You know that Çeviri Portekizce
123,590 parallel translation
How do you know that?
- Como é que sabes isso?
You know that, I know that, but...
Vocês sabem disso, eu sei disso, mas...
Wait, you know that nursery rhyme?
Você conhece essa crença popular?
So, you know that my tattoo has to be very meaningful, right? If...
A minha tatuagem tem de ter significado.
You know that feeling when you just have keys and your phone and you feel so free?
Sabem quando têm as chaves e o telefone e sentem-se tão livres?
I'm just letting you know that a plaid and a polka dot can sometimes match. You go, toots. "
Só estou a dizer que um tecido escocês e às bolinhas às vezes combinam.
I know that you'd want Cole's badge.
Sei que ias gostar do distintivo do Cole.
Look, if there's something you know, we should know that, too.
Olhe, se há alguma coisa que saiba, nós também devíamos saber.
And that is a punctuation mark that you don't know about because you never went to college.
E esse é um ponto de exclamação que tu desconheces porque não foste para a faculdade.
You know, that...
Sabes, isto...
Look, I-I'm sorry, sir, it's just that, you know, nudity makes me uncomfortable.
Olhe, desculpe-me, Senhor, é apenas isto, sabe a nudez deixa-me desconfortável.
You know, when I was younger... the generals, they would isolate us from our families and turn us against them so that we would feel like we had no one else but them.
Sabes, quando eu era mais nova, os generais isolavam-nos das nossas famílias e viravam-nos contra elas, para pensarmos que não tínhamos ninguém além deles.
I'm not supposed to be calling you or even talking to you, but I thought that you deserved to know.
Não te devia ligar, nem sequer ligar para ti, mas achei que merecias saber.
I know that you don't like to talk about this stuff, but what happened to Donnie, I know that it still hurts you.
Eu sei que não gostas de falar sobre estas coisas, mas, o que aconteceu ao Donny, sei que ainda te custa.
I mean, I know that this is normal for you. This isn't normal for me.
Sei que isto é normal para ti.
Jesus, how could you possibly know that?
Credo! Como poderia saber disso?
They're never gonna let you out of that office, Nadine. You must know that by now.
Nunca a vão deixar sair deste gabinete, já deve saber disso, Nadine.
No, no. No, I was just taking your advice, you know, that Kensi and I don't have to do the same thing every single day, so I was just trying to find some new and exciting things to do.
Estou a seguir o teu conselho que eu e a Kensi não precisamos de fazer o mesmo de sempre, por isso estou a tentar descobrir coisas novas e porreiras para fazermos.
Were you listening when I said that Assistant Director Granger was being processed and I don't currently know where he is?
Estava a ouvir quando eu disse que o Director Assistente está a ser processado - e que não sei onde é que ele está?
And you know how I know that?
Porque sou um polícia, e sei como usar o sistema. Sabe como é que sei disso?
You know they got apps for that now, right? Oh, look.
Sabe que existem aplicativos, não sabe?
You don't find it unusual that no one seems to know where he is?
Não acha estranho ninguém saber onde é que ele está?
Just know that right now, I'm the closest thing to an ally you've got around here.
Só precisas de saber que agora sou a coisa mais próxima de um aliado que tens.
And you, you know, being the diligent, finely-dressed - in-that-pant-suit cop that you are probably use the same thing, so what's yours telling you right now?
E tu, estás a ser diligente, vestida nesse fato de polícia talvez use a mesma coisa. O que é que a tua te diz agora?
You know, former hooker and informant that you've been paying to keep quiet.
Ex-prostituta e informadora que tens pago para ficar calada.
You know what's hilarious about this is that, uh, this information just drops out of the sky on the same exact day that Granger gets framed and then arrested.
É que essa informação cai do céu no mesmo dia em que o Granger é incriminado e preso.
We also know that you're taking orders from someone.
Sabemos que recebe ordens de outra pessoa.
So we know that's how you got Granger unconscious, so that you could take a beating and frame it on him.
Foi como deixaste o Granger inconsciente, assim podias apanhar e atirar a culpa nele.
As you know, the magnifying beam generator uses a crystal to convert Altean energy into usable fuel. That supplies the power needed to wormhole.
O gerador de amplificação de raios usa um cristal que converte energia alteana em combustível, gerando a energia necessária para abrir os buracos.
If Zarkon finds you despite my absence, we will know with total certainty that we are not the ones he is tracking.
Se Zarkon achar vocês mesmo assim, saberemos que não é a nós que ele está rastreando.
You know I hate that word.
Tu sabes que odeio essa palavra.
I know she really hurt your feelings when she said you might not make the best mother, but that wasn't about you.
Eu sei que ela te magoou quando disse que tu não serias a melhor mãe, mas não era sobre ti.
The only thing I know for sure is that if you had a baby, you would love it like crazy.
A única coisa que tenho a certeza é que se tu fosses mãe, irias amar o teu filho loucamente.
So, um, I know I told you that my guest list for the wedding was locked,
Então... Sei que disse que a lista de convidados estava fechada,
You know what the problem is is that all the single people we invited get a plus one.
O problema é que todos os solteiros que convidamos levam um acompanhante.
Well, because when people lie, they tend to minimize, you know, to conceal their degree of involvement, but Canela has admitted to everything, including things that would cast doubt on her story, like the fact that they paid her extra money
Quando as pessoas mentem, elas costumam minimizar, para ocultar o seu grau de envolvimento. Mas a Canela admitiu tudo, incluindo coisas que fariam duvidar da história dela.
If it's real, she lives in Boston, I live in L.A., she died an hour ago, there's paperwork, do I have a fax machine that's like, "Someone died, come on," you know?
Se for verdade, ela vive em Boston e eu vivo em LA. Ela morreu há uma hora. Há papelada, enviam um fax do tipo : "Alguém morreu." Sabem?
It just kind of... You know, I've talked to two people this morning already and I would never do that, but that's the meditation, it brings us together.
Falei hoje de manhã com duas pessoas e eu nunca faria aquilo, mas a meditação é assim, junta-nos.
You know, they say, the doctor says too much looking, and touching, and fussing, it... It can lead to a sense of well-being, so we don't want that, we're just gonna...
Os médicos costumam dizer que muitos olhares, toques e confusão podem criar um sentimento de bem-estar.
And I understand that because the world caters to you and you don't have to hear about anything that you don't know about.
Eu entendo, porque o mundo está feito à nossa medida e não temos de ouvir falar sobre algo que desconhecemos.
Even though it was not in the Bible that day, you know.
Embora não estivesse na Bíblia nesse dia.
If you know someone that's had an abortion, you go to hell.
Se conhecerem alguém que fez um aborto, vão para o Inferno.
You know, I was like, "I'm not doing that."
Pensei : "Não vou fazer isso."
I didn't know that you could feel a pulse anywhere else but your wrist.
Pensei que só podíamos sentir o ritmo cardíaco no pulso.
And I walked home that day, just, you know, listening to my Discman, listening to Madonna, you know, Bedtime Stories album. I'm like, "I get it. I'm sexual, too, Madge."
Naquele dia fui a pé para casa, a ouvir a Madonna no meu Discman, o álbum Bedtime Stories.
The one area that is really cool, I like that people say they're feminist, and it's like, you know, white people can say they identify for Black Lives Matter, and men can say they're feminist.
A única parte que aprecio é quando dizem que são feministas. É como quando os brancos dizem que se identificam com a luta dos negros e os homens que são feministas.
It is still a thing that we are shouting at some men to understand, you know, that it is a really serious scary thing.
Ainda é algo que tentamos fazer com que alguns homens entendam. Compreendem? É algo muito sério e assustador.
But we don't know, if we don't respond the way that you want us to respond, or if we don't respond at all,'nice tits'can be followed up with,'Fuck you, bitch,'and then we get scared. "
Mas não sabemos se não respondermos da forma que vocês querem, ou se nem sequer respondermos, se isso pode ser seguido de um : 'Vai-te foder, cabra', e assustamo-nos. "
Because if you're a woman or not white or gay and you're walking alone in the South and a white guy in a truck pulls up, you know in 20 minutes there's gonna be candles and flowers right where you were standing, right? That's...
Porque se és mulher, não caucasiano ou homossexual e estás a andar sozinha no Sul e uma carrinha com um tipo branco para, sabes que daqui a 20 minutos estarão velas e flores no local exato onde estávamos.
Somehow I got to see the rest of his life played out, that deep regret, you know.
Consegui ver o resto da vida dele a passar, aquele arrependimento.
So when someone tells you that math isn't for girls, or when someone calls you a nerd, they don't know it, but they're paying you a compliment.
Então quando alguém vos disser que a matemática não é para raparigas, ou quando alguém vos chamar uma nerd, eles não sabem, mas estão a dar-vos um elogio.
you know that i love you 32
you know that's right 25
you know that too 16
you know that for a fact 18
you know that guy 45
you know that one 24
you know that better than anyone 24
you know that song 22
you know that's true 17
you know that there are 18
you know that's right 25
you know that too 16
you know that for a fact 18
you know that guy 45
you know that one 24
you know that better than anyone 24
you know that song 22
you know that's true 17
you know that there are 18
you know that's not what i meant 16
you know that's not true 101
you know that as well as i do 22
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you know what i'm saying 653
you know the drill 277
you know what i mean 2419
you know me too well 26
you know it 920
you know that's not true 101
you know that as well as i do 22
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you know what i'm saying 653
you know the drill 277
you know what i mean 2419
you know me too well 26
you know it 920