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What were they thinking Çeviri Fransızca

107 parallel translation
What were they thinking!
Ils ont perdu la tête!
What were they thinking?
Qu'est-ce qu'ils ont en tête?
What were they thinking?
J'ai mis un panneau dans le jardin et une annonce dans le journal local.
- What were they thinking?
- A quoi pensaient-ils? !
What were they thinking? ! I believe they're referred to as "Belly Blouses" these days.
Je crois qu'on appelle ça une nombrilette.
Breaking away from Earth, what were they thinking?
Faire sécession de la Terre! Ils sont fous!
God Almighty, what were they thinking?
Mais qu'est-ce qui leur a pris?
What were they thinking?
Où avaient-ils la tête?
What were they thinking? !
A quoi pensaient-ils?
What were they thinking?
A quoi pensaient-ils?
What were they thinking, some of those toys?
Il y avait vraiment des jouets incroyables!
What were they thinking?
- A quoi pensaient-ils?
- What were they thinking?
- Qu'avaient-ils derrière la tête?
What were they thinking, sticking me with a beat-up bucket of bolts like this?
Qu'est-ce qui leur a pris de me coller une caisse aussi pourrie?
What Were They Thinking?
Que leur a-t-il pris?
What were they thinking, having another baby at their age?
Que leur a-t-il pris d'avoir un autre bébé à leur âge?
- What were they thinking?
- A quoi pensent-ils?
Take those fellas out there today - When they didn't try to date you up... you could tell what they were thinking by the way they looked at ya.
Prenez ces types aujourd'hui... Quand ils ne draguaient pas... on savait à quoi ils pensaient juste en les regardant.
That is what they were thinking.
Telles étaient leurs pensées.
I guess I know what they were thinking.
Je sais à quoi ils pensaient.
You were just thinking of what your mother and father would feel... If they saw one of those photographs of us.
Tu pensais juste à ce que tes parents ressentiraient s'ils voient une de ces photos de nous.
All you had to do was look at those faces to guess what they were thinking.
Leurs regards révélaient leurs pensées.
[Hawkeye Thinking] What neither Frank nor Hot Lips knows... is that earlier in the afternoon, while they were off picking berries or whatever,
And so you could find out really how the people were thinking by what song they sang.
Et on pouvait donc connaître l'opinion du peuple en écoutant ce qu'ils chantaient.
I wish I knew what they were thinking.
J'aimerais savoir ce qu'ils ont derrière la tête.
That's what they were thinking.
C'est ce qu'ils croyaient.
They were the reactions of the Mrs. Gold and the exacerbated jealousies of the Chantry what took it thinking that the Douglas Valentine was in love for.
Ce sont les réactions de Mme Gold et les éclats du commandant Chantry qui ont fait croire que Douglas Gold était amoureux de Valentine Chantry.
Miriam and Beulah, I could see what they were thinking when we came out.
Miriam et Beulah... je sais bien ce qu'elles pensaient en sortant.
Those letters could be the only record of what they were thinking at that time.
Ces lettres pourraient être les seules traces de ce qu'il pensait à ce moment.
But what would the world be like if people said whatever they were thinking all the time, whenever it came to them?
A quoi ressemblerait le monde si les gens disaient constamment ce qu'ils pensent, quand bon leur semble?
- But that's what they were thinking.
– Mais c'est ce qu'ils pensent.
what the fuck were they thinking about?
A quoi ils pensaient?
I always knew exactly what they were thinking.
Je savais toujours ce qu'ils pensaient.
If the doctors... had any idea what you were thinking... you know, them awful... dark thoughts... what do you think they'd do?
ces affreuses idées noires, que feraient-ils?
And I knew what they were thinking.
Et je savais à quoi ils pensaient.
But they were having such a good time I couldn't bring myself to tell them what I was thinking.
Mais comme ils s'amusaient tellement, je n'ai pas pu leur avouer ce que je pensais.
It wasn't what they were thinking, so much as what they were feeling. You know what I'm saying? 'Cause sexy is sexy!
Ce n'est pas ce qui leur a pris mais ce qu'ils ont ressenti, parce que je suis sexy.
She knew what they were thinking - what is that attractive man doing with her?
Elle savait ce qu'elles pensaient. Que fait donc avec elle un homme si séduisant?
They offered to help. What were we thinking?
Nina voulait nous aider, pourquoi j'ai dit non?
I hurt you, and I had to spend hours on a stinky bus... next to a guy that was spitting into a can... thinking about all the minutes going by that I wasn't at your graduation... and they were hurting you... because it was so selfish of this person who wasn't me to do what she did.
Je t'ai blessée, et j'ai du passer des heures dans un bus puant à côté d'un mec qui crachait dans une canette en pensant à toutes les minutes qui passaient et que je n'étais pas là et que ça te blessait alors que ça n'aurait pas du parce que c'était si égoïste de la personne qui n'est pas moi pour avoir fait ça
I don't know what the hell they were thinking!
Je ne sais pas à quoi ils pensaient.
But that's only if you couldn't take what they were thinking... which really means only if you can't see yourself... for what you really are.
Sauf si vous supportez ce qu'ils pensent, c'est-à-dire que vous vous voyez tel que vous êtes.
Don't know what they were thinking.
A quoi ils pensaient?
What makes you think they were thinking?
Qui vous dit qu'ils pensaient?
You'll never know what I am thinking, or who I am. " As if they were saying," It's only a body. "
Comme s'ils disaient :
I wish I knew what they were thinking.
Je me demande à quoi ils pensent.
Now you know what they were thinking.
Tu sais à quoi ils pensaient.
As the men went out to cross the swamp. They were thinking of what Ridjimiraril had to face.
Tandis que les hommes traversaient le marais, ils pensaient à ce que Ridjimiraril devrait affronter.
What the hell were they thinking?
Qu'est-ce qu'ils pensaient bordel?
"Help us fight a monster." What the hell were they thinking?
"Aidez-nous à combattre le monstre." Ils croyaient quoi?
I look at them and I... I know what they were thinking. And I know what they were feeling, like, right before.
Je les regarde et je sais ce qu'elles pensaient, je sais ce qu'elles ressentaient juste avant.

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