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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Y ] / You call him

You call him Çeviri Fransızca

5,037 parallel translation
You call him monster? !
Vous l'appelez monstre?
Did you call him?
Tu l'as appelé?
Yeah, but didn't you call him?
Oui, mais tu ne l'as pas appelé?
- Did you call him?
- Tu l'as appelé?
What do you call him?
Comment vous l'appelez, lui?
Can you call him on a burner cell?
Pouvez-vous l'appeler avec un mobile prépayé?
Why did you call him?
Pourquoi l'avez-vous appelé?
He call you, or you call him?
Il vous a appelé ou vous l'avez appelé?
I mean, somebody is sending those texts- - call him Moriarty, call him whatever you want.
Je veux dire, quelqu'un envoie ces messages... appelez le Moriarty, ou comme vous voulez.
You might call him a haruspex.
Vous pouvez appeler ça un haruspice.
I have to admit, I thought you might call Atkins before killing him.
Je dois admettre que, je pensais que tu appellerai Atkins avant de le tuer.
Come on, call Burly and ask him to let you back in.
Appelle Burly et demande-lui de te réintégrer.
Anyway, I wanted to tell you. The guy you introduced me to looks very suspicious to me. If he comes back to see you, call the cops, but don't talk to him anymore.
Je voulais te dire, le mec que tu m'as présenté, je ne le sens pas du tout, donc s'il revient te voir, appelle les flics et ne lui parle plus.
Well, don't call him a rabbit. You'll hurt his feelings.
ne l'appelez pas "lapin", vous allez le vexer
As agreed, you will not call him names.
Comme convenu, vous ne pourrez pas appeler son nom.
Call Lieutenant Brunson, tell him I want you in his class.
Appelle le Lieutenant Brunson, dis lui, que je veux que tu fasses ce cours.
Will you call my husband and tell him you found me by myself?
Vous pouvez appeler mon mari et lui dire que j'étais toute seule?
Why don't you just call him?
Pourquoi tu ne l'appelles pas?
Percy, Carson, Roger- - whatever you want to call him.
Percy, Carson, Roger... peu importe comment vous voulez l'appeler.
Well you can call him Cardinal D'Amboise.
Vous pouvez l'appeler Cardinal D'Ambroise.
I'll call him if you like.
Je l'appellerai.
Call me if you see him.
Appelle-moi si tu le vois.
Yeah, but you're going to have to call him.
Oui, mais tu vas devoir l'appeler.
To call him "dad." You know, we try to communicate As much as we can.
Vous voyez, on essaye de communiquer autant que possible.
Well, maybe he knows he's playing with fire and he wants you to call him out on it.
Eh bien, peut-être qu'il sait qu'il joue avec le feu et il veut que tu le critiques.
Well, if you do hear anything, Please tell him to call his mother.
Si tu apprends quoi que ce soit dis-lui s'il te plaît d'appeler sa mère.
I'm gonna call Dad and tell him you're coming.
Je vais appeler Papa et lui dire que vous venez.
Say your cat is stuck up in a tree, and you call the fire department to help you get him down.
Disons que votre chat est coincé en haut d'un arbre, vous appelez les pompiers pour aller le chercher.
Well, you'd call him "Dick,"
Vous l'appelleriez "Dick"
You can call him whatever you want.
Vous pourrez l'appeler comme vous voulez.
He will be named "Merlin," and that's what you will call him.
On l'appellera Merlin, et tu devras l'appeler comme ça.
You should call him.
Tu devrais le rappeler.
He just said to give him a call, you know, if there was anything weird going on. Like, why?
Il m'a juste dit de l'appeler... si quelque chose de bizarre se produisait.
Listen, if you're feeling sensitive about drew, I think you should just, you know, call him or tell him or something like that.
Écoute, si tu te sens émotionelle à propos de Drew, je pense que tu devrais juste l'appeler ou lui dire, quelque chose du genre.
I want you... to call Sean Walker right now and set up a meeting to see him today.
Je veux que tu.. appelles Sean Walker tout de suite et arrange une réunion avec lui aujourd'hui
Call him on the cell you bought him!
Appelez le sur le portable que vous lui avez acheté.
Okay, when we get there, we'll put him in his bed, you guys leave and I'll call 911.
Okay, quand on y sera, on le mettra au lit, vous partez et j'appelle les services d'urgences.
Paloma, can you call Florio, tell him to make sure there's room for one more on the jet tonight?
Paloma, pouvez-vous appeler Florio, dîtes-lui de s'assurer qu'il y ait une chambre en plus dans le jet ce soir?
- I said be quiet. Would you just call him before you do anything else?
Pourriez-vous l'appeler avant de faire quoi que ce soit d'autre?
You're gonna call him tonight, right?
Tu vas lui dire ce soir, non?
You sure you don't want to call your husband and let him know where you are? No.
Tu es sûre de ne pas vouloir appeler ton mari pour lui dire où tu es?
I didn't call you anything, I was just trying to tell you that Kathy really likes Ethan, and he really liked her until you came along, so if you don't really care about him, then don't break them up.
Je ne t'ai pas insulté, je te disais seulement que Kathy apprécie vraiment Ethan, et il l'aime vraiment jusqu'à ce que tu t'en mêles, donc si tu ne tiens pas vraiment à lui ne les fait pas rompre.
Well, here's, um... 30-something cents and a promise I won't call your boss and tell him you reek of marijuana.
Voilà... environ 30 centimes et je vous promets de ne pas appeler votre patron pour lui dire que vous puez la marijuana.
I guess you could call him our leader.
Tu pourrais l'appeler notre chef.
And you'd be willing to call him?
Et tu serais prêt à l'appeler?
You're going to make the call and tell him how important I am and how exciting Peggy is.
Tu vas l'appeler et lui dire à quel point je suis importante et combien Peggy est ravie.
My advice is you don't tell him, but it's your call, Scott.
Mon conseil serait de ne rien lui dire, mais c'est ton choix, Scott
Great, when he gets out of court would you please just have him call me back asap?
Génial, quand il aura fini pouvez-vous lui dire de me rappeler au plus vite?
Call your dad and ask him if he wants to meet you for a beer.
Appelle ton père et demande lui si il veut boire une bière avec toi.
You should call him.
Tu devrais l'appeler
I mean, Ezra just... he looked like this wet, sad puppy, and Jake... did you ever even call him?
Je veux dire, Ezra simplement... il a l'air de ce chiot trempé et triste, et Jake... l'as tu seulement jamais appelé?

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