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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Y ] / You had your fun

You had your fun Çeviri Fransızca

238 parallel translation
You had your fun on the Riviera.
Vous rigoliez sur la Riviera.
Okay, you had your fun.
Bien, tu t'es assez amusé.
Okay. You had your fun. Now we stop these games!
Fini de jouer, maintenant!
You had your fun.
Vous avez eu votre plaisir.
You had your fun. Well, now you pay.
Tu t'es bien amusée.
You had your fun.
Tu t'es bien amusée.
- You had your fun, you sadist.
- Tu t'es amusé, sadique.
After you had your fun with me, I went out to her.
Après ce que tu m'as fait, je suis allée la voir.
You've had your fun.
Vous m'avez bien joué.
You boys have had your fun.
Vous vous êtes bien amusés, les gars.
While you had fun with games because of your indifference and the neglect of your Town Administration the church bells fell on your priest's head.
Honte à vous de vous repaître de ces luttes abominables. Etes-vous des êtres humains ou des buveurs de sang?
Or does conscience always come late... after you've had your fun?
Ou bien n'as-tu des remords tardifs qu'après t'être amusé?
You've had your fun, Monsieur.
Vous avez assez ri.
Oh, darling Joey, you've had your fun.
Mon chéri, tu t'es bien amusé.
- Had your fun and you're off.
- Tu passes ton temps à t'en aller.
Look at you. You're having more fun than you ever had in your life.
Vous vous amusez plus que jamais.
You've had your fun.
C'était bien.
All right, you've had your fun.
Bon, assez rigolé.
All right Toni, you've had your fun.
Alors, vas-y!
Okay, Mrs. Clover, you've had your fun.
Vous vous foutez de ma gueule?
Listen, if I'd warned you, if I'd said, "Wade isn't your true love, he's... You're just the best fun he ever had." You'd have called it a wicked lie.
Tu sais, si je t'avais dit que Wade se fout de ton amour, qu'il ne demandait qu'à passer un bon moment, tu m'aurais traité de menteur.
All right, you've had your fun.
Bon, vous vous êtes bien amusé.
Come on, you've had your fun.
Fini de rire!
You've had your fun, now go on, you just run along home.
Vous avez bien rigolé. Rentrez chez vous, maintenant.
You've had your bit of fun.
Vous avez bien rigolé.
You and your friend Britta have had some fun together.
Vous et Britta avez pris du plaisir ensemble.
All right, you've had your fun, right?
Vous vous êtes bien amusés?
You've had your fun with him.
Vous vous êtes bien amusés...
All right, Mother, you've had your fun.
Mère, tu t'es amusée.
You've had your fun.
Assez plaisanté.
OK, you've had your fun.
Ça suffit comme ça!
You've had your fun! Now...
- Lâche-moi!
You've had your fun.
Vous vous êtes bien amusé.
You keep your mouth shut... till we've had our fun and we collected our money.
Et toi, tu la boucles. Jusqu'à ce qu'on ait l'argent.
- Mabel, you had your fun.
Assez rigolé.
You had enough fun all your life.
- Tu t'es assez amusée.
OK, Buster, you've had your fun.
Ca y est, tu as pris ton pied.
You've had your fun. Now let him go.
Laisse-le partir maintenant.
You've had your fun. Let's have some order.
Maintenant, un peu d'ordre!
I haven't had this much fun with a girl ever... in my life, so... once you and luke get your problems worked out, come by and look me up.
Je ne me suis jamais autant amusé avec une fille... de toute ma vie, alors... une fois que vous et luke aurez résolu vos problèmes, revenez me voir.
You've had your fun. You're spent.
Tu as pris ton pied.
You've had your fun with our guest.
Vous avez assez joué avec notre invité.
You've had your fun, Selena. The game is finished.
Assez fait joujou, Selena.
Now, you've had your fun.
Mais, là, ça suffit.
Now that l`m young again, l`m gonna show you boys the fun I had when I was your age.
Me voilà de nouveau jeune, je vais vous montrer comment je m`amusais à votre âge.
You've mean you've had your fun, now you just want a quiet life.
Tu t'es bien amusé avec moi, et maintenant tu veux une vie tranquille?
You've had your fun. Now you've gotta pay up.
Vous avez rigolé, maintenant, faut casquer.
All right. You girls had your fun.
Très bien, les filles.
What would you know about fun? You never had fun in your whole life.
T'as jamais su t'amuser, Woodrow.
Had a lot of fun until you and your friend MacGyver came along and spoiled the party.
Tout allait bien jusqu'à ce que vous et MacGyver, veniez gâcher la fête.
So you had your little fun, didn't you?
- Tu as pris du bon temps, hein?

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