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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Y ] / You had a gun

You had a gun Çeviri Fransızca

354 parallel translation
All right, I just wanted to see if you had a gun.
Je cherchais juste une arme.
Amanda, Roland here tells me you had a gun and went crazy.
Tu as pris un fusil et tu as perdu la tête.
You had a gun?
- Tu avais un revolver? - Oui.
There are more than a hint against you : you had a gun.
Il y plus qu'un soupçon contre toi : tu avais une arme.
You couldn't kill anybody unless you had a gun.
Tu ne peux tuer personne sauf avec un revolver.
You said you'd feel better while I was away if you had a gun.
Tu te disais plus rassuré si tu avais une arme.
- How long you had a gun?
- Ça fait longtemps?
I'd feel a lot better if you had a gun.
Je me sentirais beaucoup mieux si tu avais une arme.
Last time you spoke with an attendant, you had a gun in your hand.
La dernière fois que t'as causé avec un pompiste, t'avais même un revolver à la main!
Why, last time you had a gun on us you didn't use it.
La dernière fois, tu n'as pas osé tirer sur nous.
Now, if you had a gun, it would have registered.
Si vous portiez une arme, elle serait détectée.
Doc, I would have sworn you had a gun hidden in here and I was trying to smoke you out.
J'étais sûr qu'il y avait un revolver ici. J'essayais de vous coincer mais j'avais pas pensé à ça.
But you had a gun?
- Vous aviez une arme?
You had a gun.
Vous aviez une arme.
Justlike if you had a gun, you don't shoot, do you?
C'est comme si on avait une arme sans tirer.
You were discovered with a gun in your hand from which one shot had been fired.
On vous a pourtant trouvé, avec cette arme à feu dans votre main, de laquelle un coup de feu a été tiré.
- We made it, but the kid started to holler and Lefty got too handy with his gun, so I had to spill it about you.
- On y est arrivé, mais quand on est arrivés, le petit a braillé et Lefty a dégainé son flingue, alors j'ai dû tout raconter.
"You wouldn't call me that if I had a gun in your ribs."
"Tu dirais pas ça avec un flingue pointé sur toi."
Banat is a dangerous man, you had no gun.
Banat était dangereux, vous n'étiez pas armé.
You were smart to carry a gun, traveling alone in the park but if you knew you had the gun in your bag, why throw away the bag?
C'est bien d'avoir un revolver quand on se promène seule... mais si vous en aviez un, pourquoi avoir jeté votre sac?
If I had a gun I'd stop you.
Armée, je vous arrêterais.
You didn't tell me she had a gun and knew how to use it.
J'ignorais qu'elle avait une arme et savait s'en servir.
Suddenly, I think it may have been you firing the gun. You knew Willie, you had a motive.
C'est vous peut-être qui avez tiré sur Willie.
I had you right where I wanted ya. A gun in your pocket... a cinch for a three-time loser.
Je t'aurais pincé quand je voulais avec ce revolver dans ta poche.
Two seconds ago you had this gun in your hand.
Y a 2 secondes, t'avais ton feu.
Honor had a gun in her hand ; it was Dad's gun, the one you saw.
Honor avait un revolver, celui de Papa, vous avez vu.
Swede, Sam never had a chance to use his gun, and you won't either.
Sam n'a pas eu la chance de se servir de son arme, et toi non plus.
You know, you could save yourself a lot of sleepless nights if you just tossed me a gun and we had this out right here and now.
Tu dormirais mieux la nuit si tu me filais une arme pour régler ça ici.
Things had worked out the way you planned were you gonna give me a gun or just shoot me in the back?
- Vas-y. Si tu avais réussi, tu m'aurais donné une arme ou juste tiré dans le dos?
If you mean being good with a gun, I've had a lot of practice.
Parce que je me suis bien exercé.
You know, the other day, I was up in the war office seeing the officer in charge of supplies, and he said to me, "Do you know, Williamson, we've never yet had a report of a faulty gun from Anderson's."
- Effectivement! L'autre jour, au Ministêre de la Défense,
You heard him say he had a gun, right?
Vous avez entendu : il est armé!
Nobody put a gun to your head and said you had to be an actor.
On ne t'a pas forcé à être acteur.
You know he had a gun? He didn't seem the sort of man who'd need one.
Il l'a sorti de sa poche et m'a dit qu'il avait volé la formule!
Have you had the results yet on the gun that killed Aydan?
Avez-vous déjà obtenu les résultats sur l'arme qui a tué Aydan?
Tell you one thing, I'm beginning to wish I had a gun.
Je vais vous dire, je commence à regretter de ne pas avoir d'arme.
Whenever I should've had a gun in my right hand, I thought of you.
Chaque fois que j'aurais dû tirer de la main droite, j'ai pensé à toi.
Well, we had a struggle, you see and... I took away his gun.
On s'est battus etj'ai pris son arme.
And if he had a gun, he would kill you.
S'il avait un pistolet, il te tuerait.
I insist on knowing why you came to this room and had a gun in your hand.
Pourquoi êtes-vous venu dans cette pièce et aviez un pistolet dans la main?
I'm late for dinner, but I just had to stop by and tell you in person, you son of a gun.
Je suis en retard pour dîner, je voulais juste te le dire en personne, vieille canaille.
Nothing. I had a gun. If you have a gun, you kill.
Je les ai mitraillés naturellement.
Well, there's no problem. If you had a gun, shoot'em in the head. That's a sure way to kill'em.
Pas de problème si vous avez une arme et si vous tirez dans la tete, sinon tapez-leur dessus avec un gourdin, ou brulez-les.
I had an accident with an old gun, a stone in my shoe, and you still think I'm insane.
J'ai eu un accident avec un vieux fusil, une pierre dans ma chaussure, et vous pensez toujours que je suis fou.
You know, Mel, for a minute, when you had that gun on me, I thought you were gonna get greedy.
Tu sais, Mel, pour une minute... quand tu avais cette arme pointée sur moi... j'ai cru que l'avarice s'était emparé de toi.
That would mean that you would have had to have found a gun... gone someplace where a shot couldn't be heard... fired the gun... taken the gloves and hid them under a fire hose.
Vous avez tiré dans un endroit où on ne pouvait pas vous entendre. Puis, vous avez caché les gants dans un tuyau d'incendie. Pour quelle raison?
You know, Junior, when Machine Gun Joe was just a little boy in Chicago, he had a pet snake that he used to love to ride over with his tricycle.
Vous savez, Junior, lorsque Machine Gun Joe était encore un bambin, il adorait écraser les serpents avec son tricycle.
You wouldn't talk like that if I had a gun on me.
Tu serais pas si insolent si j'étais armé!
You see, the gun that killed your wife, sir, had a little piece of thread that got caught on the trigger.
Sur l'arme qui a tué votre femme, il y avait un bout de fil coincé.
You know, every man I ever knew who was good with a gun and lived always had an edge.
Tous les bons tireurs que j'ai connus... et qui ont survécu... avaient toujours un avantage.
You see, I took Sweet's gun, but I dropped it... so I had to use a spear gun. Uh, don't you...
J'avais perdu l'arme de Sweet, j'ai dû prendre un fusil à harpon.

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