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I thought you were Çeviri Portekizce

12,644 parallel translation
I thought you were the one who wanted to drive all night.
Julguei que eras tu que querias viajar a noite toda.
I thought you were a Time Master.
Pensei que tu eras um Mestre do Tempo.
I thought you were going to stay
Pensava que ias ficar no raio daquele país.
I thought you were gonna help me when you came to church.
Pensava que me ia ajudar, quando veio à igreja.
I thought you were rude.
Achei que estavas a ser mal educada.
I thought you were late.
Achei que estavas atrasado.
- I thought you were in Denmark
- Tu não estavas na Dinamarca?
I thought you were at your mom's birthday.
Pensava que estavas na festa de anos da tua mãe.
I don't know why I thought you were ugly. Grandma.
Não sei porque te achei feio.
I thought you were smarter than that, Bruce.
Pensei que fosses mais esperto do que isso, Bruce.
I thought you were all done with this criminal syndicate stuff?
Pensei que tu estavas feito com estas coisas criminosas do sindicato?
I thought you were dead.
Pensei que estavas morto.
I thought you were gone.
Pensei que tivesses ido embora.
I thought you were the one with some goddamn sense.
Pensei que eras quem tinha algum maldito juízo.
I thought you were all just messing around.
Pensei que estavas a trabalhar!
I thought you were running away.
Pensava que ias fugir.
I thought you were pregnant or wanted a divorce.
Pensei que me ias dizer que estavas grávida ou querias o divórcio.
I thought you were going to say you had a boyfriend.
Pensei que ias dizer que tinhas namorado.
I thought you were my friend.
Pensava que eras meu amigo.
I thought you were in charge.
Pensei que estavas no comando.
I thought you were poisoned...
Achei que estava envenenada...
I thought you were poisoned...
- Achei que estava envenenada...
- I thought you were serious. - Okay, okay.
- Pensei que fosse sério.
I thought you were on your way back to New York with Thompson today.
Pensava que estavas de volta a Nova lorque com o Thompson hoje.
I thought you were almost done?
Pensei que já estavas a acabar.
I thought you were outside?
- Pensava que estavas lá fora.
If anything, I thought you were gonna beat the shit out of him.
Pensei que fosses tu a dar cabo dele.
I thought you were dead.
- Pensava que tinha morrido.
I thought you were Pembroke.
Pensava que o senhor era o Pembroke.
I thought you were supposed to be loyal.
- Pensava que me eras leal.
If you're not there, you're not the person I thought you were.
Se não vieres... não és a pessoa que eu pensava que eras.
I thought that you were dead.
Julguei que estava morto.
I thought that you were at the University of Texas becoming a great writer.
Columbia? Julguei que andavas na Universidade do Texas para te tornares num grande escritor.
If I hadn't caught you staring at me so much, I would have thought you were sleeping with him.
Se não te tivesse apanhado tanta vez a olhar para mim, iria julgar que andavas a dormir com ele.
I thought we were friends, you know?
Pensava que éramos amigos, sabes?
Amidst all this madness that's going on, you were the one person I thought about the most.
No meio de toda esta loucura que se está a passar, eras a pessoa em quem mais pensava.
At first, I thought you and the others were gods.
Ao princípio, pensei que vocês eram deuses.
I thought that's where you were meeting Hanna and the other girls.
Pensei que tinha sido lá que te tinhas encontrado com a Hanna e as outras.
Sorry, um, I thought that you were room service.
Desculpa, pensei que eras do serviço de quartos.
♪ I came to win, you came to run... ♪ I thought we were going to Lucious'?
Julgava que íamos a casa do Lucious.
- I always thought you were so cute and talented.
Sempre te achei gira e talentosa.
I thought you guys were made for each other.
Pensei que vocês eram feitos um para o outro.
I'da thought you were smarter than that.
Pensei que fosses mais esperta que isso.
I've thought a lot about back then and I think you were right to leave me.
Pensei muito sobre aquela época e acho que fizeste bem em deixar-me.
I thought you and Rob were in New York when...
Pensava que estavas com o Ron em Nova Iorque quando...
I thought we agreed that you were not to contact me again in this time.
Acordámos que não me contactaria neste período.
I-I must say, we all thought you were going crazy, but thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Devo dizer, todos achámos que estava a enlouquecer, mas obrigado por trazer o assunto à nossa atenção.
I really thought you were smarter than this, Vernon.
Pensava que fosses mais esperto do que isto, Vernon.
I thought you socialists were against all nations and nationalists.
Pensava que os socialistas eram contra todas as nações e nacionalistas.
I thought you said there were 9 novitiates at your conclave.
Pensava que tinhas dito que havia nove aprendizes no teu conclave.
I thought they were letting you out.
Pensei que te iam libertar.

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