At the bar Çeviri Portekizce
3,142 parallel translation
I stepped over the line at the bar last night.
Eu ontem à noite no bar pisei a linha.
You can see my friend Peter mills at the bar over there.
Podes ver o meu amigo Peter Mills logo ali, no bar.
Padma, I think Nolan's looking for you at the bar.
Padma, o Nolan está à sua procura no bar.
Don found you at the bar.
O Don achou-te no bar.
I'm fine! Now, if you'll excuse me, that blonde at the bar looks as loose as my rear molars.
Deem-me licença porque a loira no bar está a abanar-se tanto quanto os meus molares.
Looked pretty cozy, but then, uh, later she was alone at the bar, crying her eyes out.
Muito aconchegante, mas depois ela estava sozinha no bar a chorar.
So how does that square with you leaving her at the bar crying?
Como combina isso consigo a deixá-la a chorar no bar?
You think they sell Anacin at the bar?
Achas que vendem Anacin no bar?
I'm gonna get us two drinks, come back and comment on the likely size and color of the nipples on that redhead at the bar, with the big, dark nipples.
Vou buscar duas bebidas para nós, vou voltar e comentar o tamanho e a cor prováveis dos mamilos daquela ruiva que está no bar, com os mamilos grandes e escuros.
I had to leave early but I reserved another car, so if you get home from your dad's and you feel like slipping into something a little less comfortable to join me at the gala, you'll find me at the bar.
Sou eu. Tive de sair mais cedo, mas reservei um outro carro. Se chegares e quiseres vestir uma coisa formal e vir para a festa, vai ter comigo ao bar.
Oh, you guys should talk about it down at the bar until after Marvin's asleep.
Deviam conversar no bar, até o Marvin adormecer.
Supposed to meet Cooley at the bar.
Iria encontrar-se com Cooley no bar.
What about Pearson? He was down at the bar until 10 : 18.
Ele estava no bar até às 22h18.
I heard over at the bar that he, uh, applied for an apartment two days ago, wanted to move in with his girlfriend.
Ouvi no bar que ele tinha comprado um apartamento há 2 dias, que queria ir viver com a namorada.
Her presence at the bar where Seaman Brown worked might have simply been a coincidence.
A presença dela no bar em que o marinheiro Brown trabalhava pode ter sido... só uma coincidência.
- You also told Agent Gibbs and Fornell you were at the bar for a tax audit, but you told the bar manager you were interested in buying the place.
- Você também disse aos agentes Gibbs e Fornell que estava no bar para uma auditoria, mas disse ao gerente que estava interessada em comprar o sitio.
You're sitting at the bar, alone.
Está sentado num bar, sozinho.
Figured if he wouldn't talk to me at the bar, I wouldn't let walking away be an option.
- Se ele não queria falar comigo no bar, deixá-lo ir embora, não era uma opção.
I love this house. I love it, too, but I'm changing Tyler at the bar.
Eu também, mas mudo a fralda ao Tyler no bar.
- Carrie at the bar.
Carrie, no bar.
Some ear job at the bar just called me kid, so I stole his drink.
Um tagarela qualquer no bar chamou-me miúdo, por isso, roubei-lhe a bebida.
I'll be at the bar.
Estou no bar.
Listen, I'm down with Jack at the bar.
Ouça, eu estou para baixo com Jack no bar.
Burt Hartman and his guys, they beat up my lawyer at the bar.
O Burt Hartman e os amigos, espancaram o meu advogado no bar.
Let's give you a ride. We have to stop at the bar. We have to go back.
Temos de passar no bar, temos de lá voltar.
Yeah, when you left me at the bar.
Sim, quando me deixaste, no bar.
Rose, the guy at the bar asked for you by name.
Rose, está um gajo no bar a perguntar por ti.
There's some gentlemen sitting over there at the bar.
Estão alguns cavalheiros sentados ali no bar.
I work tending bar at the Thirsty Pup in Hagginwood?
Trabalho no bar na Rua Thirsty Pup em Hagginwood.
Abdul Sayid used to hang out at a hot spot called the Bahru Bar.
O Abdul Sayid costumava ir a um lugar chamado "Bahru Bar".
You're supposed to be at the bar.
Supostamente deverias estar no bar.
Working at the gumbo shack.
A trabalhar num bar que serve gumbo.
Benny's working at the gumbo shack?
O Benny trabalha num bar que serve gumbo?
The old coot that Roy was eyeballing at the joint - - vamped.
O velhote que o Roy tinha mirado no bar... vampirizado.
You seduced Dan on the bar at the Campbell apartment- - the very same spot you deflowered my first boyfriend.
Tu seduziste o Dan no bar do apartamento dos Campbell. E foi lá que corrompeste o meu primeiro namorado.
We shot a few rounds of eight-ball down at the sports bar.
Jogámos algumas partidas de snooker, no Sports Bar.
Huh? Okay, uh, all these wrecking bar-style tools... fit the basic profile of the murder weapon, and they're sold at the lumber store where Renee works.
Bem, todas estas ferramentas de aspeto ameaçador correspondem ao perfil básico da arma do crime e são vendidas na serralharia onde a Renee trabalha.
The two of them sit down there at the end of the bar just about every night, like Cliff and Norm.
Os dois sentavam-se lá no fundo do bar praticamente todas as noites, como Cliff e Norm.
What if Huffner bought some of the New Benjamins at a discount from his bar buddy, Cannady?
E se Huffner comprou alguns dos "Novos Benjamins" com um desconto de seu amigo do bar, Cannady?
- He's the bartender at Laughtastic's.
- É empregado no bar Gargalhástico.
You put the bar at risk.
Colocaste o bar em risco.
... is at the end of the bar.
Até o fim do bar.
I'm supposed to be the gift table at a Bar Mitzvah tomorrow.
É suposto ser a mesa de ofertas amanhã num Bar Mitzvah.
So In this bar whores... You have a monkey at the door.
Então... neste bordel... têm um macaco à porta.
It's getting crowded at the bar, you know.
O bar começa a ficar apinhado.
Well, if you are going to be downtown later, I'll meet you at the Heart Plaza Bar.
Bem, se logo for à baixa, encontramo-nos no Heart Plaza Bar.
I wanted to say something back at the pub, but I felt so terribly ashamed by what I'd done.
Eu queria-te dizer algo no bar, mas me senti terrivelmente envergonhados com o que eu te fiz.
I've been playing this boogie woogie at eight beats to the bar.
Ando a tocar este'boogie-woogie'em oito tempos no compasso.
I'd like to try playing it now at 16 beats to the bar.
Agora, gostaria de tentar tocá-lo em 16 tempos no compasso.
three women go to an interview at a bar. The chief asks : " If you find yourselves $ 20 on the floor of the bar...!
Três mulheres foram a uma entrevista num bar... 988 ) } O patrão pergunta-lhes : "Se encontrarem uma nota de 20 dólares... 932 ) }"... sobre o chão do bar o que fariam com ela?
There's only that one guy at the snack bar over there.
O tipo está sózinho no quiosque.
at the movies 19
at the age of 82
at the end of the day 343
at the end 233
at the very least 397
at the same time 408
at the airport 47
at the moment 453
at the party 41
at the hospital 120
at the age of 82
at the end of the day 343
at the end 233
at the very least 397
at the same time 408
at the airport 47
at the moment 453
at the party 41
at the hospital 120