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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ H ] / Head him off

Head him off Çeviri Portekizce

302 parallel translation
Phil was trying to pull a trick that's too slick for his own good... so I come over here to head him off.
O Phil estava a tentar fazer algo acima das suas capacidades... e vim ajudá-lo.
Quick, we'll head him off.
Rápido, vamos interceptá-lo.
I'll head him off.
Eu vou desviá-los.
We're going to try to head him off at GonzaIes.
Vamos tentar cortar-Ihe o caminho.
You cover the house. I'll head him off.
Guarda a casa, eu apanho-o.
Where would you go to head him off?
Para onde acha que ele iria?
- Don't let him get away! - Head him off!
- Não o deixem fugir!
- Head him off at the precipice.
- Dirige-o para o precipício.
Head him off!
Pull up. I'll head him off.
Suba, eu irei interceptá-lo.
We must head him off this Open Government nonsense.
Desde que o consigamos distrair daquele disparate do Governo Aberto...
Head him off!
Corta-Ihe o caminho!
All right, let's head him off.
Muito bem, vamos desviá-lo do caminho.
Head him off.
Yeah. Head him off.
Apanha-o pelo outro lado.
Head him off. Get round back.
Apaguem as luzes.
Don't just chase him get on his flank so he can't turn south, then head him off.
Não o caça, flanqueie-o... ... até que ele vá para o Sul e então pare-o.
Head him off at desert highway intersect. Man :
Sigam-no até a intersecção de Desert Highway.
Head him off!
Corta-lhe o caminho!
Let him talk his head off.
Deixe-o dizer o que quiser.
He could twist the head off your Ursus before he knew what touched him.
Era capaz de torcer o pescoço ao teu Ursus sem ele sequer dar conta.
He'd have blown somebody's head off. Should've put him on the floor in the first place. Should've put'em all on the floor the moment we went in.
Deviam ter posto todos no chão, para começar... no momento em que entrámos.
Nowadays, old Gabriel himself could stand outside that window and blow his head off and we wouldn't hear him.
Hoje em dia, o próprio anjo Gabriel, podia ficar do lado de fora dessa janela e gritar até rebentar que nós não o iríamos ouvir.
You held him, I took off the top of his head.
Seguraste-lhe, e eu arrebentei-lhe com a cabeça.
My father wasn't armed when you tied him up and blew his head off. - Kid...
- O meu pai também não estava, quando o amarrou a um poste e lhe rebentou com a cabeça.
Hello. When Ken is in a really deep sleep like this one, the only way to wake him up is to saw his head off.
Quando o Ken dorme profundamente, como agora, a única maneira de o acordar é serrar-lhe a cabeça.
And for Mark Antony, think not of him for he can do no more than Caesar's arm, when Caesar's head is off.
Marco Antônio não vos preocupeis. Como pode o membro funcionar sem a cabeça?
- You can take him. - Tear his head off.
- Tu podes com ele.
I shot him three times in the back, blew his goddamn head off.
Alvejei-o três vezes nas costas e rebentei-lhe com os miolos.
So you go to the pope and you tell him if his archbishop puts one foot in England, I'll cut his head off!
Vai ter com o Papa e diz-Ihe... se o Arcebisbo dele colocar um pé em Inglaterra, corto a cabeça dele!
I will hunt him down. The day I find him, I will chop off his head..
Terão os teus braços força, ou a tua espada poder para cortar aço?
I told him I'd be responsible for you and blow your head off if necessary.
Disse-lhe que seria responsável por ti e que te arranco a cabeça, se for preciso.
I see him looking at the photo, see the light bulb go off in his head, and I still buy the lies! If her lover killed her, he still may be hiding out on that island.
Magnum, que bom que você está bem.
I'll head him off.
Vou atrás dele!
Why don't you try talking to him before you start blowing his head off?
Porque não tratam de falar com ele antes de o matarem?
- Oh I see, take him outside... get him to stick his head down a cannon, then blow it off.
Ah, estou a ver! Levo-o lá para fora, faço-o enfiar a cabeça num canhão e mando-o pelos ares.
I see, and then get him to stick his head in it and blow it off.
Estou a ver, e depois digo-lhe para meter a cabeça lá dentro e disparo.
Apparently, some fool cut his head off... or killed him in some way.
Parece que um idiota qualquer lhe cortou a cabeça... ou o matou lá.
I thought I'd take you there tonight, let him have a shot at you before I tore his head off.
Pensei em levar-te lá esta noite, para ele se meter contigo antes de eu lhe arrancar a carola.
You put a gun in an old man's face and you tell him you're gonna blow his head off, and he dies of a heart attack'cause he's so fucking scared.
Encosta uma arma à cara de um idoso e diz-lhe que lhe vai rebentar a cabeça, ele morre de ataque cardíaco por estar tão assustado.
"So we cut his head off in the corridor to teach him a lesson".
Tu! Bastardo!
- I wish to point out to you, the only reason he tricked me was because I stopped him from blowing your head off.
- Quero que repares que a única razão porque ele me enganou foi porque o impedi de te rebentar a cabeça.
- Oh yes. How about if we get Lord Farrow's head and body and we take it to the Queen, except, exc-ept, just before we get in, we start shouting and screaming and then we say, "We were on our way when he said something traitorous." "So we cut his head off in the corridor to teach him a lesson".
E se formos buscar a cabeça e o corpo do Farrow e os levarmos à rainha, mas, antes de entrarmos, começamos a gritar e depois entramos e dizemos que ele cometeu traição quando íamos para lá e cortámos-lhe a cabeça no corredor para lhe dar uma lição?
Took off his hat and coat, and his collar, and forgave the executioner, who told him to step upon the straw before the block itself, and placed his head within the crevice of the block.
Tirou o chapéu e o casaco, o colarinho, e perdoou ao carrasco, que lhe disse para subir para a palha diante do próprio cepo, e colocou a cabeça no local certo do cepo.
I ought to kill him. I ought to cut his fuckin'head off.
Devia matá-lo ou partir-lhe a cara.
I'm going to head off in the direction that alien joker was going... when me and Derek caught him.
Vou ir na direcção em que o palhaço do ET ia... quando eu e o Derek o apanhamos.
Then, I will cover his real head with a cloak, and then, when I execute him, instead of cutting off his real head, I will cut off the pumpkin, and the King survives!
Então cobrirei a cabeça do rei com uma capa e então, quando o executar, ao invés de cortar a sua cabeça, cortarei a abóbora, e o Rei sobreviverá!
They say the king was drunk and cut off the Baptist's head to satisfy him.
Dizem que o rei estava bêbado e cortou a cabeça de João Baptista.
Enraged by the rejection, she waited for him to come home that night... and blew his head off with a shotgun.
Enfurecida pela rejeição, esperou que chegasse em casa essa noite... e arrancou-lhe a cabeça com uma espingarda.
You allowed this crazy woman to go and shoot him full of bullets... then blow his head off so you can't even open the coffin!
Permitiu que essa louca o cravasse de balas, lhe rebentasse com a cabeça de modo a nem se poder abrir o caixão!
She had it in her head that she wanted to marry this guy... and go off with him and... and have a little family... with the house and the... the white picket fence... and the dog and the fuckin'station wagon.
Meteu na cabeça que queria casar com o tipo, fugir com ele, constituir família, ter uma casa com a cerca branca, o cão, o carro, tudo.

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