships was in the Spanish-American War and what did we get out of that?
La dernière fois qu'on a engagé des bateaux de guerre, c'était contre l'Espagne, et pour quel profit? Cuba!
Well, what I meant was that maybe we could just make it a lump sum this time.
Non, ce que je voulais dire, c'est... Nous pourrions arrondir la somme.
That's what I was afraid of the whole time!
Voilà, je savais que cela serait arrivé!
Miss Belle was a mighty fine white lady that lived in this big house a long time ago when I was no bigger than what you is, scarcely.
C'était une femme blanche d'une grande beauté qui vivait dans cette maison il y a longtemps, quand je n'étais guere plus grand que toi.
Now, look here. I never was one to spoil a good time... but enough's enough. That's what I say...
Je suis pas rabat-joie... mais ça suffit!
What was the relationship between Miss Donegan and Mr. Crane at that time?
Quelle était la nature de la relation entre Mlle Donegan et M. Crane?
- What? Well, it struck me that Mr. Morgan was looking absent-minded most of the time.
M Morgan m'a semblé bien distrait, à plusieurs reprises
What time was that?
Il a dû être retenu quelque part.
- And that was about what time?
- Oui. - Quelle heure était-il?
That was a swell party last night, wasn't it, Charlie? Say, what time did we go home?
Quelle fête, hier soir, hein?
I did. And what you didn't realize was that I was extremely attached to Paula Westlake at the time.
Tu n'as jamais su que j'étais avec Paula Westlake, à ce moment-là.
- That isn't what happened. Sir Gerald was in the House chamber at the time.
Sir Gerald se trouvait déjà à la chambre.
Before you went to war, you went to camp, didn't you? Where was Mike all that time? What kept him from writing?
Car auparavant, il serait passé par un camp d'où il aurait certainement écrit à l'un de ses nombreux amis.
Just because Lorraine's always had stomach trouble, I assumed that's what it was this time.
J'ai cru que c'étaient ses maux d'estomac.
Mr. Roark, I was away at the time of that campaign but my editor was doing what I had taught him.
M. Roark, j'étais en mer pendant la campagne mais mon rédacteur a agi sur mes ordres.
And what made it even tougher was that she was around all the time... hovering over me, afraid I'd do injury to her precious brainchild.
C'était encore plus difficile avec sa surveillance constante, sa crainte de me voir abîmer sa précieuse création.
What was the condition of the Thunder at that time?
Quel était l'état du Tonnerre?
- And at that time... what was the profession of this Praetorius?
- A cette époque, quelle était la profession de ce Praetorius?
Yeah. Then think, if that baby was born what a time we'd have with all that evidence against us.
Et si le bébé naissait, comment faire avec toutes ces preuves contre nous?
What time was that and what was your position?
Quelle heure était-il et quelle était ta position?
And, uh, what if he could prove that he was at that movie at the time the girl was killed?
Et s'il prouvait qu'il était au cinéma quand la fille a été tuée?
What I was sore at was that crackbrained idea of yours that seemed to be taking up all of your time, your energy and interest and attention, so you had no time to concentrate on anything else!
Ce qui me fichait en rogne, c'était tes idées stupides... qui semblaient prendre tout ton temps, ton énergie, ton intérêt... et ton attention, t'empêchant de te concentrer sur autre chose!
When the smoke cleared and what was left of the division limped off they again told Huxley that he must find the elusive Japanese garrison who, this time, were hidden in 45 miles of island atolls.
Quand la division revint en piteux état... on nous envoya de nouveau dénicher les Japonais... qui se terraient sur 90 km d'atolls.
I realise that, all the time I was talking, the thing that was really in my mind was to remember not to ask what it was her boss Rappalo was so sorry for.
me souvenir de ne pas lui demander de quoi Rappalo était venu s'excuser.
Ever since I first set eyes on West Point... ever since I first saw the young men of the corps... Sure you told me I was a silly woman for talking about it, but... if our son should be born here... where you've worked so hard... After the time we've waited, after what the doctor told you... it's enough for me that we're having a child at all.
Depuis que j'ai vu West Point... dès que j'ai vu ces hommes jeunes... tu m'as dit que c'était idiot d'en parler, mais... si notre fils naît ici... où tu as travaillé si dur... après avoir tant patienté, après ce qu'a dit le docteur... attendre cet enfant me suffit.
What I was thinking that time was even sillier.
Je pensais à une chose beaucoup plus bête.
I built this factory from two little presses to what we've got now and, well, I think it's about time that I was getting out.
J'ai bâti toute cette usine à partir de deux petites presses. Il est peut-être temps que je me retire.
C'est ce qu'on m'a dit de beugler chaque fois.
What I didn't imagine, however, was that around this time she would come to know the name of the secret admirer that had been sending her roses every morning.
Je n'imaginais pas, cependant, qu'elle apprendrait à ce moment-là le nom de l'admirateur secret qui lui envoyait des roses chaque matin.
About that time, i got there, and i was running out on this log and i... hey, friend, what's on the other side of that gate there?
Je courais sur un tronc, et... Hé, l'ami. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de l'autre côté?
If I'd have known what this was all about, I'd have told the people that did this a long time ago.
Si j'avais su quoi que ce soit, je l'aurais dit depuis longtemps à ceux qui ont fait ça.
Ah,'48, I was living in Herefordshire at the time. What a spring that was.
Restez calme!
You have before you the opinion of the Battalion Medical Officer which is that at the time the prisoner left the Battalion he was fit for duty and was not shell shocked but only suffering from what the doctor described as'cold feet.'
Vous avez entendu l'opinion du médecin-major. Le détenu, reconnu bon pour le service, n'avait pas de commotion, mais, dit-il, la "frousse".

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