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What were you doing Çeviri Fransızca

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What were you doing?
Qu'as-tu fait?
So for the past two months when we were letting you use our apartment to practice the piano every Sunday night, what were you doing?
Donc ces deux derniers mois quand on te laissait utiliser notre appartement pour jouer du piano tout les dimanches soirs, qu'est-ce que tu faisais?
- What were you doing up there, Eep?
- Tu faisais quoi, là-haut? - Je sais pas.
What were you doing at my house?
Qu'est-ce que tu faisais chez moi?
What were you doing in Brooklyn anyway?
Pourquoi étais-tu à Brooklyn?
What were you doing? You spying on me?
Vous m'espionniez?
What were you doing even talking to him?
Pourquoi tu lui parles?
What were you doing in my sock drawer anyway?
Et que faisais-tu dans mon tiroir?
What were you doing with Rose?
- Qu'est-ce que tu faisais avec Rose?
Respect. What were you doing trying to work it out with Vera?
Pourquoi tu voulais arranger les choses avec Vera?
Confidentially, what were you doing on Shelby Road?
Entre nous, que faisais-tu sur Shelby Road?
What were you doing when you saw them?
Que faisais-tu quand tu les voyais?
Better question, Zooey, is, what were you doing last night?
J'ai une meilleure question, Zoey : Qu'est-ce que tu faisais là-bas hier soir?
What were you doing there?
- Que faisiez-vous là?
Well, what were you doing in here, then?
Et bien alors, qu'est-ce que tu foutais ici?
Come on, what were you doing back there?
Sérieux tu jouais à quoi la-bas?
What were you doing in my loft?
Que faisiez-vous dans mon pigeonnier?
Yeah, what were you doing with that bunny rabbit, eh?
Tu faisais quoi, avec ce lapin géant?
- What? - What were you doing?
- Qu'est-ce que tu fous?
What were you doing a week ago?
Que feriez-vous la semaine dernière?
What were you doing? You were piling on pressure.
Vous êtiez sous pression.
And what were you doing? Drinking too?
Et toi tu fais quoi, peut-être?
What were you doing before you this kind of did things?
mais.. que faisiez-vous avant de commencer ce genre de trucs?
What were you doing right?
qu'est-ce que tu viens de faire?
What were you doing up there?
Tu faisais quoi là-haut?
But look what you were doing with Hyun Joo!
Mais, juste à voir comment tu continuais avec Hyeon Ju.
Did you know what you were doing?
Que tu ne savais pas t'y prendre?
ZephCo doesn't know what you were doing with that funeral stunt, but whatever it was, it was brilliant because everyone's talking about it.
Zephco ne sait pas ce que vous faisiez avec le coup des funérailles. Mais peu importe ce que c'était, c'était génial. Parce que tout le monde en parle.
Is that what you were doing...
Est-ce ce que vous faisiez...
Do you remember what we were doing the year before you and Asa did Godot in New Jersey?
- Est-ce que tu te souviens de ce qu'on faisait l'année avant que toi et Asa fassiez votre Godot dans le New Jersey?
What the fuck were you doing?
Qu'est-ce que tu fous?
You were doing what you had to do.
Vous faisiez votre devoir.
You're going to forget what you were doing in the car in the first place, bump into the divider, wet yourself, ruin the car, lose your license, and your dignity in one fell swoop.
Tu te souviendras pas de ce que tu foutais dans cette voiture et tu vas foncer dans le parapet, pisser sur toi, briser la voiture, perdre ton permis et ta dignité, tout ça en un seul coup.
I mean, what the hell were you doing?
Non mais... Qu'est-ce que tu fous, nom de Dieu?
What were you guys doing?
Vous avez fait quoi?
What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?
Que faisiez vous sur le Lemurian Star?
May I ask, what you were doing in Turkey?
Puis-je demander ce que vous faisiez en Turquie?
- Michael, what are you doing here? I thought you said you were gonna go home and take your pill.
Michael, t'es pas rentré prendre ta pilule?
What did you think you were doing?
Qu'est-ce que tu croyais faire?
Is that what you were doing when you brought home the truck?
C'est ce que tu faisais en ramenant le camion à la maison?
And then after I said that, you switched up what you were doing.
Et puis après que j'ai dit ça, tu as changé ce que tu faisais.
Next time, just, you know, keep on doing what it was that you were doing because you got her to third and you can get her home.
La prochaine fois, tu sais, continue de faire ce que tu faisais parce que tu l'ammènes au troisième et tu peux la ramener à la maison.
By the way, what the hell were you doing back there in that garage in the first place?
Au fait, tu foutais quoi dans ce parking?
What were you doing in the garage?
Pourquoi t'étais dans le parking?
What the fuck were you doing coming in here looking through my shit anyway?
Qu'est-ce que tu foutais là bordel à fouiller dans mes affaires?
Yeah, I was wondering what you were doing.
Oui, je me demandais ce que tu faisais.
You graduated high school when you were 13, and this is what you're doing?
Tu as eu ton diplôme à 13 ans, et voilà ce que tu fais?
What did you think you were doing?
C'était quoi, ça?
What the hell were you doing all the way out there, Lenore?
22 H 04 RANCHO BERREGO POSTE D'ESSENCE Que faisais-tu donc là-bas, Lenore?
What you thought you were doing is irrelevant.
Ce que vous pensez est sans intérêt.
I saw what you were doing.
J'ai vu ce que vous faisiez.

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