You were with me Çeviri Fransızca
2,909 parallel translation
You were with me when you killed those cops and you shot Lisbon.
- Si tu l'étais. On était ensemble quand tu as tué ces flics et blessé Lisbon.
You were with me when I stole the damn thing.
Tu étais avec moi quand je l'ai volée.
You slept in when you were with me in New York.
Tu as dormi quand tu étais à New York avec moi.
You were with me.
Tu étais avec moi.
I know you'll just tell me what you think I need to hear..... but when you were with me... .. was it all just an act?
Je sais que tu me diras juste ce que tu penses que je dois entendre mais quand tu étais avec moi est-ce-que c'était juste un jeu?
And hell wouldn't be hell if you were with me.
Et l'enfer ne serait pas l'enfer si tu n'étais pas avec moi.
Jackie Peyton, were you sleeping with me for my drugs?
Jackie Peyton, couchais-tu avec moi pour mes médicaments?
And that's why when you came to me before with your suspicions about martin / charles, I told you that you didn't know what you were talking about.
Et c'est pourquoi lorsque tu es venu à moi avec tes doutes à propos de martin / charles, je t'ai dis que tu ne savais pas de quoi tu parlais.
- You left me an urgent message saying you were headed out for a weekend getaway with my daughter and you wanted to talk to me first.
- Tu m'as laissé un message urgent disant que tu avais été poussé par une semaine de vacances avec ma fille. et tu veux me parler d'abord.
You were honest with me, and I wanna pay for it, okay, good Joe.
T'as été honnête avec moi, et je veux payer pour ça, OK, gentil Joe.
Well, you were supposed to call me after you spoke with Amanda Clarke.
Vous deviez appeler après avoir vu Amanda Clarke.
You were in love with me.
Tu étais amoureuse.
For one lovely moment, I thought you were being straight with me.
Pendant un moment j'ai cru que t'étais sincère.
I sent for you, when were matters against you for your life, to come and speak with me.
Je vous ai fait chercher, quand tout se retournait contre vous dans votre vie, pour vous parler.
You were a little short with me the other day.
Tu étais un peu court avec moi l'autre jour.
OK, let's start with every one of you telling me where you were last night.
Dites-moi tous pour commencer où vous étiez hier soir.
You see, you were the first and only girl I couldn't get to sleep with me, and it... it messed up my mind.
Tu vois, tu as été la seule et unique que je n'ai pas pu mettre dans mon lit Et ça... Et ça a mit le bazar dans ma tête.
I thought you were only with me because I'm black.
Je pensais que tu étais avec moi parce que je suis noire.
You were ready to go to Timbuktu with me.
Tu était près à aller à Timbuctu avec moi.
So you were just fucking with me?
Donc tu te foutais juste de ma gueule?
At the gas station, just before you got taken you were ready to come home with me.
À la station-essence, avant ton enlèvement, tu étais prête à rentrer avec moi
You guys just focus on the case that we were assigned. You come with me.
Les gars, vous vous concentrez sur l'affaire sur laquelle vous êtes assignées.
You were about that age when you came here to live with me.
Tu avais cet âge-là quand tu es arrivé ici.
So when did you first know you were in love with me?
Alors quand est-ce que tu as su que tu était amoureux de moi?
If I were you, I would load this up with as much worthlessness as possible, giving me so much to sort, I would go mad.
Si j'étais toi, je le chargerais avec autant d'inutilités que possible, comme ça je devrais tellement trier que ça me rendrai dingue.
And with me, nuns were involved, so when you talk about hell,
Et avec moi, des nonnes étaient impliquées, donc quand tu as parlé d'elle
Are you telling me that you knew what we were dealing with the entire time?
Vous voulez dire que vous étiez au courant depuis le début?
And they were okay with you to see me alone?
Et ils sont d'accord pour que tu me vois seule?
You were jealous seeing me with Shanaya, right?
T'étais jaloux en me voyant avec Shanaya?
You were there with me.
Tu y étais avec moi.
I seem to remember you kissing me when you were still with Trevor.
Tu étais avec Trevor quand tu m'as embrassé.
I thought you were the one toying around with me.
C'est toi qui te moque de moi
And you sat with me for two hours when my friends were downstairs, wondering where I'd gone.
Tu t'étais assis près de moi pendant deux heures quand mes amis se demandaient où j'étais.
How were you were able to focus on me and come up with all this?
Comment as-tu réussi à te concentrer sur moi et sortir quelque chose de pareil?
The only thing that can make it better if is you were here to celebrate it with me.
La seule chose qui pourrait améliorer la situation si vous étiez ici à le célébrer avec moi.
Sir, do you have any pointers you'd care to share with me, tricks of the trade, as it were'?
M., avez-vous des indications que vous voudriez partager avec moi, des ficelles du métier, en quelque sorte?
Hey, uh, so Rita told me that you were in surgery with Lily.
Hey, Rita m'a dit que tu opérais Lily.
Nothing was just now... Did you just say you were still in love with me?
Rien dans l'immédiat.
When you were in the bathroom, he said he was still in love with me.
Il me l'a dit quand tu es allé aux toilettes.
You lied to me about where you were the other day, and you blew me off to be with her yesterday.
Tu m'as menti sur où tu étais l'autre jour, et tu m'as laissé tombé pour être avec elle hier.
Or maybe you were just gonna wait and spring this whole adoption thing on me just like you did with your fucking cancer.
Ou peut-être attendais-tu pour me balancer toute cette histoire d'adoption de but en blanc comme tu l'as fait avec ce putain de cancer.
The consul is right. And if I were you, Lieutenant, I'd be more concerned with the charges you happen to be facing, like trespassing, destruction of property, assault and battery, espionage, oh, and let's not forget bringing a radiological weapon onto Russian soil.
Il a raison. je me soucierais plus des inculpations que vous risquez. et sans oublier l'apport d'une arme radiologique sur le sol russe.
You told April you were breaking up with me?
Tu as dit à April que tu voulais rompre?
You were supposed to be a way out of the tangle I was in with my sister, a thread she could follow to understand me better, to accept me, even.
Vous étiez sensé être le moyen de m'en sortir avec ma soeur, une piste qu'elle aurait pu suivre afin de mieux me comprendre, de m'accepter, même.
And to be honest with you, honey, you were just driving me bananas.
Et pour être honnête avec toi, chéri, tu me rendais folle.
So, now you're worried about me sticking with you, and last month you were worried I was holding you back.
Donc, maintenant tu t'inquiètes pour que je reste avec toi, et le mois dernier tu t'inquiétais parce que je te retenais.
Teri said you were in with some big-shot attorney, so she sent me to Grayson for help.
Teri a dit que tu étais avec un sacré procureur, donc elle m'a envoyé Grayson pour m'aider.
I-I mean, with the things you were telling me, how did you expect me to react?
Après ce que tu m'as dit, comment voulais-tu que je réagisse?
I cannot believe you didn't tell me you were doing this, that you couldn't trust me with a secret like that.
Je peux pas y croire que vous ne m'aviez pas dit que vous faisiez ça, que vous ne pouviez pas me faire confiance avec un secret comme ça.
And I remind you, you pretty much hung out with Ben the entire time you were pregnant and forgot about Madison and me.
Et je te rappelle que t'es sortie avec Ben pendant presque toute ta grossesse en nous oubliant Madison et moi.
Grayson told me that you and your wife were really close with him and Deb.
Grayson m'a dit que vous et votre femme étiez très proche de lui et Deb.
you were right 3267
you weren't invited 19
you were awesome 39
you were late 47
you were saying 480
you were amazing 132
you weren't 353
you were gone 87
you were sleeping 43
you were incredible 39
you weren't invited 19
you were awesome 39
you were late 47
you were saying 480
you were amazing 132
you weren't 353
you were gone 87
you were sleeping 43
you were incredible 39