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As i said earlier Çeviri Portekizce

37 parallel translation
As I said earlier, we can't confirm or deny the identities of any American victims of the bombing.
Como disse antes, não podemos confirmar ou negar as identidades de quaisquer americanos vítimas do atentado.
As I said earlier, I appreciate your dilemma, Bob, but I really don't understand what it is I have to offer.
Como já disse, eu compreendo o teu dilema, Bob, mas realmente não entendo em que é que posso contribuir.
As I said earlier, we need to talk about your decision to stop treatment.
Como disse antes, temos de falar sobre a decisão de parar o tratamento.
But as I said earlier, I need a local directorfor this office, and I cannot imaginea better candidate. No, I couldn't possibly.
Mas como disse antes, preciso de um director para o escritório local e não consigo imaginar melhor candidata.
As I said earlier on, the meaning of the industrial revolution was that nature was turned into a resource that was considered endlessly abundant.
Como já disse, o significado da Revolução Industrial foi : A Natureza transformou-se num recurso, considerado infinitamente abundante.
As I said earlier, because of his involvement in the federal probe, Mr. Stark was unable to disclose his presence at the crime scene.
Como disse, devido ao seu envolvimento na investigação federal, o Sr. Stark não pôde revelar que esteve presente na cena do crime.
Well, as I said earlier, you'll be consulted on every major decision.
Como disse antes, serás consultado nas decisões importantes.
It's because it's not configured, as I said earlier.
É porque não está configurado, conforme eu disse antes... Eu sei.
Errors happen, as I said earlier.
Como já disse, erros acontecem.
Because, as I said earlier, it is pre-destiny that we will take the Super Bowl this year while at the same time waving goodbye to... the... Eagles.
Porque, como disse há pouco, está pré-destinado arrecadarmos a Super Bowl este ano, enquanto acenamos e dizemos adeus aos Eagles.
As I said earlier, lâ € I have read his books. And I've seen him interviewed. And I really believe that Manny Trillo is aâ € is a changed man.
Como já disse, li os seus livros e assisti às suas entrevistas e acredito realmente que o Manny Trillo é um homem novo.
My name's Adam Brody, as I said earlier.
O meu nome é Adam Brody, como disse anteriormente.
Then, as I said earlier, prove it.
- Como disse, prova-o.
That might have been okay when, like, hawkeye and B.J. did it on "M-a-s-h," but this being the new century and all, I would have, as I said earlier, treated it endoscopically.
Pode ter sido boa quando o Hawkeye e o B.J. a fizeram em "M.A.S.H", mas dado que estamos num novo século, como disse há pouco, teria tratado por via endoscópica.
And it's a choice, as I said earlier, we have a choice.
E é uma escolha, como já disse. Temos uma escolha.
As I said earlier, I've known about your dirty little secret for quite some time... seen the guilt on your face over the decision you made that day.
Como disse antes, há algum tempo que sei do seu pequeno segredo. Ver a culpa na sua cara, por causa da decisão que tomou naquele dia.
As I said earlier, a million apologies.
Como já disse, mil desculpas.
As I said earlier, I'm only interested in whether our imposter killed Bob Underhill.
Como disse antes, só quero saber se a impostora matou o Bob Underhill.
And I can leave if you don't respect each other, as I said earlier.
E eu posso ir embora se não se respeitarem mutuamente, tal como disse antes.
As I said earlier, Madame, I am not at liberty to comment on that any further than I already have.
Como eu disse antes, madame, não tenho liberdade para comentar mais sobre isso do que já fiz.
Now, I spoke to him. He said it could just as easily have happened a couple of hours earlier.
Falei com ele depois, e ele disse que podia ter acontecido umas horas mais cedo.
I called earlier and they said the visiting room closes at 3.
Liguei antes e disseram-me que as visitas terminam às 15h00.
I'd just like to know if the association the lady represents was equally as offended by programs somebody said up there earlier on, like "Dad's Army,'like" Hogan's Heroes, " - like" Mash " et cetera. - ROBERT :
Oh, meu Deus, eles apanharam o da Gestapo!
Because every nasty thing I said to him earlier was the absolute truth.
Porque todas as coisas desagradáveis que lhe disse eram a verdade absoluta.
One of the reasons recess is being cut back in elementary schools, as I said earlier... that's being cut out so they can prepare for the tests.
Dir. Executivo, - Ass.
I probably should have said something earlier, But i didn't want things to be weird for you, for us.
Provavelmente deveria ter dito antes, mas não queria que as coisas ficassem estranhas para ti, para nós.
Oh, it's like you said earlier, I must have mixed up my prescriptions and taken too many of one.
Foi como você disse antes, eu devo ter me confundido com as receitas e...
You know, I meant what I said earlier about being around people who really care about you and who you really care about.
Falei a sério há pouco... sobre estares rodeada por pessoas que se importam contigo e com as quais te preocupas.
And, listen, I called here to talk to you earlier, and I talked to Felix, and he said things were getting pretty heated today.
E, ouve, eu liguei-te para falar contigo, e conversei com o Felix, e ele disse, que as coisas hoje, aqueçeram muito.
I don't want to sound negative, but as we said on the phone earlier, you're probably wasting your time coming down here.
Não quero soar negativo, mas como disse no telefone, pode perder tempo vindo aqui.
I've been thinking about what you said earlier, about how we should pack up and go.
Estive a pensar naquilo que disseste hoje... Sobre devermos fazer as malas e fugir daqui.
I informed you earlier that.. .. I won't be able to make it at 7 o'clock for the Zest meeting. And you said you'll reschedule for 8.
Já te tinha dito que não podia ir à reunião das sete e disseste que adiarias para as oito.
As I said to you earlier this afternoon, had you been more honest in your disclosure to me perhaps I would have. But seeing that you were less the truthful, you're going to have to deal with the ramifications. I must insist you leave my car now!
Como lhe disse esta tarde, se tivesse sido mais honesto no seu discurso comigo, talvez eu fosse, mas visto que você é menos que confiável, vai ter de assumir as consequências.
You know, when I interviewed the girls earlier, Kirsten said that she had never been in the Western Room.
Sabes, quando entrevistei as raparigas mais cedo, a Kirsten disse-me que nunca esteve no quarto do velho oeste.
I'm sorry about all those things that I said earlier.
Desculpa as coisas que te disse à pouco.
What I found out, over a period of months of reporting, was that Steve Jobs actually had been diagnosed with cancer nine months earlier, and that for a period of nine months, he had refused to have the surgery that every medical expert said was necessary to increase his prospects for survival.
O que descobri após meses de investigação, foi que o Steve Jobs tinha sido diagnosticado nove meses antes e que, durante nove meses, ele recusou-se a fazer a cirurgia que os especialistas diziam ser necessária para aumentar as suas hipóteses de sobrevivência.
Everything I said earlier still holds, but I need the cash, and I might as well take it from you guys while you still have it to offer.
Tudo o que disse antes continua a valer... Mas preciso de dinheiro... E vou tentar tirá-lo de vocês...

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