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Why wouldn't he Çeviri Fransızca

662 parallel translation
If he loves her to death, why wouldn't he? In case you haven't noticed, humans are innately selfish.
pourquoi ne pourrait-il pas?
Now is there any reason why Luis the Lug could not be the ambassador to Turkey? - What? - And the Weasel, wouldn't he make an excellent secretary of war?
Louie la Gueule ne peut-il être ambassadeur de Turquie et le Furet, un excellent Ministre de la Guerre?
Why, in Franklin, my family wouldn't have permitted Shakespeare himself to call on me because he was a married man.
A Franklin, ma famille n'aurait pas permis à Shakespeare, un homme marié, de me faire la cour.
Why, if he was the last man on earth, I wouldn't... - I wouldn't...
Même s'il était le dernier homme sur terre, je refuserais.
Tell me why. Wouldn't you think he'd know the last people you write to are relatives?
n'écrit-on pas toujours à sa famille en dernier?
Why, he wouldn't let her fire me lots of times, and he stood up for me when she beat me, and made her stop it, like he did tonight.
Il l'a empêchée de me congédier à maintes reprises, quand elle me frappait, il lui disait d'arrêter, comme ce soir.
Why wouldn't he close it?
N'est-ce pas logique?
That's why I wanted to send him to a Dojo... so that he wouldn't have played such a game.
Voilà pourquoi je voulais l'envoyer dans un dojo. Il n'aurait jamais joué à de tels jeux.
I don't understand why he wouldn't believe the priest.
Je pige pas pourquoi il a pas cru le père.
Of course, why wouldn't he?
Et pourquoi veux-tu qu'il ne te tutoie pas?
Why, he wouldn't sell the Blue Water, would he, Aunt Pat?
Mais, il ne vendrait pas l'Azur limpide?
Why, I wouldn't have a chance. He'd fill me full of lead before I got halfway through that door.
 il me descendrait  avant que je passe la porte
No, he said this girl was really a good girl. That's why he feels he owes her. She wouldn't take nothing for months.
Elle n'a rien dit, et il s'est mis à défendre cette Allen.
After seeing you, I know why he wouldn't want to.
Aprês vous avoir vue, je comprends pourquoi.
And when he does come back why, then he'd be a gentleman. And he wouldn't be so offensive. Would he?
Et à son retour, ce sera un gentleman moins agressif, non?
- Why, he wouldn't be there!
- Aucune chance.
Why, he wouldn't -
Il ne ferait pas...
I'd like to know why you had the gall to tell Kenneth he wouldn't have to worry very much longer about David and me?
J'aimerais savoir pourquoi tu as osé dire à Kenneth qu'il n'aurait pas à s'inquiéter longtemps de David et moi?
Why wouldn't he?
- Bien sûr.
I've been trying to understand why he wouldn't go with me, and now all I can think of is that it's got to be because of you.
Je ne comprenais pas pourquoi il refusait de partir. C'est pour vous.
Sure, he's risky and full of energy but out of the ring, why, he wouldn't hurt a flee.
Il est vif et plein d'énergie, mais hors du ring, il est totalement inoffensif.
Why wouldn't he use yours?
Catastrophique! Pourquoi n'a-t-il pas utilisé le tien?
Why wouldn't he?
Pourquoi pas?
Why, he wouldn't give us extra protection from the law... That a big outfit like Anchor was entitled to.
Il ne voulait pas donner la protection supplémentaire qu'une grande propriété comme Anchor méritait.
- Why wouldn't he?
- Pourquoi?
Why wouldn't he come with us?
Pourquoi n'est-il pas resté?
That's why he wouldn't hurt you.
Il vous aurait rien fait.
Or you wouldn't have understood why he went out without me.
Autrement, vous n'auriez pas compris qu'il sorte sans moi.
- Why wouldn't he be?
Pourquoi ne le serait-il pas?
But if he really isn't gone away, why wouldn't he talk to me?
Mais s'il n'est pas vraiment parti, pourquoi il ne voulait pas me parler?
Why wouldn't he tell us?
Que veut-il cacher?
"Why wouldn't he?" I said.
Et pourquoi pas, j'ai dit.
Why wouldn't he tell it if it were true?
Pourquoi l'aurait-il fait?
Why would Franz let you come if he wouldn't come himself? The sun is up.
Franz le laisserait venir alors que lui-même refuse de monter?
That's why I told Mr. Graves he wouldn't be coming back to school at all anymore.
J'ai donc dit à M. Graves qu'il n'irait plus à l'école.
Why wouldn't he? Together we shall drive away,
Et on prendra le chariot de ferme ensemble.
You wouldn't be wanting to find yourself on ship's report. Like the lad who was flogged. - Why was he flogged?
Tu ne veux pas être sur le rapport comme... le gars qui a été fouetté?
Why wouldn't I tell you if I knew where he was?
Lui, si! Je ne vous crois pas.
I suppose we should never really know why he took his own life. I hope you wouldn't mind using his room? - No, I had expected that, sir.
Son travail était remarquable, une carrière brillante l'attendait.
Even the doctor believed everything. Why wouldn't he?
Le médecin a cru ce qu'il voyait.
You wouldn't happen to know why he did it, would you?
Tu ne saurais pas pourquoi il a fait ça?
Why wouldn't he look at that place?
Pourquoi a-t-il refusé de regarder?
Hey, you know something... I'll bet you that's why Brutus wouldn't let me in the truck. He knew that little pooch was in there.
C'est sûrement pour ça que Brutus m'empêchait de monter dans le camion.
Why wouldn't he be?
Pourquoi pas?
Why wouldn't he have any teeth?
Pourquoi n'aurait-il pas de dents?
If Monseigneur wins, Maréchal repays all his debts, he unmortgages Joncquières, And why wouldn't Sylvia marry him.
Si Monseigneur gagne, Maréchal rembourse toutes ses dettes, il rachète l'hypothèque des Joncquières et pourquoi Sylvia ne l'épouserait pas.
Now, wouldn't you say that he was insane? Why?
- Ne diriez-vous pas qu'il est fou?
Why wouldn't he tell me?
Pourquoi ne le dit-il pas?
Why didn't he watch it in the store? I wouldn't mind. - And the mother?
Pourquoi il n'a la vu au magasin je ne m'aurais pas niée.
All the more reason, surely, why he wouldn "t jump in, isn" t it?
Raison de plus pour ne pas sauter dedans, non?
Why wouldn't he have awakened us, offered help?
Pourquoi ne pas nous avoir réveillés pour nous aider?

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