Came back Çeviri Portekizce
11,671 parallel translation
Then my parents came back to Los Angeles, and I was born in'56.
Então, os meus pais voltaram para Los Angeles e eu nasci em 1956.
What about when you came back to Boston during the "Star Trek" years?
NATIVO DE BOSTON NO CAMINHO PARA O ESTRELATO E quando voltaram para Boston, durante os anos do Star Trek?
By around 2008, we started to talk again, and reconnect again, and really came back together in our relationship with each other.
Por volta de 2008, voltámos a falar e a reaproximar-nos outra vez e regressámos à nossa relação um com o outro.
We figure that Barbara came back last night and then she took off, went somewhere else.
Achamos que a Barbara voltou ontem à noite e depois foi-se embora para outro sítio qualquer.
- And he came back on the beat.
- E voltou na batida. - Na batida.
You came back.
Wyatt was a sergeant, went missing while out on some maneuvers and came back a few weeks later with some pretty strange ideas.
Desapareceu quanto estava fora em missão e regressou algumas semanas depois com umas ideias muito estranhas.
He came back with some strange ideas.
Voltou com umas ideias estranhas.
Then they came back saying they were not ready for martyrdom yet.
E os insensatos voltavam, dizendo que ainda não estavam preparados para o marti'rio.
He came back to me, crying.
Voltou para mim a chorar.
That's why I came back here.
Foi por isso que voltei aqui.
Then... the power came back on and every single person on that train was staring at me.
Então, a electricidade voltou e cada uma das pessoas daquele comboio olhava fixamente para mim. Porque era eu a rapariga que estava a chorar.
"The only reason why I came back " is because I didn't see anything on the news "so I knew you were still alive."
"A única razão porque voltei, é porque não vi nada nas notícias, por isso sabia que estavam bem."
We need to find out why he came back
Precisamos descobrir, porque é que voltou.
What's up, rich boy? Came back for a rematch?
- Queres a desforra, ricaço?
Ballistics came back from the FBI lab.
O resultado da balística acabou de chegar do laboratório do FBI.
Prints came back positive.
As impressões deram positivo.
- Maybe he came back too soon.
Talvez tenha voltado demasiado depressa.
But the dreams of the aquarium never came back.
Mas os sonhos do aquário nunca mais voltaram.
The last time you went out on your own, you came back with dog bites.
Da última vez que saíste sozinha, voltaste com mordidelas de cão.
Now if they came back, it means they went somewhere.
Mas se eles regressaram, isso significa que foram algures.
She came back with, uh, special skills, musical ability.
Ela regressou com capacidades especiais, jeito para a música.
You died and came back?
Tu morreste e voltaste?
Everyone here... really died and came back.
Todos aqui morreram mesmo e voltaram.
We all touched another side and came back different.
Todos tocámos o outro lado e voltámos diferentes.
I mean, when you... When you came back, that...
Quero dizer, quando voltou, isso...
Homer came back again and again and again, remembering nothing.
O Homer voltou repetidamente, sem se lembrar de nada.
Remember the time my father came back early from the hunt?
Lembraste quando o meu pai chegou mais cedo da caçada?
Those who traveled the world and came back happy.
Os que viajaram pelo mundo e regressaram felizes.
I did, but I forgot something, so I came back. Oh.
Ia, mas esqueci-me de uma coisa, por isso, voltei.
I drove for... 2 minutes maybe before I realised what I was doing, And I came back and called.
Conduzi uns dois minutos, antes de dar conta do que fazia.
When Whitney came back into my life, it was like the sky opened up and I had my very own ray of sunshine just... beaming down on me.
Quando a Whitney voltou à minha vida, foi como se o céu desabrochasse e eu tivesse o meu próprio raio de sol só para... iluminar-me.
He said that his partner came back for her.
Ele disse que o companheiro dele veio buscá-la.
We came back to my home, here, to Herot, but I never knew what he was.
Voltamos para casa, em Herot, mas eu não sabia o que ele era.
We both came back in one piece, but you know, something like that changes a man.
Voltámos inteiros, mas... sabes, uma cena assim muda um gajo.
She took the old lady to the bathroom, down the hall, and she never came back.
Levou a velhota à casa de banho e nunca mais voltou.
I didn't get to tell him it came back to me.
Não lhe consegui dizer que me lembrei.
Yeah, I know. I just came back for Meeja.
Voltei para buscar a Meeja.
Came back.
Ela voltou.
But he also knew that it could be over very quickly, and we could be back into the financial struggle that we were in before "Star Trek" came along.
Mas também sabia que podia acabar muito depressa e que podia voltar às dificuldades financeiras em que estávamos antes de o Star Trek aparecer.
He came out, and in the back of his head he's like,
Ele saiu e, lá no fundo, pensava :
I don't want you to think I am backing'out on you,'cause I'm not, but you know, I got a lot of homework to do... and I should be getting back by now, just go back the way I came.
Mas tenho deveres para fazer, e tenho de voltar para casa agora. Voltar de onde eu vim.
Back down where you came from.
- Volte para o lugar de onde saiu.
- On the way back we came across him.
- cruzamo-nos com ele.
I'd like to send those sons of bitches back to that primordial ooze that they came from.
Gostava de mandar os filhos da mãe de volta para o esgoto de onde vieram.
If we're going to end this once and for all, we need to open the rift, knock the Zero Matter out of Whitney, and send it back to wherever it came from. It's not that easy.
- Se vamos acabar com isto para sempre temos que abrir a fenda, tirar a matéria da Whitney, e enviá-la para onde quer que veio.
Well, I came to bring someone back to New York.
Bem, vim para levar uma pessoa de volta a Nova Iorque.
I don't wanna have to get lawyers involved... but I came to get Pembroke back to New York... and that's what I'm gonna do, if I have to hit him over his head... and drag him out by his hair.
Não quero ter de meter advogados nisto... mas vim para levar o Sr. Pembroke de volta para Nova Iorque... e é o que vou fazer, nem que tenha de lhe dar na cabeça... e arrastá-lo daqui pelos cabelos.
Oh, you've decided that, the mighty Wanheda who chose the Grounders over her own people, who turned her back on us when we came to rescue you.
Decidiste isso. A grande Wanheda. A que escolheu os Terrenos em vez do seu próprio povo, a que nos virou as costas quando te fomos resgatar.
And this injury in the back of his head is where it came out.
E esta lesão... na parte de trás do crânio dele, é onde a bala saiu.
You worry they gonna find you and bring you back where you came from?
Preocupa-se que eles descubram e a enviem para o local de onde veio?
back 1915
backup 83
backstrom 34
background 48
backs 42
backgammon 25
backwards 110
backstage 37
backpack 27
back the fuck up 47
backup 83
backstrom 34
background 48
backs 42
backgammon 25
backwards 110
backstage 37
backpack 27
back the fuck up 47
back it up 216
back to the future 36
back to work 469
back in town 16
back to the beginning 16
back up 1292
back off 1570
back then 441
back home 188
back in business 17
back to the future 36
back to work 469
back in town 16
back to the beginning 16
back up 1292
back off 1570
back then 441
back home 188
back in business 17
back to school 26
back me up 80
back to square one 51
back soon 22
back in 260
back door 80
back me up on this 16
back in the day 245
back me up here 53
back down 43
back me up 80
back to square one 51
back soon 22
back in 260
back door 80
back me up on this 16
back in the day 245
back me up here 53
back down 43