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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ I ] / I thought you

I thought you Çeviri Portekizce

55,054 parallel translation
I thought you were Lithuanian.
Pensei que eras lituano.
I thought you were gonna hitchhike home.
Não ias apanhar boleia para casa?
Oh, I thought you were all gonna do that.
Pensei que iam todos reagir assim.
I thought you said I was supposed to keep it together!
Disseste para eu não chorar!
I thought you could use this.
Pensei que pudesses precisar disto.
I thought you went to bed.
Pensei que tivesses ido para a cama.
I thought you two should talk.
Pensei que vocês as dois deviam falar.
I thought you'd be downstairs already.
Pensei que já estavas lá em baixo.
I thought you did everything by the book.
Pensei que estivesse a seguir as regras.
- I thought you should know.
- Achei que devias saber.
Sorry, I thought you were my sitter.
Desculpe, pensei que fosse a ama.
I thought you had your dinner tonight.
Pensei que tivesse um jantar hoje.
- I thought you were dead.
- Pensava que estavas morta.
I thought you had guts.
Pensei que tivesse estômago para isto.
- I thought you were gonna drop line.
- Achava que ias sair da linha.
Dude, I thought you were gonna drop this morning.
Achava que ias desistir, esta manhã.
- I thought you dropped. - Yeah.
- Achava que tinhas desistido.
I thought you weren't... I was nervous you were leaving me after the wall thing.
Pensei que tu... estava com medo que me fosses deixar depois daquilo da parede.
I thought you might.
- Pensei que talvez tu soubesses.
I thought you were in the Resistance.
Julgava que estavas com a Resistência.
I thought you were in prison.
Pensava que estavas presa.
Hey, I thought you were sloth.
Pensei que fosses a preguiça.
I thought you'd want to know.
Achei que você quisesse saber.
- I thought you were expecting me.
- Pensei que estava à minha espera.
I thought you'd like that.
Achei que gostarias de saber.
- I thought you were my friend!
- Não éramos amigos?
I thought you'd never ask.
Pensei que nunca ias pedir.
I thought I'd lost you forever.
Pensei que tinha-te perdido para sempre.
Selfishly, I... could hardly wait to meet you, but I thought I'd let you rest.
Egoisticamente... Estava ansioso para conhecer-te, mas precisavas descansar.
Maybe you're not quite as ill-suited for this job as I thought.
Talvez não seja assim tão desqualificada para este trabalho como eu pensei.
I thought about calling you, but you would have ratted me out to Olivia, and the last time I saw her, she wasn't exactly being open-minded.
Pensei em ligar-te, mas tu tinhas-me denunciado à Olivia, e a última vez que a vi, ela não estava exactamente receptiva.
Sorry, I thought you'd finished.
Desculpa, pensei que já tinhas acabado.
I thought I'd come and welcome you to the neighborhood by, uh, bringing you and your daughter some cookies.
Pensei em vir dar-lhe as boas-vindas ao bairro e trazer-lhe a si e à sua filha umas bolachas.
Hi, um, I was driving home from work, and I thought of something I wanted to ask you.
Olá. Estava a chegar a casa e lembrei-me de algo que lhe queria perguntar.
But I thought they loaded all you G.I.s down with cartons of them on your way up the gangplank.
Pensei que vos faziam fumar caixas inteiras enquanto subiam a prancha de embarque. - Faziam.
And Supergirl is out there about to have the biggest skirmish of her career and I thought maybe you want to go out there and report?
E a "Supergirl" anda por aí prestes a ter a maior luta da carreira dela então pensei que, talvez, quisesses ir lá fora fazer uma reportagem?
I promise I'm going to be the man... That you thought I could be.
Prometo que serei o homem... que pensaste que eu poderia ser.
Um, I-I just thought you might be interested to hear about the visit I had today from one Mr. Nolan Burgess.
Eu... eu só pensei que talvez estivesses interessada em saber da visita que tive hoje de um Sr. Nolan Burgess.
I'm curious whether when you stole my keycard to help your attractive, fanatical girlfriend you thought about the consequences to not only yourself but every other person in this place.
Estou curioso de saber se quando roubou o meu cartão para ajudar a sua atractiva e fanática namorada, pensou nas consequências não só para si, como para todas as outras pessoas daqui.
- I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd give you a ride to work.
- Andava pelas vizinhanças, por isso pensei em dar-te uma boleia para o trabalho.
I've thought about that for you.
Pensei nisso por ti.
All these years I've thought of you every single day.
Durante todos estes anos... pensei em ti todos os dias sem excepção.
You know..... I thought... I thought for a minute... Nearly.
Sabe eu pensei pensei por um momento um simples momento...
I thought if a policeman died, you'd... you'd have to take notice.
Pensei que se um polícia morresse, você... você teria que investigar.
I thought that you said you didn't come here for a row.
Pensei que tinha dito que não veio cá para discutir.
Thought I might hear from you.
- Pensei que ia ter notícias suas.
Thought I'd give you that one.
Pensei em facilitar, uma vez.
I thought I was gonna go crazy without you.
Acho que ia enlouquecer sem ti.
And then... And then I ran, you know,'cause I thought - it was coming after me.
E então, corri, porque pensei que viria atrás de mim.
You know, I just had a thought.
Acabei de pensar numa coisa.
I thought I lost you once already tonight.
Pensei que te tinha perdido ontem à noite.

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