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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ D ] / Didn't you know that

Didn't you know that Çeviri Portekizce

3,933 parallel translation
You know, at that range, you're lucky the bullet didn't penetrate the vest.
Voce sabe que, naquele intervalo, Voce tem sorte a bala nao penetrou no colete.
Now that I know you didn't murder your wife, yes.
Agora que sei que não assassinou a sua mulher, somos.
I didn't mean that. You know that, right?
Não foi por mal, tu sabes.
Yeah, I didn't know you had wheels like that, bro.
Não imaginei que corresses tanto!
If you know that he didn't do it, then why are you still holding him?
Se sabe que não foi ele, porque é que ainda está preso?
I didn't know that you, uh...
- Não sabia que tu...
If you didn't know that, he was.
Se não sabias isso, era.
Oh, I didn't even know you were into that kind of thing.
Nem sabia que gostavas!
You know what? I realized it's not easy, because I thought we just had to be, but I think that's why I'm single because I didn't know this whole eye contact thing, like, you have to actually
Apercebi-me que não é fácil, porque pensava que só tínhamos de ser, acho que é por isso que sou solteira porque não conhecia esta coisa do contacto visual, porque, tens mesmo de
I didn't have to, you know that, but I did.
não precisava de o fazer, sabes disso mas fiz.
O'Connell didn't want to know how you knew how you could pull-off something like that on your own?
O'Connell não te perguntou como fizeste isso sozinho?
I didn't even think that I could, you know...
Não pensei que eu ia conseguir, sabes
What, you didn't know that was him?
Não sabias que foi ele?
Right, but you know I didn't plan that.
Mas sabem que não planeei isto.
And then you tell her that you didn't know that it was against school rules and that she was over 21, according to her fake ID.
E depois diz-lhe que não sabia que era contra as regras da escola e que ela tinha mais de 21 anos, de acordo com a identificação falsa dela.
And even if you were not aware of our policy on that matter, it strains credulity that you didn't have the good sense to know that it was wrong.
E apesar de não estar ciente da nossa política nesse assunto, é esticar a credulidade que não tenha tido o bom senso de saber que era errado.
You know, I didn't think about that.
Nem pensei nisso.
I just said that'cause... I didn't want your grandma to think I was this... you know, basket case.
Eu só o disse porque não queria que a tua avó achasse que eu fosse, sabes...
You know, there was a time that men didn't air their bullshit to the world.
Havia um tempo, em que os homens não falavam dos seus problemas.
You know, I had a feeling you'd be arriving any day because they didn't seem that bothered with me anymore and I had begun to suspect that they were going to replace me with the real thing.
Sabes, eu pressenti a tua chegada Porque ninguém estava a prestar-me atenção e eu já achava que meiam trocar pelo verdadeiro
If I didn't know that judge, you might still be in there.
Se eu não conhecesse o juiz, talvez ainda estivesses preso.
I didn't even know that you auditioned for it and it was just a stupid commercial.
Nem sabia que tinhas ido à audição. Era só um anúncio tonto.
You know, for the last four years, there wasn't a day that I didn't imagine... some version of this playing out.
Sabes, durante os últimos quatro anos... não houve um dia... que não imagina-se isto a acontecer.
Look, I don't know what your witness has told you but I didn't see Nancy that night.
Ouçam... não sei o que a testemunha vos disse, mas não vi a Nancy nessa noite.
I didn't know you were in that much pain.
Não sabia que estavas a sofrer tanto.
I didn't mean to hurt you. I know that.
Não pretendia magoar-te.
In case you didn't know, that's French for "raising the stakes."
Caso não saibam, é como se diz em francês "aumentar a parada".
I just want you to know that I'm really sorry I didn't tell you I was engaged.
Só quero que saibas que lamento imenso não te ter dito que estava noivo.
It matters that you know we didn't do this. I do.
- Importa que saibam que não o fizemos.
Be that as it may, you didn't know you were saving me.
Que seja, tu não sabias que me estavas a salvar.
You know that? I didn't kill anybody.
Não matei ninguém.
Is because you didn't know that the Buddha was living amongst you the whole time.
Não percebes que a razão pela qual falhaste... é porque não sabias que o Buda vivia entre vocês o tempo todo.
"I didn't know I couldn't do that," You go to jail.
Se matar alguém e disser que não sabia que era crime, vai preso à mesma.
I'm sorry I didn't take you to the hospital, I just got so fucked up that I passed out, you know?
Desculpa por não te ter levado ao hospital, estava tão pedrada que adormeci.
I used to think that history didn't really matter Know that you could just forget the past.
Eu costumava pensar que a história realmente não importa que se podia simplesmente esquecer o passado.
I know you're hurt that I didn't tell you about her sooner.
Sei que estás magoada por não te ter falado dela antes.
- I know, Bottlecap, that's your whole... job is to write it down, and you didn't write it down.
Bottlecap, o teu trabalho é tomares nota e não escreveste nada.
How do we know that you didn't take her?
Como sabemos que não foste tu que a levaste?
I notice you didn't say "not horny," Karen. Know what they call that?
Não desmentiste a parte do "excitada", Karen.
You didn't really think that I'd stop being your friend just because you... You know, did stuff with my brother?
Não achaste mesmo que deixaria de ser tua amiga só porque fizeste umas coisas com o meu irmão.
I didn't know that you wanted that.
Não sabia que querias vê-lo.
lady that Hess was with didn't get a good look at the fella who killed him on account of all the blood in her eyes, but... you know, we're checking the knife for prints.
Senhora que estava com o Hess, não conseguiu ver muito bem o assassino porque tinha muito sangue nos olhos, mas estamos a ver se há impressões na faca.
Actually, I didn't even know that you knew sign language.
Na verdade, nem sabia que sabia a linguagem gestual.
Okay, I didn't even know that he had a first name and now you're calling him Gabe?
Nem sabia que ele tinha primeiro nome e agora chamas-lhe Gabe?
That you were barefoot, you were in your pajamas, and you didn't even know where you were.
Que estavas descalça, de pijama, e nem sabias onde estavas.
That I could trust you, even though I didn't know you.
Que podia confiar em ti, mesmo não te conhecendo.
Well, you know, I was a little drunk, and I hope that I didn't come across as...
Eu estava um pouco bêbado e... - espero não ter parecido um...
Well, you know I wanted to try that place. Why didn't you just take me there?
Sabes que queria experimentar esse lugar.
I told them, you know, the truth that I didn't know nothing about their deaths.
Disse-lhes a verdade, que não sabia nada sobre as mortes deles.
- You didn't know he was gonna do that? - Nope.
- Não sabia que ele o faria?
- You didn't know he was gonna do that?
- Não sabia que ele o faria?

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